Course detail

Organizational Development and Growth of Company

FP-BODGEAcad. year: 2018/2019

Every year is established a huge number of new companies, but nevertheless 80% of them live to the fifth year of life. Managing growth and business development is therefore a challenging but important task for every small business to grow or maintain market competitiveness. The content of the lesson therefore offers a comprehensive view of organizational development and growth of established companies from the point of view of the context, process and nature of organizations' development efforts.
The content of the course is also focused on the diagnostics of data, information and their evaluation, the choice and decision in the form of specific interventions, the use of selected management procedures and techniques, the growth management for the fulfillment of strategic (developmental) and tactical goals of the organization.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Knowledge - the student knows the issues of organizational life cycles, identifies organizational resources and abilities that define the status of the organization at a certain stage, knows the basic concepts and models from the organizational development discipline, knows and defines the individual stages of the OD process and their application, defines and critically evaluates specific intervention methods and techniques that can be used and applied in selected situations, knows the principles of business relations development with interested groups at all stages of the company development, knows indicators and models of measuring effectiveness and evaluation of impacts of development activities.
Skills - the student acquires and processes relevant information from the organization's environment, evaluates the potential of enterprise development and cooperation with partners and investors in the environment, develops potential directions of company development and develops them into concrete interventions and connects them to company goals, justifies approaches to problem solving, processes action plans to implement business activities, constructively contributes to problem solving and decision making, conducts discussion to solve the problem, find solutions, efficiently uses teamwork, and applies management and leadership principles.
Competence - the student comprehensively assesses the development potential of the company, it is able to identify the problems and challenges related to managing the development and growth of its company, it diagnoses the current functioning of the company by collecting and analyzing diagnostic information to assess the functioning of the organization, decides and chooses appropriate interventions based on the feedback of the diagnostics of information, selects and implements the best interventions for change in order to improve its performance and efficiency, proposes actions, actions and activities including their implementation, is able to manage the development of business activities at all stages of enterprise development, interprets the results of diagnostic data and information using appropriate analyzes for evaluating the situation in the environment, evaluating the impacts of development interventions, creating and developing a team for solving a complex project.


This course is directly related to modules of Competitiveness of Small Company and Communication and Advertising of Small Company in the field of analyzing and evaluating the development potential of the company and the subsequent identification and provision of the necessary resources and capabilities for its security in all its development phases.
The central theme is the consistent and thoughtful mix of actions and activities at different levels of organization, it is essential that students have basic knowledge of management and other related areas such as human resources, marketing and finance.
An important part of the organization development process is the diagnosis of data both within the company and the position of the firm on the market, and it is therefore necessary for the students to have the knowledge and skills in the processing of statistical data.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

During the course will be used different forms of learning approaches, which will be evaluated as active participation in the preparation of tasks and team discussions to meet the conditions. The lectures are based mainly on students' active listening, but also in the form of team discussions on selected themes commissioned by lecturers, aiming at students to critically evaluate managerial approaches and leadership principles for the development of business activities and evaluate the broader contexts of business environment development and their impact business activity.
Exercise lessons take the form of individual and team solutions, including team discussions that represent group interaction. Exercise lessons require teamwork and team discussions with teachers and other members that will take place on the exercises every week. Participating in team discussions and case studies will deepen understanding of organizational growth issues for small businesses. The students acquire the necessary skills and competences in the form of communication at the level of the owner and manager of the small enterprise, communication in the team in solving complex projects. The students train the ability to solve problems and challenges, critically analyze and evaluate specific approaches and apply them in the context of their own business activities, articulate and present their ideas.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

During the semester the student has to complete and meet three criteria, which are interrelated and form individual points outcomes within the overall module evaluation. At the exercises the student must actively participate in solving and team discussions of case studies, processing and presentation of the semester project in the team. Excerpts from the exercise are 60% of the total module rating. At the end of the semester, students write an individual written test / exam, which accounts for 40% of the module's overall assessment.
The case studies design (20%) - will take the form of elaboration and discussion of selected small business case studies for the weekly exercises. Individual participation in discussions and case studies is a must and necessary part of gaining a deeper understanding of organizational development and growth management of small businesses.
Team semester project (40%) - will be realized through team report processing and presentation by all team members, which will be held in two selected dates in the last two weeks of the exercise. Participation in the elaboration and presentation of the team project is obligatory and necessary for gaining practical experience, application and implementation of interventions in their own business activities.
Written test/exam (40%) - the final exam will be a comprehensive exam including literature and lecture materials. The final exam will consist of five closed and two open questions. A written test is an obligatory part of the exam and course completion.

Course curriculum

1. Week lecture - Relevance of the problem, Organizational development and growth and their interconnection, planned versus emerging approach to change.
2. Week lecture -Internal context as a stimulus for further development and growth, internal vs. external orientation, life-style and growth-oriented SME.
3 Week Lecture - Lifecycles and Organizational Development Models of Small Businesses, Recognition of Firm Growth Pain, Pyramid of Organizational Development.
4. Week Lecture - OD Process (Part 1): Entry Process and Contract Making, Open System Model, Organizational Diagnostics, Team / Group Diagnostics and Employee Work.
5. Week Lecture - OD Process (2nd part): Collection, analysis and feedback of information diagnostics, intervention interventions, interventions and their effectiveness.
6. Week Lecture - OD Process (3rd part): Management and Change Management, Evaluation and Institutionalization of Change.
7. Week lecture - Interventions in human processes and organizational process intervention.
8. Week lecture - Techno-structural interventions, basic principles of organization, types of organizational structures, employee involvement, working suggestions.
9. Week lecture - Interventions in Human Resource Management, Performance Management, Talent Development, Managing Diversity of Workforce and Employee Welfare.
10. Week lecture - Strategic change interventions, transformational changes, organizational design, integrated strategic change, continuous change, dynamic strategy creation, self-designing, learning organization.
11. Week lecture -Transorganization changes: strategic alliances and network interventions, mergers, acquisitions. Building global and international companies, innovators, climbers, price and quality providers.
12. Week lecture - Measurement of growth and development in small firms, financial capital and sources of financing growth at different stages of the life cycle, business angels, venture capital, IPO.
13. Week - Written examination

1. Exercise - General introduction, conditions assessments,Team project, Evaluation own goals and motivation in business, Conflicts between company owners and ownership concentration.
2. Exercise - Internal context as stimulus for development and growth, The CEO aspiration and motivation, Case study 1 : Selena Group: "Internationalizing through Multilocality".
3. Exercise - Environmental circumstance and uncertainty, Case study 2 : "Pipistrel: The Freedom of Flight", Negative country of origin effect, Case study 3: "Avangate: Preparing the Trans-Atlantic Jump".
4. Exercise - Strategy choice and decision about future strategies, Case study 4: "Estonia´s Laser Diagnostic Instruments (LDI) AS: : beaming toward growth, Strategy choice and decision about growth strategies and business model, Case study 5: "ACE enterprise Slovakia: Drawing Out the Future".
5. Exercise - Team project presentation
6. Exercise - Team project presentation

Work placements

Not applicable.


The aim is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the development of the company as an integral part of the dynamic growth process of the organization, especially with the emphasis on the proactive nature of these efforts and aiming at the development of individuals, teams and organizations as a whole. The central theme is an organizational diagnostic process based on an action- reasearch model through which students identify issues and challenges related to the growth of their small organization and the need for change. The students diagnose the current functioning of the company, suggest appropriate interventions, and choose the best intervention for change to improve organizational effectiveness and performance. The learning outcomes of the course are directed, that the students are able to identify organizational problems and challenges related to business growth, especially proactively and intentionally to manage actions and activities at different levels of their own business activities through development interventions in aspects such as strategy development, interest groups and partnerships, organization of work and organizational structure, human resources management, and human processes.
The course focuses on established businesses on the market, does not address the start-up phase or the preparation of a business start-up plan. Students can apply the knowledge and skills in the field of multifunctional project teams responsible for organizational development related to the preparation and implementation of changes in larger enterprises, or in the position of external consultants.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The participation in lectures and exercises is mandatory and controlled. Teaching is controlled by the student's personal presence through registration in the registration document directly to the teacher. Checks on individual activities are done by evaluating participation in the processing of individual and team tasks and discussions.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Cummings Thomas and Worley Christopher. Organization Development and Change. 10th edition. Cengage Learning. 2014. 832 p. ISBN 1305143035. (EN)

Recommended reading

Burke, Warner W. Lake, Dale G. Paine, Jill W. Organizational Change: A comprehensive Reader. John Wiley & Sons, 2008. 1016 p. ISBN 0470260564. (EN)
Davidsson, P. Delmar, F. Wiklund, J. Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms. Edward Elgar Publishing. 2006. 226 p. ISBN 1781009945. (EN)
Flamholtz, E. G., Randle, Y. Growing Pains: Building Sustainably Successful Organizations. 5th edition. John Wiley & Sons. 2007. 400 p. ISBN 1118916425. (EN)
Flamholtz, E. Randle, Y. Leading Strategic Change: Bridging Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press. 2008. ISBN 1139471775. (EN)
Prats, J. Sosna, M. and Sysko-Romańczuk, S. Entrepreneurial Icebreakers. Insights and Case Studies from Internationally Successful Central and Eastern European Entrepreneurs. Palgrave Macmillan. 2015. 404 p. ISBN 9781137446305. (EN)
Yaeger, T. F. Sorensen, P. F. Strategic Organization Development: Managing Change for Success. IAP, 2009. 309 p. ISBN 9781607522119. (EN)

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme BAK-E Bachelor's

    branch BAK-ESBD , 3 year of study, summer semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1. týden přednáška - Základní rámec organizačního rozvoje a růstu společnosti (definování organizačního rozvoje a růstu společnosti, plánovaný versus emergentní přístup, proč, jak, co rozvíjet, dopady a důsledky rozvojových úsilí).
2. týden přednáška - Externí kontext jako stimul pro další rozvoj a růst společnosti (podnikání v podmínkách nejistoty a okolností, tržní příležitosti a konkurenční tlak, rozvoj a růst společnosti jako cíl a očekávání různých zúčastněných stran).
3 týden přednáška - Interní kontext jako stimul pro další rozvoj a růst společnosti (organický rozvoj, životní cyklus organizace a fáze rozvoje organizace, pyramida organizačního rozvoje společnosti).
4. týden přednáška - Aspirace a motivace CEO (interní vs externí orientace, pokračující podnikatelství, transformační, transakční a pružné vedení).
5. týden přednáška - Budování globálních a mezinárodních společnosti (z izolovaných a opožděných trhů na vedoucí a rozhodující trhy, Inovátoři, Horolezci, Poskytovatelé ceny a kvality).
6. týden přednáška - Bolesti z růstu (organizační pokles a propad, rozpoznání bolestí z růstu a posouzení potřeby změny, identifikace krizí, krizové matice).
7. týden přednáška - Proces organizačního rozvoje (zadávání a uzavírání smluv, diagnostika, sběr, analýza a zpětná vazba diagnostiky informací).
8. týden přednáška - Proces řízení změny (hodnocení a institucionalizace organizačního rozvoje).
9 týden přednáška - Intervence strategických změn (transformační změny, charakteristika, organizační design, integrovaná strategická změna, změna kultury).
10 týden přednáška - Kontinuální změna (dynamická tvorba strategie, self-designing, učící se organizace a organizační učení).
11. týden přednáška - Trans-organizační změny (fúze, akvizice, strategické aliance a síťové intervence).
12. týden - Rozvoj lidských zdrojů a intervenční proces (mezilidské a skupinové procesní přístupy).
13. týden přednáška - Potřeba finančního kapitálu pro další růst a investice do rozvojového úsilí (potřeba zdrojů financování v rámci celého životního cyklu podniku, business angels, rizikový kapitál, IPO).


13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer


Cvičení probíhají formou individuálního i týmového řešení případových studií a finálních prezentací projektů, které odrážejí skutečné výzvy reálných firem a to v jejich kontextu, volbě a rozhodování pro další růst a rozvoj formou odpovídajících intervencí a jejich realizace dle vybraných postupů řízení za použití OD technik.
1.Cvičení - Environmentální okolnosti a nejistota prostředí (Případová studie: "Pipistrel: Svoboda letu"), Negativní účinek původu země (Případová studie: "Avangate: Příprava na trans-atlantický skok").
2. Cvičení - Vnitřní kontext jako stimul pro rozvoj a růst, aspirace a motivace klíčových lidí ve firmě (Případová studie: "Skupina Selena: Internacionalizace prostřednictvím multilocality").
3. Cvičení - Volba a rozhodnutí o budoucích strategiích (Případová studie: "Laserový diagnostický přístroj z Estonska: Vysílání směrem k růstu").
4. Cvičení - Volba a rozhodování o strategii růstu a podnikatelském modelu (Případová studie: "ACE firma na Slovensku: Vstříc budoucnosti").
5. cvičení - Prezentace projektů
6. cvičení - Prezentace projektů