Branch Details

Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering

Original title in Czech: Základy strojního inženýrstvíFSIAbbreviation: B-STIAcad. year: 2017/2018

Programme: Engineering

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: 1.9.2003Accredited until: 31.8.2022


The bachelor’s study programme “Mechanical Engineering” is intended as the most effective way to prepare students for the study in a follow-up master’s study programme. The graduates will have a wide professional basis enabling them to continue in some branch in a two-year follow-up master’s study programme specialised in mechanical engineering.

  • The graduates may choose any branch within a two-year follow-up master’s study programme (today approximately 20 branches).

  • Bachelor’s study graduates may immediately start their professional career; they may work as e.g. technicians in development, constructional, and technological institutes or enterprises, manufacturing plants, services and trade.

Key learning outcomes

Graduates will have gained fundamental engineering knowledge:

  • in general theoretical subjects (mathematics, geometry, physics, chemistry, etc.)
  • in subjects focusing on mechanical engineering (mechanics of rigid and deformable bodies , materials science, thermomechanics, hydromechanics, etc.)
  • in the area of mechanical engineering technologies (manufacturing, machining, etc.).
Such level of knowledge will enable the graduates its confident practical applications and to develop it further within design and applied engineering branches in the follow-up Master’s study.
Bachelor’s study also involves mastering a foreign language at an intermediate level.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

  • The graduates may continue their studies in a two-year follow-up master's study programme at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, at request and usually without entrance examinations.
  • They may choose any branch within a two-year follow-up master's study programme at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Today they can choose from approximately 20 branches.
  • Graduates may also continue their studies in any follow-up master's study programme provided by other technical university.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
A3English 3en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
A5English 5en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
1IN-AComputer Scienceen5Compulsory-optional1INyes
1INComputer Sciencecs5Compulsory-optional1INyes
1K-AMachine Design Fundamentalsen4Compulsory-optional1Kyes
1KMachine Design Fundamentalscs4Compulsory-optional1Kyes
1MMathematics Ics9Compulsory-optional1Myes
1M-AMathematics Ien9Compulsory-optional1Myes
1PGComputer Geometry and Graphicscs5Compulsory-optional1PGyes
1PG-AComputer Geometry and Graphicsen5Compulsory-optional1PGyes
0KDSelected Chapters from Descriptive Geometrycs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0ZKSelected Chapters from Fundamentals of Designcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0KMSelected Chapters from Mathematicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
YDFFundamentals of Designcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
YKAFundamentals of Drawingcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
2IVInformation Knowledge - Information Literacycs1Compulsoryyes
A4English 4en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
A6English 6en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
2KMachine Designcs3Compulsory-optional2Kyes
2K-AMachine Designen3Compulsory-optional2Kyes
2FPhysics Ics7Compulsory-optional2Fyes
2F-APhysics Ien7Compulsory-optional2Fyes
2MMathematics IIcs8Compulsory-optional2Myes
2M-AMathematics IIen8Compulsory-optional2Myes
2NUNumerical Methodscs4Compulsory-optional2NUyes
2NU-ANumerical Methodsen4Compulsory-optional2NUyes
2VTManufacturing Technology Ics3Compulsory-optional2VTyes
2VT-AManufacturing Technology Ien3Compulsory-optional2VTyes
BUM-AIntroduction to Material Science and Engineeringen6Compulsory-optionalBUMyes
BUMIntroduction to Material Science and Engineeringcs6Compulsory-optionalBUMyes
0MIPractical Materials Engineering on Industrial Artefactscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0KFSelected Topics in Physics Ics0Elective (voluntary)yes
0UMMaterials Engineering - Selected Topicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0VPSelected Chapters from Programmingcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
3FPhysics IIcs8Compulsoryyes
3MMathematics IIIcs8Compulsoryyes
3SVStructure and Properties of Materialscs5Compulsoryyes
3VTProduction Technology IIcs2Compulsoryyes
A3English 3en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
A5English 5en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
0AAApplied Algebra for Engineerscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0ZPAventics Pneumobil Racingcs3Elective (voluntary)yes
0HZBarrel Guns cs2Elective (voluntary)yes
0SVEngineering Materials - Selected Topicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0FKSelected Topics in Physics IIcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
4KCDesign and CADcs2Compulsoryyes
4MMathematics IVcs5Compulsoryyes
3NUNumerical Methods IIcs2Compulsoryyes
DTBMachining Technologycs6Compulsoryyes
A4English 4en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
A6English 6en0Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
4PP-AStrength of Materials Ien7Compulsory-optionalstrenght and stressyes
4PPStrength of Materials Ics7Compulsory-optionalstrenght and stressyes
0MVCalculus with MAPLEcs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0MSMathematical Softwarecs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0EKUp-to-date Energy Systems and Bachelor's Thesescs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0PFComputer Physicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
DPTProgramming Techniquescs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0SSStatistical Softwarecs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0PPSelected Topics in Strength of Materialscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
5TETechnology IIcs4Compulsoryyes
5FMMaterials Physicscs5Compulsory-optional1yes
5PPStrength of Materials IIcs5Compulsory-optional1yes
5PP-AStrength of Materials IIen5Compulsory-optional1yes
6MSLimit States of Materials and Structurescs4Compulsory-optional2yes
6SRConstruction of Production Machines and Robotscs4Compulsory-optional2yes
6SMEngineering Metrology Ics4Compulsory-optional2yes
5KS-AMachine Design - Machine Elementsen5Compulsory-optional3yes
5KSMachine Design - Machine Elementscs5Compulsory-optional3yes
EACApplication of CAD/CAM in Machining Technology Ics4Elective (voluntary)yes
0ZPAventics Pneumobil Racingcs3Elective (voluntary)yes
0PEPractical Energeticscs2Elective (voluntary)yes
0PMPractical Metallographycs0Elective (voluntary)yes
0ATSeminar of Applied Thermomechanicscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
6BBachelor Projectcs5Compulsoryyes
6EEElectrical Engineering and Electronicscs5Compulsoryyes
6ABachelor Seminarcs2Compulsoryyes
6KMMachine Design - Mechanisms, 3D Print and Solidworkscs4Compulsory-optional4yes
6KPSolution of Basic Problems of Solids Mechanics by FEMcs4Compulsory-optional4yes
6T3Technology IIIcs4Compulsory-optional4yes
6KTMachine Design - Mechanical Drivescs4Compulsory-optional5yes
6KT-AMachine Design - Mechanical Drivesen4Compulsory-optional5yes
FACApplication of CAD/CAM in Machining Technology IIcs3Elective (voluntary)yes
0KTAir Conditioning and Heat Pumpscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
FLEAircraftcs3Elective (voluntary)yes
PSTStatistical Methods in Engineeringcs4Elective (voluntary)yes
0PPSelected Topics in Strength of Materialscs0Elective (voluntary)yes
3. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
5AZEnglish - Basic Examen6Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
7AZEnglish - Exam B1en6Compulsory-optionalEnglishyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
English 1 A3, A5
1 1 5FM, 5PP, 5PP-A
4 1 6KM, 6KP, 6T3
English 1 A4, A6
English 1 A3, A5
English 1 A4, A6
2K 1 2K, 2K-A
2 1 6MS, 6SR, 6SM
English 1 5AZ, 7AZ
3CD 1 3CD-A, 3CD
strenght and stress 1 4PP-A, 4PP
5 1 6KT, 6KT-A
3 1 5KS-A, 5KS
2F 1 2F, 2F-A
1CH 1 1CH, 1CH-A
1IN 1 1IN-A, 1IN
2M 1 2M, 2M-A
1K 1 1K-A, 1K
2NU 1 2NU, 2NU-A
2VT 1 2VT, 2VT-A
1M 1 1M, 1M-A
1PG 1 1PG, 1PG-A