Branch Details
Forensic Engineering
Original title in Czech: Soudní inženýrstvíÚSIAbbreviation: SOIAcad. year: 2011/2012Specialisation: Property Valuation
Programme: Forensic Engineering
Length of Study: 4 years
Accredited from: 24.4.2008Accredited until: 30.4.2016
Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program
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Tutor: Šmahel Milan, Ing., Ph.D.
- Analysis development of the Construction of Residential Properties at the Brno in time period from 1990 to nowadays.
The goal is to analyze the design and development of residential construction in the second largest city in the Czech Republic - Brno during the period from 1990 to present. The challenge will be to describe the implementation of selected projects and an investment plan for the handover. Perform analysis of price trends assessed property types, and provide predictions of the future development of residential construction in the town of Brno.
Tutor: Šmahel Milan, Ing., Ph.D.
- Analysis for the use of valuation methodologies of real estate in Austria for expert practice in the Czech Republic.
The goal is to collect all relevant legislation and the methodology used for valuing real estate in Germany. To analyze these rules and valuation methods and the practical procedures for their use for valuation in the Czech Republic. The work will be a few specific examples of awards selected properties in CR using these foreign practices. This theme is suitable for graduate engineering with real estate contacts in the field of problems of the selected state.
Tutor: Šmahel Milan, Ing., Ph.D.
- Analysis of Critical Locations for Road Transport with Regards to Applic
The aim of the work is to propose organizational and constructional changes in chosen critical locations that will lead to increasing of the safety of the road transport in chosen stages of communications.
- Analysis of the impact speed of construction on the final quality of the works
The aim is to analyze the reasons for investors' pressure for rapid construction and consequences of the rapid construction of the resulting quality of the works. Define the function of the project participants of their competencies and their impact on the quality of the construction. Identify the most common errors in construction resulting from the current upward trend in the course of construction and their impact on the quality of individual buildings and the whole works.
Tutor: Šmahel Milan, Ing., Ph.D.
- Analysis of the necessary and safe side distance between overtaking vehicle and pedestrian and between overtaking vehicle and bicycle.
The goal of the thesis is to make the methodology and define the recommendation pursuant to different measurements of side distance between vehicle and pedestrian and between vehicle and bicycle during their overtaking.
- Analysis of the necessary and safe side distance between two vehicles and between vehicle and motorcycle during passing of the vehicles.
The goal of the thesis is to make the methodology and define recommendation pursuant to different measurements of side distance between vehicles mutually and between vehicle and motorcycle during their passing.
- Analysis of the possibilities of the driver in averting vehicle collision with a pedestrian at pedestrian movement across the road
The aim of this work is to evaluate relevant factors that increase the probability of traffic accidents on the base of the analysis of the driver's visual possibilities with a pedestrian at pedestrian movement across the road, and these elaborated in terms of traffic accidents analysis needs and the possibility of increasing road safety.
- Deceleration analysis of public transport vehicles and determine criteria for transportation safety assessment of standing passengers in the bus
The aim of this work is build the methodology for assessing the deceleration of public transport vehicles, trolleys in order to determine criteria for transportation safety evaluating of standing passengers
- Deceleration analysis of public transport vehicles and determine criteria for transportation safety assessment of standing passengers in the tram
The aim of this work is build the methodology for assessing the deceleration of public transport vehicles, trolleys in order to determine criteria for transportation safety evaluating of standing passengers
- Deceleration analysis of public transport vehicles and determine criteria for transportation safety assessment of standing passengers in the trolley
The aim of this work is build the methodology for assessing the deceleration of public transport vehicles, trolleys in order to determine criteria for transportation safety evaluating of standing passengers
- Determining the duration a driver needs to asses the situation behind his vehicle before turning or overtaking
In the analysis of traffic accidents involving maneuvers to turn or overtake, it is necessary to take into account the time the driver needs to assess his backwards situation. This particular time has never been systematically analyzed yet. Therefore, only estimates by the experts are used which are biased due to their personal experience and thus, are not rational. The goals of this thesis are to develop a measuring methodology for the determination of actual times as well as the application of such a method in order to create a catalogue with real world values.
- Development and utilization of nondestructive testing methods in the building industry in terms of forensic engineering
Goal: The development in physics and electronics makes it leads to the development of new test methods. The theme of the thesis is to find a new nondestructive testing methods in building industry and their application in the field of forensic engineering.
- Effect of human factor in the causes, course and consequences of road accidents
Work will focus on analyzing the effects of human factors contribute to the emergence of the causes of traffic accidents.
- Expert methodology for system evaluating of the territorial systems of ecological stability and significant landscape elements
The aim is to find, selection, definition and quantification of various parameters needed for accurate valuation of territorial systems of ecological stability and significant landscape elements. It is designed for graduates of the Faculty of Forestry, landscape engineering field
- Expert quantification process of tree in the 8th forest vegetation zone PLO 13 Šumava, using a functional diagnostic
The aim is to obtain a standard for the calibration of instrumentation used in the context of the valuation methods of contact vegetation "CFA (Contact Flora Assessment). Results will be used for individual tree evaluation for the purposes of judicial expertise. Suitable for graduates of Forest and Wood Science.
- Extraordinary events and their impact on human behavior
Risk analysis for selected types of emergencies, suggestions for action, behavioral manifestations
- Impact Assessment for the existence of flood property elimination of significant risks associated with human activities.
Analysis of the causes of incidents resulting from misguided human intervention, assessment of their impact on the occurrence and extent of material damage. Possibilities of prevention. PoslechFonetický přepis
- Marks identification on the place of an trafiic accident based on their chemical features
Possibilities of the marks identification on the accident place by using their specific chemical features. It would be especially the visualization of braking and driving wheel traces of vehicles and vehicle fluids based on a chemical reaction. The topic is particularly suitable for a graduate of FCH BUT or or equivalent faculty of different university
Tutor: Bradáč Albert, Ing., Ph.D.
- Marks identification on the place of an trafiic accident based on their physical features
Possibilities of the marks identification on the accident site by using their specific physical properties such as reflectance of light, water repellent (or other liquid), etc. Thermal inertia and the subsequent identification using thermal cameras have already been solved. Thesis is mainly about identification of wheel traces, vehicle fluids and engraving traces.
Tutor: Bradáč Albert, Ing., Ph.D.
- Modelling discount rates for valuation yield construction company with major economic fluctuations
Discount size / rate / form an important element model for the valuation of yield business methods. The reason for the transfer of any future revenues at present. Therefore, up to date using these models is limited by the current economic situation. The aim is to create a usable model
- Safety and security risks in transportation
Traffic and transportation risks, legislative action
- Safety risks in traffic, their impact on human (the victim)
Work will focus on safety and risks of transport in relation to victims and their consequences
- Standardization of expert methods, the typology of expertise, as necessary for safety diagnostics
The aim is to quantify the parameters for establishing procedures in the various types of expert reports, in the field of expert activities “Safety work in theforestry”. It is the field of expert activities, in which is in the Czech Republic only a few active experts
- Standardization of procedures for an expert valuation protected historical real estate
The goal is to practice stadardizaci expert valuation protected historical buildings. The work has aimed to create a coefficient of "cultural (historical) values, which will reflect the difference in price of a listed building from the building standard (unprotected). The methodology will be determined depending on the size and significance of the cultural community, the CR will divide according to these criteria in several areas. The work will be shown several examples of valuation methodology and will be solved by a comparison of observed prices of the listed building and building standard.
Tutor: Šmahel Milan, Ing., Ph.D.
- Standardization of procedures for identifying expert land prices and the determination of rents from land in agricultural areas in the CR.
The goal is to analyze the currently used methods of valuation of land and methods of determining the rent of land in agricultural sites, expert advice on optimal procedures for evaluating and determining the rent of the land in the selected location.
Tutor: Šmahel Milan, Ing., Ph.D.
- Standardization of procedures for the establishment of expert normal value works
Goal of thesis is to analyze the various types of pricing works, their evaluation for suitability and practical usability and to determine normal value of construction work in processing expertise and design standard processes usable in practice the expert
Tutor: Šmahel Milan, Ing., Ph.D.
- Stres in transport
The issue of stress in the transport sector, its measurement, detection, manifestations, behavior, and possible solutions.
- System approach in cost appraisement of real estate
Goal of this thesis is to analyse cost methods for appraisement of real estate in system approach with emphasis on delimitation of limiting states at payoff appraisement of real estate and creation of system of essential quantities in cost appraisement of real estate.
- System approach in payoff appraisement of real estate
Goal of this thesis is to analyse payoff methods for appraisement of real estate in system approach with emphasis on delimitation of limiting states at payoff appraisement of real estate and creation of system of essential quantities in payoff appraisement of real estate.
- The contribution of forensic engineering in resolving damage caused by floods andfailures of hydraulic engineering
The dissertation will study the causes of failures of hydraulic engineering, resulting inflooding of inhabited and industrial areas or areas of water management and faultstructures arising due to flooding. The proposals will also be construction of hydraulic engineering focused on current scientific knowledge and research. They evaluated the technological aspects of water applied during the construction of buildings in terms ofenvironmental requirements
- The development modelling of the middle-size construction company's value in the real competition
The description: On the basis of the middle-size construction company's economic results will be made up a model which will describe contemporary swings in the economic situation of the Czech republic
- Tools and methods for predicting the development of the real estate market
The aim of dissertation will be the suggestion of methodology for predicting the real estate market or the selected segment (the commodity of the real estate markets). There will be used for prediction methods of classical statistics in combination with robust statistical methods and fuzzy logic. As the factors influencing the development of the real estate market will be selected appropriate indicators of macro-economic, socio-economic, political and other area.
- Working reliability of humans in the work system, risk prevention
The work will deal with assessing the reliability of humans in the work system in direct relation to risk management (including the risk factors of working environment, work and health)
- Working reliability of humans in the work system, risk prevention
The work will deal with assessing the reliability of humans in the work system in direct relation to risk management (including the risk factors of working environment, work and health)
Course structure diagram with ECTS credits
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSS01 | Doctoral Seminary I | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Col | yes | ||
DSB01 | Basic of Law for Expert Activity | cs | 0 | Compulsory | DrEx | yes | ||
DSA01 | Numerical Methods I | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | 1 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSB02 | Legal Aspects of the Scientific Work | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Col | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSS03 | Doctoral Seminary III | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Col | yes | ||
DSE02 | Special Methodology of Forensic Engineering - Forensic Ecotechnics | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | 1 | yes | |
DSE03 | Special Methodology of Forensic Engineering - General Principles of Property Evaluation | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | 1 | yes | |
DSE07 | Special Methodology of Forensic Engineering - Evaluation of Movable Property | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | 1 | yes | |
DSE05 | Special Methodology of Forensic Engineering - Real Estate Evaluation | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | 1 | yes | |
DSE04 | Special Methodology of Forensic Engineering - Forensic Engineering in Civil Engineering | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | 1 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSS04 | Doctoral Seminary IV | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Col | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSJ01 | Foreign Language for the Doctoral Studies | cs | 0 | Compulsory | DrEx | yes | ||
DSE01 | Special Methodology of Forensic Engineering - Traffic Accidents Analysis | cs | 0 | Compulsory-optional | DrEx | 1 | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSS05 | Doctoral Seminary V | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Col | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSS06 | Doctoral Seminary VI | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Col | yes |
Abbreviation | Title | L. | Cr. | Com. | Compl. | Hr. range | Gr. | Op. |
DSS07 | Doctoral Seminary VII | cs | 0 | Compulsory | Col | yes |
All the groups of optional courses | ||
Gr. | Number of courses | Courses |
1 | 1 - 10 | DSD06, DSD07, DSD10, DSD03, DSD09, DSD02, DSD01, DSD05, DSD04, DSD08 |
1 | 1 - 2 | DSA01, DSA02 |
1 | 1 - 5 | DSE02, DSE03, DSE07, DSE05, DSE04, DSE01 |