Branch Details


FAAbbreviation: ARCHAcad. year: 2012/2013

Programme: Architecture and urban design

Length of Study: 1 year

Accredited from: 29.2.2020Accredited until: 30.11.2020


To educate a universal expert in the field of architecture and urban design, an architect - designer. The bachelor is trained for activity in architectural and structural design offices and other institutions


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
ST1Studio - FREE ASSIGNMENT Ien16ElectiveGCryes
EFCEffective communication en2ElectiveGCryes
6X8Conversion of buildingsen, fr2ElectiveGCryes
2M6Management and valorize of cultural heritageen2ElectiveGCrSS - 26yes
MMEBasic management for architectsen, cs2ElectiveGCryes
MFAMarketing for Architects en2ElectiveGCryes
3M6Development planning of the city and regionen2ElectiveGCr - 2yes
PMAProject managementen2ElectiveGCryes
1M6Contemporary Architectureen2ElectiveExP - 26yes
SCAStructural calculations 1en2ElectiveGCryes
BUSBuilding structures, Environment and Energyen2ElectiveGCryes
UTPUrbanism V - Territorial Planning en4ElectiveGCryes
VE2Computer Technology II - 2D modellingen4ElectiveGCrCp - 52yes
VE4Computer Technologies IV - 3D modelling and visualizationen4ElectiveGCrP - 26 / Cp - 26no
VT8Graphic techniquesen2ElectiveGCrno
ZAALandscape Architectureen3ElectiveGCryes
ARCArchitecture of 20th Century 1en3Elective (voluntary)ExP - 26yes
FIG1Figural Drawingen2Elective (voluntary)GCrVA - 26yes
RHERhinocerosen4Elective (voluntary)GCrCp - 26yes
VT9Art - Drawing Ien2Elective (voluntary)GCrVA - 26yes
VT10Art - Drawing IIen2Elective (voluntary)GCrVA - 26no
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
ST2Studio - FREE ASSIGNMENT IIen16ElectiveGCryes
EFCEffective communication en2ElectiveGCryes
6X8Conversion of buildingsen, fr2ElectiveGCryes
2M6Management and valorize of cultural heritageen2ElectiveGCrSS - 26yes
MMEBasic management for architectsen, cs2ElectiveGCryes
MFAMarketing for architects en2ElectiveGCryes
3M6Development planning of the city and regionen2ElectiveGCr - 2yes
PMAProject managementen2ElectiveGCryes
1M6Contemporary architectureen2ElectiveExP - 26yes
SCAStructural calculations 2en2ElectiveGCryes
5M6Structural technologyen2ElectiveGCrS - 26no
UTPUrbanism V - Territorial Planning en4ElectiveGCryes
VE2Computer Technologiy II - 2D Modellingen4ElectiveGCrCp - 52yes
VE4Computer Technologies IV - 3D modelling and visualizationen4ElectiveGCrP - 26 / Cp - 26yes
VT8Art - Colouren2ElectiveGCryes
ZAALandscape architectureen3ElectiveGCryes
BSABasic Structures for Architectsen2ElectiveGCryes
ARCArchitecture of 20th Century 2en3Elective (voluntary)ExP - 26yes
FIG1Figural Drawingen2Elective (voluntary)GCrVA - 26yes
VT9Art - Drawing Ien2Elective (voluntary)GCrVA - 26no
VT10Art - Drawing IIen2Elective (voluntary)GCrVA - 26yes