Branch Details


Original title in Czech: Audio inženýrstvíFEKTAbbreviation: P-AUDAcad. year: 2016/2017

Programme: Audioengineering

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 20.10.2015Accredited until: 1.11.2019


The study programme provides interdisciplinary studies for MSc degree in audio engineering. The programme focuses on the education of professionals - sound engineers and audio technicians with technical and artistic overview in the area of audio equipment, audio signal processing, music direction and studio practice. Students are educated in the field of audio electronics, studio equipment and digital audio signal processing, and gain practical experience in studio practice.
The study of this branch can be commenced only after the students have successfully completed the bachelor’s degree programme and passed the bachelor’s final state examination, preferably in a programme oriented towards audio engineering or multimedia.
Instruction is provided primarily by the Department of Telecommunications FEEC and the Faculty of Music of JAMU in Brno. A wide range of optional courses along with individual technical and artistic projects and the master’s final work enable students to focus more closely on the area of studio audio engineering, audio technology, audio signal processing and multimedia.
Student can complement his theoretical knowledge by studying courses theoretical extension of the field of higher mathematics and physics. To extend the range of their knowledge the students select courses from other disciplines master's degree of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication (FEEC) BUT, as well as language courses and general education.

Key learning outcomes

The graduate will possess detailed knowledge in the field of audio signal processing, multimedia, spatial sound and modern audio technologies and knowledge of and its utilization in the studio practice, multimedia installations, etc. The area of the knowledge extends from the range of sound waves and audio signals through their analogue and digital processing, compression and transmission to design and realization of audio systems, from musical theory through recording practice to sound and multimedia installations. He is familiar with the principle of room acoustics and sound reinforcement using modern sound systems.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

The graduate will possess detailed knowledge in the field of audio signal processing, multimedia, spatial sound and modern audio technologies and knowledge of and its utilization in the studio practice, multimedia installations, etc. The area of the knowledge extends from the range of sound waves and audio signals through their analogue and digital processing, compression and transmission to design and realization of audio systems, from musical theory through recording practice to sound and multimedia installations. He is familiar with the principle of room acoustics and sound reinforcement using modern sound systems.
Graduates are fully qualified in area of audio electronics, acoustics, electro-acoustic and multimedia. The graduates have also knowledge in area of studio audio engineering, sound recording practice, sound reinforcement and technical realization of audio systems. Thanks to the good theoretical foundations coupled with sufficiently universal education in applications-oriented studies he can be expected to accommodate to all concrete requirements of his future professional practice also in other related areas.
Graduates in this branch of MSc studies will find application in the research, development, design and operation of broadcasting, post-production and recording studios, theatres, in the staging musical performances, multimedia production, in companies engaged in the production, sale and service of audio and music electronics, in companies engaged in the design of studios and space for audio production, with complex installation of AV technology, etc. In addition to their technical knowledge of problems, they will be prepared to perform higher executive and managerial functions. Their sufficient theoretical education provides the required basis for possible enlargement of their knowledge in doctoral studies.

Entry requirements

The condition for admitting is a completed secondary education and passing the talent examination and written examination from the field of the audio engineering.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
PSP3Sound Recording Practice 1cs4Compulsoryyes
PUM1Art of New Media - Art and Technology 1cs5Compulsoryyes
PVTMVideo Technology and Multimediacs5Compulsoryyes
PFT1Film Making 1cs4Optional specializedyes
PIN1Instrumentation 1cs5Optional specializedyes
PSA1Auditory Analysis 1cs4Optional specializedyes
MDREDifferential Equations in Electrical Engineeringcs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MPSOProbability, Statistics and Operations Researchcs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MTEOElectronic Circuits Theorycs7Optional interdisciplinaryyes
XAJDAcademic Language Skills for Electrical Engineering and Informaticscs3General knowledgeno
XJA3English Everyday Conversation.cs3General knowledgeno
PDH3History of Music in 18th and 19th Century 1cs6General knowledgeyes
PDV1History of Vocal Music 1cs6General knowledgeyes
XAREEffective Reading of Electrotechnical Englishcs3General knowledgeno
PKO1Creative Personality 1cs4General knowledgeyes
MASPGeneral English for Intermediate Studentscs3General knowledgeno
POH1Orchestal Play 1cs2General knowledgeyes
XPRIProject Managementcs, en4General knowledgeno
PTK1Fundamentals of Composition Theory 1cs4General knowledgeyes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MCSIDigital Signal Processingcs6Compulsoryyes
PXMTProfessional Practicecs0Compulsoryyes
PSP4Sound Recording Practice 2cs4Compulsoryyes
PUM2Art of New Media - Art and Technology 2cs5Compulsoryyes
PFT2Film Making 2cs5Optional specializedyes
PIN2Instrumentation 2cs5Optional specializedyes
MNAVComputers and Peripheral Devicescs6Optional specializedyes
PSA2Auditory Analysis 2cs5Optional specializedyes
MADPA/D and D/A Converterscs6Optional specializedyes
MMATMatrices and Tensors Calculuscs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MMIAMicrocontrollers for Advanced Applicationscs6Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MMNMModern Numerical Methodscs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
XMW5Programming .NET and C#cs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
BSCPThe C++ Programming Languagecs4Optional interdisciplinaryyes
XAJDAcademic Language Skills for Electrical Engineering and Informaticscs3General knowledgeno
XJA3English Everyday Conversationcs3General knowledgeno
MELBSafe Electrical Engineeringcs2General knowledgeyes
PDH4History of Music in 18th and 19th Century 2cs7General knowledgeyes
PDV2History of Vocal Music 2cs7General knowledgeyes
XAREEffective Reading of Electrotechnical Englishcs3General knowledgeno
PKO2Creative Personality 2cs4General knowledgeyes
MASPGeneral English for Intermediate Studentscs3General knowledgeno
POH2Orchestal Play 2cs2General knowledgeyes
XPRIProject Managementcs, en4General knowledgeno
PTK2Fundamentals of Composition Theory 2cs5General knowledgeyes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MEFEEnglish for Lifecs, en4General knowledgeyes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
PAZSAcoustics and Audio Systemscs6Compulsoryno
PIE1Interactive Electronics in Practice 1cs4Compulsoryno
PM2TSemestral Thesiscs2Compulsoryno
MCASDigital Audio Signal Processingcs6Optional specializedyes
PIN1Instrumentation 1cs5Optional specializedyes
PKM1Composition of Multimedia Works 1cs4Optional specializedno
MSPRDigital Signal Processorscs6Optional specializedyes
PZI1Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Music 1cs4Optional specializedno
MDTVDigital Television and Radio Systemscs6Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MPPRComputer-Supported Solution of Engineering Problemscs6Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MPSOProbability, Statistics and Operations Researchcs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
XAJDAcademic Language Skills for Electrical Engineering and Informaticscs3General knowledgeno
XJA3English Everyday Conversation.cs3General knowledgeno
PDH3History of Music in 18th and 19th Century 1cs6General knowledgeyes
PDV1History of Vocal Music 1cs6General knowledgeyes
XAREEffective Reading of Electrotechnical Englishcs3General knowledgeno
PKO1Creative Personality 1cs4General knowledgeyes
MASPGeneral English for Intermediate Studentscs3General knowledgeno
POH1Orchestal Play 1cs2General knowledgeyes
XPOMManagement Minimumcs4General knowledgeyes
PTK1Fundamentals of Composition Theory 1cs4General knowledgeyes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
PMSTDiploma Thesiscs20Compulsoryno
PIE2Interactive Electronics in Practice 2cs5Compulsoryno
PXMTProfessional Practicecs0Compulsoryyes
PIN2Instrumentation 2cs5Optional specializedyes
PKM2Composition of Multimedia Works 2cs4Optional specializedno
PZI2Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Music 2cs5Optional specializedno
MZPRSpeech Processingcs6Optional specializedyes
MMATMatrices and Tensors Calculuscs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MMNMModern Numerical Methodscs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MGMPModern Computer Graphicscs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
MPZOAdvanced Techniques of Image Processingcs6Optional interdisciplinaryyes
XMW5Programming .NET and C#cs5Optional interdisciplinaryyes
BSCPThe C++ Programming Languagecs4Optional interdisciplinaryyes
XAJDAcademic Language Skills for Electrical Engineering and Informaticscs3General knowledgeno
XJA3English Everyday Conversationcs3General knowledgeno
MELBSafe Electrical Engineeringcs2General knowledgeyes
PDH4History of Music in 18th and 19th Century 2cs7General knowledgeyes
PDV2History of Vocal Music 2cs7General knowledgeyes
XAREEffective Reading of Electrotechnical Englishcs3General knowledgeno
PKO2Creative Personality 2cs4General knowledgeyes
MASPGeneral English for Intermediate Studentscs3General knowledgeno
POH2Orchestal Play 2cs2General knowledgeyes
PTK2Fundamentals of Composition Theory 2cs5General knowledgeyes
2. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
PXUPArt projectcs5Compulsoryno
MEFEEnglish for Lifecs, en4General knowledgeyes