study programme

Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology

Original title in Czech: Fyzikální inženýrství a nanotechnologieFaculty: FMEAbbreviation: D-FIN-PAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0719D110004

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 24.9.2020 - 24.9.2030

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Physics Without thematic area 100

Study aims

The aim of the doctoral study in the proposed programme is to prepare highly educated experts in the field of physical engineering and nanotechnology with sufficient foreign experience, who will be able to perform independent creative, scientific and research activities in academia or applications in our country and abroad. The study is based on the doctoral students' own creative and research work at the level standardly required at foreign workplaces in the areas of research carried out at the training workplace and supported by national and international projects. These are the following areas of applied physics: physics of surfaces and nanostructures, light and particle optics and microscopy, construction of physical instruments and equipment, micromechanics of materials.

Graduate profile

The graduate has knowledge, skills and competencies for their own creative activities in some of the areas in which the research activities of the training workplace are carried out. These are applications of physics especially in the field of physics of surfaces and nanostructures, two-dimensional materials, nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, micromagnetism and spintronics, biophotonics, advanced light microscopy and spectroscopy, electron microscopy, laser nanometrology and spectroscopy, computer controlled X-ray micro and nanotomography, micro and development of technological and analytical equipment and methods for micro/nanotechnologies. The possibility of using the personnel and material background provided by the CEITEC research infrastructure as well as extensive cooperation with important foreign workplaces contributes to the high level of education. This guarantees that the graduate is able to present the results of their work orally and in writing and discuss them in English. Due to high professional competencies and flexibility, graduates find employment both in universities and other research institutions in our country and abroad, and in high-tech companies in the positions of researchers, developers, designers or team leaders.

Profession characteristics

Due to their high professional competencies and flexibility, graduates find employment in the field of basic and applied research at universities and other research institutions in our country and abroad, as well as in high-tech companies in the positions of researchers, developers, designers and team leaders.

Fulfilment criteria

See applicable regulations, DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)

Study plan creation

The rules and conditions of study programmes are determined by:
STUDY AND EXAMINATION RULES of Brno University of Technology (USING "ECTS"),
DEAN’S GUIDELINE Rules for the organization of studies at FME (supplement to BUT Study and Examination Rules)
DEAN´S GUIDELINE Rules of Procedure of Doctoral Board of FME Study Programmes
Students in doctoral programmes do not follow the credit system. The grades “Passed” and “Failed” are used to grade examinations, doctoral state examination is graded “Passed” or “Failed”.

Availability for the disabled

Brno University of Technology acknowledges the need for equal access to higher education. There is no direct or indirect discrimination during the admission procedure or the study period. Students with specific educational needs (learning disabilities, physical and sensory handicap, chronic somatic diseases, autism spectrum disorders, impaired communication abilities, mental illness) can find help and counselling at Lifelong Learning Institute of Brno University of Technology. This issue is dealt with in detail in Rector's Guideline No. 11/2017 "Applicants and Students with Specific Needs at BUT". Furthermore, in Rector's Guideline No 71/2017 "Accommodation and Social Scholarship“ students can find information on a system of social scholarships.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The presented doctoral study programme represents the highest level of education in the field of physical engineering and nanotechnology. Follows the academic and bachelor's and subsequent master's degree programme of "Physical Engineering and Nanotechnology", which are carried out at FME BUT.

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Analytical electron microscopy of materials and structures for nanophotonics

    The progress of nanophotonics is related to the introduction of novel materials and structures. Analytical electron microscopy provides an excellent tool for studying the materials and structures, allowing to determine their elemental and chemical composition, structural properties including the crystallinity, crystal lattice and its atomic and mesoscopic defects, and electron structure. Within the thesis, analytical electron microscopy will be applied to some of the recent nanophotonic materials and structures, including phase-changing materials (vanadium dioxide, gallium, Sb2S3), active plasmonic antennas, hybrid metal-dielectric structures, or plasmonic antennas featuring plasmonic lightning-rod effect. The work can also focus on the development of new methods of analytical electron microscopy.

    Tutor: Křápek Vlastimil, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.

  2. Atomically-thin Metasurface Optics based on High Performance 2D materials

    The highly-engineerable scattering properties of metallic and high-index semiconductor/dielectric nanostructures currently underpin the operation of nowadays metasurfaces. They support geometrical plasmonic or Mie resonances that offer strong light-matter interaction and excellent control over the scattering phase and amplitude. Their optical responses tend to be of a simple, linear form and they are hard to modify with external stimuli. As a result, basic Maxwell equation solvers can be used to predict and optimize their behavior. In stark contrast, van der Waals (vdW) materials comprised of atomically-thin layers bonded by the vdW force exhibit a fascinating diversity of quantum, collective, topological, non-linear, and ultrafast behaviors. It is exciting to think how such materials may open up new functions for metasurfaces [1]. This PhD topic aims to start addressing that question by exploring the new fundamental physics that can emerge at the cross roads of the metasurface and vdW fields. We will start by exploring how the properties of two-dimensional (2D) vdW semiconductors materials, such as the transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs), can be modified by subwavelength patterning to form atomically-thin metasurfaces. Further, flat 2D-material based metasurface optical devices for dynamic wavefront control providing new functionalities not achievable by bulk optical elements or “classical” plasmonic or all-dielectric metasurfaces will be studied.

    Tutor: Mach Jindřich, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. BICs in periodic nanophotonic systems

    Bound states in the continuum (BICs) represent a theoretically interesting way of field localization, which contradicts the conventional wisdom of bound states with energies solely outside the continuum of free states. BICs offer several interesting applications; for example, in photonics, BICs enable development of sensitive nanostructures with significant reduction of radiation leakage [1,2]. The study will focus on theoretical analysis and physical understanding of BICs in periodic nanophotonic systems, such as photonic crystals or metasurfaces, which can be used, e.g., for advanced biosensing [3]. The student will explore the existence and properties of the BICs in a selected class of the systems. Critical assessment of the benefits of the BICs in comparison with more traditional techniques from the point of view of potential sensing applications will be carried out. The study will rely heavily on numerical analysis. [1] K. Koshelev, A. Bogdanov, and Y. Kivshar, “Engineering with Bound States in the Continuum,” Opt. Photonics News, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 38, 2020 [2] S. I. Azzam and A. V. Kildishev, “Photonic Bound States in the Continuum: From Basics to Applications,” Adv. Opt. Mater., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 16–24, 2021 [3] M. L. Tseng, Y. Jahani, A. Leitis, and H. Altug, “Dielectric Metasurfaces Enabling Advanced Optical Biosensors,” ACS Photonics, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 47–60, 2021.

    Tutor: Petráček Jiří, prof. RNDr., Dr.

  4. BICs in photonic waveguides

    Bound states in the continuum (BICs) represent a theoretically interesting way of field localization, which contradicts the conventional wisdom of bound states with energies solely outside the continuum of free states. BICs offer several interesting applications; for example, in photonics, BICs enable development of sensitive nanostructures with significant reduction of radiation leakage [1,2]. Even though the first observation of photonic BIC was achieved in a system of coupled waveguides [3], the individual waveguides supported conventional modes outside the radiation continuum. Researchers have observed BICs in a single waveguide with a low-index core; however, effectively such a waveguide acts as a conventional quantum well (i.e., localization in the region with high effective refractive index). Therefore, the study will address this problem and focus on theoretical investigation of various possible alternative mechanisms that could enable BICs in waveguides. As a starting point anisotropy induced BICs in dielectric waveguides will be studied. Subsequently, more general class of waveguide structures will be considered; namely, we will assume nanophotonic waveguide structures and perform systematic parametric studies to explore the existence of new BICs. Finally, critical assessment of the benefits of the BICs in comparison with classical guided waves from the point of view of their potential integrated photonic applications will be carried out. [1] K. Koshelev, A. Bogdanov, and Y. Kivshar, “Engineering with Bound States in the Continuum,” Opt. Photonics News, vol. 31, no. 1, p. 38, 2020 [2] S. I. Azzam and A. V. Kildishev, “Photonic Bound States in the Continuum: From Basics to Applications,” Adv. Opt. Mater., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 16–24, 2021 [3] Y. Plotnik et al., “Experimental observation of optical bound states in the continuum,” Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 107, no. 18, pp. 28–31, 2011 [4] Y. Yu, et al., “Ultralow-Loss Etchless Lithium Niobate Integrated Photonics at Near-Visible Wavelengths,” Adv. Opt. Mater., vol. 9, no. 19, pp. 1–8, 2021.

    Tutor: Petráček Jiří, prof. RNDr., Dr.

  5. Biosensors based on graphene and related 2D materials

    Classical biochemical tests in vitro are currently replaced by bioelectronic sensors that excel in their speed, reusability and minimal dimensions. One of the most promising materials in this area is graphene, which has a high sensitivity to the presence of adsorbed molecules and is biocompatible at the same time. The subject of the doctoral thesis will be development and production of biosensors based on graphene and related two-dimensional materials. In the thesis, it will be necessary to master the general physical principles of sensors, problems of field-controlled transistors with electrolytic gate and functionalization to achieve selective sensor response. A suitable applicant is a graduate of a Master's degree in Physical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Biochemistry. Aims: 1) Managing physical principles of biosensors, their theoretical and experimental aspects. 2) Design and manufacture of a sensor based on a field-controlled transistor with an electrolytic gate. 3) Functionalization of sensor for specific biological and chemical reaction 4) Sensor response testing on selected biological materials.

    Tutor: Bartošík Miroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  6. Corrector of optical aberrations of the electron microscope

    Rotationally symmetric electromagnetic lenses used for imaging in electron microscopy are burdened by imaging aberrations that limit their resolution. Several physical principles have been described in the literature, which make it possible to correct aberrations of electromagnetic lenses. Image correction can be achieved, for example, by a multi-pole electromagnetic field, a phase plate formed by a solid substance or field, an electrostatic mirror and others. Correction systems have been successfully implemented on some types of electron microscopes (e.g. a hexapole corrector for a spherical aberration in a transmission microscope). The dissertation will be focused on the methodology of correction of imaging aberrations and the design of a correction system for an electron microscope in cooperation with the company TESCAN.

    Tutor: Zlámal Jakub, Ing., Ph.D.

  7. Correlative analysis of wide band gap materials

    Wide band gap materials are in the center of current technological advancement in power electronics, mostly due to recently developed fabrication techniques of bulk crystals. Most importantly, SiC and GaN have started to question silicon use in certain applications. However, compared to silicon, current know-how of relevant properties of these materials is not mature enough. Student will focus on analysis of defects in SiC and GaN by correlative micro- and spectroscopies. A part of the work is a realization of proof-of-concept device in electronics/optoelectronics. A necessary prerequisite is solid knowledge of solid state physics and principles of relevant spectroscopic techniques. The research will be conducted in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific or Onsemi. Students are strongly advised to contact the supervisor before the official admission interview.

    Tutor: Kolíbal Miroslav, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  8. Correlative probe and electron microscopy for the investigation of new materials

    The semiconductor and battery industries are continuously proliferating, placing significant pressure on improving the production of current materials and developing new materials and technological processes. In semiconductor manufacturing, it is essential to control and minimize the amount of defects (crystal lattice imperfections) that affect the function and quality of produced electronic components [1]. On the other hand, battery manufacturers are seeking practical ways to analyze various properties of electrodes and electrolytes at the atomic level [2]. Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) are among the most important techniques used to analyze the mechanical, electrical, or magnetic properties of these materials. A current trend is to combine various measurement methods, and correlative Scanning Probe and Electron Microscopy [3] is the typical example. The doctoral thesis will focus on correlative measurements using SPM and SEM techniques and the research of new materials. It will primarily focus on the analysis of electrical properties of samples using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy, Electrostatic Force Microscopy, and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, which will be combined with Scanning Electron Microscopy. The main subject of the study will be the application of correlative microscopy to address current issues associated with the production of semiconductor materials and materials for the production of new types of batteries.

    Tutor: Nováček Zdeněk, Ing., Ph.D.

  9. Design and fabrication of photonic microcircuits

    Photonic microcircuits are one of the basic and necessary elements of advanced integration of classical and quantum communication systems. Advanced technologies such as electron beam lithography, UV lithography and two-photon lithography are used to develop these micro-technological elements, followed by complementary thin film deposition technologies and controlled wet and dry etching technologies at the nanometer level. The objective of the PhD thesis will be to design and produce microcircuits that enable optical interaction between elements of classical and quantum optomechanical systems, e.g. ion-nanoparticle or nanoparticle-nanoparticle. The PhD student's work will include verification of the functionality of the fabricated systems in experiments carried out at the Institute of Scientific Instruments or collaborating institutions.

    Tutor: Šerý Mojmír, Ing., Ph.D.

  10. Design and Fabrication of Tunable Metasurfaces for Unconventional Optical Elements

    The dissertation will focus on the design and fabrication of tunable metasurfaces for unconventional optical elements in the visible and infrared wavelength regions. Specific metasurface design methods using optimization algorithms with multiparametric metrics, such as the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm, will be explored. Fabrication approaches will be investigated, together with possibilities of optical switching of the metasurface prototypes and active control of their function. The main goal of this work is to produce fully characterized prototypes of tunable metasurfaces with verified functionalities, which could be used for shaping high-performance optical beams or in the transmission and processing of optical signals in communication technologies.

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  11. Development and applications of ultrafast electron microscopy

    The thesis's first task will be to develop an (ultra)fast scanning electron microscope experimentally. The high temporal resolution will be reached by synchronizing short electron pulses with the optical excitation of a sample. Electron pulses will be generated either by utilizing an ultrafast laser and a photoemission process or by fast electrostatic blankers. The student will also deal with ultrafast scanning electron microscopy applications in imaging with high spatial and temporal resolution. They will deal mainly with imaging of phase transition, magnetic domains, and optical fields.

    Tutor: Konečná Andrea, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  12. Development of instrumentation for laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy under lunar atmospheric conditions

    Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) meets the challenge of in-situ geological survey of celestial bodies providing detailed analysis on the level of the element composition. The LIBS technique has already proved its capability as a payload on Mars rovers and its use on lunar rovers is foreseen. The LIBS method represents an ideal technique for remote (contactless) in-situ elemental analysis with low demands for sample preparation prior to the analysis. The goal of this thesis is to develop a LIBS instrument and suggest necessary engineering solution that will meet demands of space-grade capability in order to withstand harsh conditions on the Moon. Secondary objectives are related to further tests of the LIBS method for the analysis of Lunar regolith under simulated conditions.

    Tutor: Pořízka Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  13. Development of opto-mechanical system for in-situ analysis using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy

    Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) as a method of analytical chemistry excells in direct use for in-situ analysis of samples. This benefit is vitally used in many applications, in this case, the aim is set to plastic industry. Robustness and universality of LIBS instrumentation is ballanced by non-existing or limited accessibility to commercially available solutions. Thus, development of LIBS instrumentation and optimization of analytical methodology is closely interconnected and will be the topic of this dissertation thesis. The goal is the design of optomechanical parts of a LIBS system and its construction with respect to the trade-off between sensitivity and repetition rate. Furthermore, the development of related methodology for accurate classification of polymers and quantitative analysis of trace toxic metals.

    Tutor: Pořízka Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  14. Effect of rotation and temperature modulation on turbulent Rayleigh‐Bénard convection

    Rayleigh-Bénard convection (RBC) represents a universally recognized physical model used to study flows affected by rotation and thermal forcing. Physical systems with dynamics strongly influenced by these forces include the interiors of giant planets and rapidly rotating stars, the Earth’s outer liquid core, as well as atmospheric and open ocean deep convection. The rotation induces different regimes in RBC, which are reflected in the heat transfer efficiency (via Nusselt number) and flow field morphology (shape of large coherent structures) distinct from the non-rotating RBC. Within the Oberbeck‐Boussinesq approximation the dynamics of RBC with a constant rotation rate is described by the three dimensionless control parameters, namely, the Rayleigh number Ra, Prandtl number Pr and the Ekman number Ek, the ratio of viscous and Coriolis forces, where small values of Ek correspond to high rotation rates. In the large scale geophysical and astrophysical systems like the Earth or the Sun, these control parameters reach extreme values; for example, in the Earth’s outer core, estimates are Ra~1E20–1E30 and Ek~1E-15. The current limits of direct numerical simulations of rotating RBC are, due to numerical resolution constraints, restricted to ranges of Ra <~ 1E7 and Ek >~ 1E−6. The PhD study will be focused on experimental research of rotating RBC in the laboratory of the Cryogenics and Superconductivity Group, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS. The laboratory has a unique RBC apparatus with a rotating platform, which, using cryogenic helium gas (5 K) as a working fluid, allows to achieve extreme values and a wide range of indicated parameters: 1E6 < Ra < 1E15 and 10-8 < Ek < 10-5. The challenge of this work will be to study the behavior of a rotating RBC with periodically modulated boundary temperatures over a wide range of varying frequencies f and modulation amplitudes A, where a systematic approach with respect to a total of five variable control parameters (Ra, Pr, Ek, f, A) will be required. Analysis of the unique data thus obtained may lead to a deeper understanding of the evolution of complex systems, such as weather and climate on Earth or other planets, which are shaped by periodic heating and cooling as the planet rotates on its own axis and orbits around its parent star.

    Tutor: Urban Pavel, Ing., Ph.D.

  15. Electron beam energy filter

    Electron sources used in electron microscopes generate a beam with an energy distribution whose width is characteristic of the given source. The low energy dispersion is advantageous for microscopic techniques, because especially at low accelerating voltage, the contribution of the chromatic aberration is a significant factor limiting the resolution. The aim of the dissertation will be the design of an energy filter for the electron beam, which will enable the narrowing of the energy distribution in the electron beam emitted from the Schottky source and its realization in cooperation with the TESCAN company.

    Tutor: Zlámal Jakub, Ing., Ph.D.

  16. Electron gun for Ultra Fast TEM

    Ultra Fast TEM (U-TEM) allows to monitor dynamic phenomena such as phase changes, melting/crystallization of materials with time resolution in ns to ps. Furthermore, samples sensitive to electron beam exposure can be observed using stroboscopic illumination (another U-TEM mode). Current U-TEM microscopes use photoemission sources or a combination of standard sources with very fast deflectors (RF cavity,…). Nanostructured materials appear to be very promising for the production of U-TEM electron sources. For example, GaN materials are seems to be good candidate for this purpose due to their considerable chemical and thermal resistence, low switching voltage of 1.25 V/um and high current density. The properties of the cathode depend to a large extent on the shape and form of nanostructures such as nanotubes, nanocarbons and nanocrystals.

    Tutor: Zlámal Jakub, Ing., Ph.D.

  17. GaN/Graphene-based detectors of UV radiation

    The PhD project will concentrate on a study of complex issues related to development of UV detectors using GaN (Ga)/graphene nanostructures. The initial part of the study will focuses on the preparation of Ga and GaN nanostructures on poly-and single-crystal graphene using a low-temperature deposition method. The low temperature growth of GaN nanocrystals will be carried out by a combination of UHV PVD technologies such as Ga vapour deposition and low energy nitrogen ion-beam (50 eV) post-nitridation using a unique ion-atomic beam source [1] . The growth of GaN will be realized at much lower temperatures (T<250°C) than in conventional technologies (e.g. MOCVD, 1000°C). Subsequently, the relation between parameters/functional properties of Ga and GaN nanostructures and deposition conditions will be studied. The complex characterization of the Ga (GaN)/graphene nanostructures will be provided by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Scanning Probe Microscopy (AFM, EFM, SKFM), Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence micro-spectroscopy, etc. Finally, the electrical response of the nanostructures to UV radiation will be studied via a FET-setup utilizing these optimized nanostructures as photosensitive elements. References: [1] J. Mach, P. Procházka, M. Bartošík, D. Nezval, J. Piastek, J. Hulva, V. Švarc, M. Konečný, and T. Šikola, Nanotechnology, Vol. 28, N. 41 (2017).

    Tutor: Mach Jindřich, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  18. Generation and detection of THz spin waves by plasmonic antennas

    Spin waves in the THz region have become a subject of growing interest due to a high group velocity of magnons (steep dispersion curve) which renders them attractive for the design of ultrafast spintronic devices [1]. Here, antiferromagnetic materials like rare earth orthoferrites (RFeO3) could be a solution because of their very high (terahertz) frequencies of spin resonances [2], [3]. However, due to the lack of efficient sources and detectors, the physics of magnons at THz frequencies is far less studied. The proposed interdisciplinary PhD study combining photonics and magnetism is based on generation and detection of THz spin waves by near fields enhanced by plasmonic resonant structures - antennas. It brings a new qualitative view into this subject. The antennas will be fabricated on a substrate surface, ideally on ribbons or magnonic crystals made out of RFeO3 thin film samples (e.g. TmFeO3) by EBL/FIB at CEITEC. Then, the magnons propagating along these structures will be analysed by a Brillouin light scattering (BLS) micro-spectrophotometer [4], using the method reported in [5] and successfully implemented at CEITEC [6]. Further, to extend the detected Brillouin-zone range, plasmonic resonant nanostructures providing large momentum components in their near-field hot spots will be used as well [7]. In this PhD study, plasmonic resonant structures for generation and detection of magnons should be optimized, and then dispersion relations tuned by shape, dimensions and periodicity of ribbons/magnonic crystals [6] and external magnetic field. Supportively, magnetic near-field enhanced THz T-D spectroscopy might be applied to test magnon-polariton dispersion curves of the thin film samples according to [3]. References: [44] K. Zakeri, PHYSICA C 549, 164, 2018. [45] J. Guo, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 185401, 2020. [41] K. Grishunin, ACS Photonics 5, 1375, 2018. [46] T. Sebastian, …, H. Schultheiss, Front. Phys. 3, 35, 2015. [47] K. Vogt, …, B. Hillebrands, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 182508, 2009. [38] L. Flajšman, …, M. Urbánek, Phys. Rev. B 101, 014436, 2020. [X] R. Freeman,,…., Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033427 (2020).

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  19. Growth or organic semiconductors on weakly interacting substrates

    Graphene-based variable barrier interface transistors present a promising concept for organic semiconductor devices with several advantages, i.e., high driving current, high-speed operation, flexibility, and scalability while being less demanding for lithography. However, this research requires a multilevel experimental approach, as the substrate determines the growth of the first layers, which, in turn, influences the growth of thin films. The goal of the Ph.D. is to describe and optimize the growth of organic semiconductors on graphene from the mono- to multilayers. The Ph. D. study's experimental research within the Ph.D. study aims to understand the kinetics deposition/self-assembly phenomena of organic molecular semiconductors as a function of temperature, flux, and graphene doping. We will employ a range of complementary techniques including low energy electron microscopy, X-ray and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy, all integrated in a single complex ultrahigh vacuum system. The Studies are supported by a running project.

    Tutor: Čechal Jan, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  20. High-resolution BLS microscopy of spin waves

    Magnetic spin waves (magnons) have become a subject of an intensive research due to their high application potential in future electronics and communication technologies. There are several methods how to detect them, one should especially refer to the Brillouin light scattering (BLS), [1]. This technique brings information about the amplitude and phase of magnons and can be operated in a microscopic mode provided by a BLS micro-spectrophotometer [2] available at CEITEC Nano Research Infrastructure [3]. However, as the spectrophotometer utilizes conventional optical element, the spatial resolution does not exceed the diffraction limit. To beat this limit, PhD study will deal with the utilization of nanophotonic effects similar to those used in tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS), i.e. formation of enhanced near optical fields (so called hot spots) in the vicinity of specially designed AFM tips equipped with resonant nanoparticles (antennas). Simultaneously, the near-field hot spots of these resonant nanostructures will provide large momentum components and thus an extension of the detected Brillouin-zone range [4], [5]. The study will concentrate on the modification of AFM modules for tip-enhanced BLS microscopy and testing of optimized AFM tips in this technique. References: [1] T. Sebastian et al., Front. Phys. 3, 35, 2015. [2] K. Vogt et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 182508, 2009. [3] L. Flajšman etal., Urbánek, Phys. Rev. B 101, 014436, 2020. [4] R. Freeman et al., Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033427 (2020). [5] O. Wojewoda et al, Communications Physics, (2023), .

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  21. Holographic microscopy for nanophotonics

    The student will participate in the solution of research projects of the nanophotonics group with a focus on the experimental study of optically active nanostructures. The student will collaborate on projects, will regularly participate in Plasmonics and Nanophotonics work meetings at IPE FME BUT. The results achieved during the study will be published in peer-reviewed scientific publications and international scientific conferences.

    Tutor: Spousta Jiří, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  22. Implementation of complementary spectroscopic techniques providing complete chemical analysis

    State-of-the-art chemical analysis is constantly improving when it comes to individual analytical techniques. Contemporary trend is shifting to the joint utilization of complementary analytical techniques, namely within one analytical instrument. Moreover, it is expected that such synergy will exploit benefits of both techniques, such as Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) and Raman spectroscopy. Both laser spectroscopy techniques provide elemental and molecular information, respectively. They enable to run a mapping of the sample surface with high spatial resolution (number of analytical spots per unit area). Combined utilization of mentioned spectroscopic techniques is beneficial due to the possibility to partly share analytical instrumentation and, in turn, to lower the cost of the instrument. Regardless, this synergy of spectroscopic techniques is still unique; thus, potentially new paradigm dwells in their successful implementation.

    Tutor: Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  23. In-situ SPM-in-SEM characterization of semiconductor devices and materials

    The semiconductor industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors today, given its key role as a fundamental building block in modern electronics. The importance of semiconductors lies in their unique electrical properties, which are essential for creating efficient and powerful electronic devices. Given the increasing demands for miniaturization and efficiency of electronic devices, a thorough knowledge and characterization of the properties of semiconductor materials is essential. In addition, it is crucial to thoroughly control the quality of manufacturing and minimise the number of emerging defects that could lead to non-functionality of electronic devices. The use of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM) together with Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) offers a wide range of possibilities for analysis. The SEM allows the SPM probe to be precisely guided to specific locations of interest where, among other things, local analysis of the mechanical, electrical, or magnetic properties of the material can be performed. The combination of the two microscopes allows correlative analysis, which is becoming a big trend nowadays. The aim of this PhD thesis is to perform correlative SPM-in-SEM measurements on semiconductor devices and materials. The main focus will be the measurement of electrical properties using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy, Electrostatic Force Microscopy, Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and Scanning Spreading Resistance Microscopy. Emphasis will be placed on the use of SPM-in-SEM analysis in solving current manufacturing problems associated with semiconductor devices and materials.

    Tutor: Spousta Jiří, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

  24. Investigation of spatial and temporal development of laser-induced plasmas

    Laser ablation of matter is an essential process involved in the chemical analysis using various techniques of analytical chemistry. The spectroscopic investigation of characteristic plasma emission provides qualitative and quantitative information about the sample of interest. Standard analysis is based on the processing of emission signal; the process of laser ablation and consecutive development of laser-induced plasma is marginal and of little analytical interest. But, understanding the complexity of laser-matter interaction is a crucial step in the improvement of the latter data processing approaches. Thus, this work will target the investigation of spatial and temporal development of laser-induced plasmas, imaging of plasma plumes and determination of their thermodynamic properties. Outcomes of this work will be used in further advancement of the ablation of various materials (incl. biological tissues), improvement of optomechanical instrumentation (collection optics) and optimization of signal standardization.

    Tutor: Kaiser Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

  25. Localized plasmon-enhanced absorption upon strong coupling

    The PhD project is aimed at the study of strong coupling between the localized surface plasmons in antennas and phonons in resonantly absorbing non-metallic environments and, consequently, to exploitation of this knowledge for finding and utilizing general principles of spatially localized plasmon-enhanced absorption. The study will tackle this issue in the near IR and mid-IR range and verify it in new types of uncooled antenna-coupled microbolometers with improved sensitivity and spatial resolution response. Due to common characteristics of index of refraction at absorption peaks/bands of materials, the outcomes and conclusions can find direct applications in other spectral regions, regardless the physical origin of resonant absorption. It will make it possible to carry out research on challenging phenomena exploitable not only in the local heating of materials, but also in IR and light detection, energy harvesting, (bio)sensing, quantum technology, etc.

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  26. Machine-learned interatomic potentials for advanced materials

    Machine learning is one of the most exciting tools that have entered the material science toolbox in recent years. It has become very popular and grown very quickly. One of its recent and promising applications is a generation of reliable and efficient interatomic potentials. This PhD topic will cover generation and DFT (density functional theory) benchmarking of machine-learned potentials and their subsequent application to selected groups of advanced materials.

    Tutor: Černý Miroslav, prof. Mgr., Ph.D.

  27. Mapping plasmonic modes

    Localized surface plasmons (LSP) generated in metal nanoparticles (plasmonic antennas) can exhibit various modes differing in energy, charge distribution (dipoles vs. multipoles) and radiation capability (bright and dark modes). One of the most effective methods enabling generation and characterization - mapping of these modes at the single antenna level is Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) provided by High-resolution Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (HR STEM). The PhD study will be aimed at application of HR STEM-EELS for mapping the modes of LSP in plasmonic antennas. The emphasis will be especially put at a study of hybridized modes of coupled antenna structures and/or strong coupling effects between modes in plasmonic antennas and excitations in their surrounding environments. These excitations will be polaritons in quantum nanodots localized nearby antennas (the visible range) and/or phonons in absorbing antenna substrate membranes (IR – mid IR). In the former case, the experiment will be carried out by HR STEM-EELS at CEITEC Nano infrastructure (Titan), in the latter case, by Nion Ultra STEM available at some laboratories abroad (e.g. Oak Ridge national laboratory).

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  28. Modeling of functional properties of nanostructures for plasmonics

    The topic includes the theoretical description of the optical response of metallic nanostructures and metasurfaces for applications in plasmonics and nanophotonics. Used calculation tools will be represented by both analytical methods (e.g. optical properties of layered systems illuminated by a monochromatic plane wave, decomposition of the optical response of nanoparticles into the normal or quasinormal modes, mathematics used in diffraction optics) and numerical methods by using available software packages (e.g. based on a finite-difference time-domain method, a finite-element frequency-domain method, rigorous coupled-wave analysis) or, possibly, by using home-made computational algorithms. The results will be used for the qualitative- and quantitative interpretation of experimental data.

    Tutor: Kalousek Radek, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  29. Nanophotonics for quantum technologies

    The goal of the PhD study is to exploit unique functionalities of nanophotonic devices in specific areas related to quantum technologies. First, the near optical fields generated by metallic or dielectric nano/microantennas will be used for enhancement of efficiency of single-photon emitters associated with defects-colour centres in 2D materials and/or bulk single crystals (e.g. SiC, diamond). Second, to collect and transfer these photons, all-dielectric nanophotonic metasurfaces will be designed, fabricated and tested. The outputs of such a study will contribute to a progress in very recent efforts in quantum optical experiments at micro/nano scale.

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  30. New methods in electron and light spectro-microscopies

    The PhD thesis will aim to study low-energy excitations with innovative electron and light microscopy and spectroscopy methods. It will deal with techniques such as surface-enhanced light spectroscopy, electron energy-loss spectroscopy, photon-induced near-field electron microscopy, or near-field optical microscopy. In particular, the student will develop a theoretical description of the interaction of electrons or photons with excitations in nanostructures involving different signal detection methods. Another task will be to find new strategies for post-processing and interpreting experimental data.

    Tutor: Konečná Andrea, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  31. Non-Multipole spherical corrector for Scanning electron microscopy

    Rotationally symmetric electromagnetic lenses used for imaging in electron microscopy are burdened with aberrations that limit their resolving power. Several physical principles have been described in the literature that allow for correcting these aberrations in electromagnetic lenses. For instance, corrections can be achieved using a multipole electromagnetic field, a phase plate made of solid material or field, or an electrostatic mirror. Correction systems have been successfully implemented on certain types of electron microscopes (e.g., a hexapole corrector for spherical aberration in a transmission microscope). The dissertation will focus on the methodology for correcting imaging aberrations and the design of a non-multipole correction system for a scanning electron microscope in collaboration with Thermo Fisher Scientific.

    Tutor: Sháněl Ondřej, Ing., Ph.D.

  32. Optimization of the two-photon stereolithograph

    A two-photon stereolithograph is an advanced electro-opto-mechanical apparatus used to fabricate micro- and nanostructures in photoresist with feature sizes ranging from tens to hundreds of nanometers. The main challenges of this technology are the speed, accuracy, and stability of the optical writing of the desired pattern. The doctoral student's research will focus on the possibilities of modifying the optical path of the existing system (IQnano3D, IQS nano, s.r.o.) by integrating passive and active diffractive optical elements. These elements will enable precise shaping and modulation of the writing laser beam. The student will primarily study and optimize the function of acousto-optic modulators and deflectors, diffractive optical elements, and spatial light modulators. The aim of the dissertation is to increase the writing speed and suppress structural artifacts. The functionality of the prepared solutions and modifications of the optical system will be verified by writing advanced photonic structures and measuring their properties.

    Tutor: Jákl Petr, Ing., Ph.D.

  33. Plasmonics of non-noble metals

    Traditional plasmonic materials are gold and silver. However, especially in the UV region, but not only there, it is necessary to look for their possible alternatives, for example, among non-noble metals. The applicant will explore the possibilities of non-noble metals (such as aluminum, gallium, bismuth, lead, indium, tin,…) or their compounds (such as gallium-gallium oxide core-shell structures, vanadium dioxide,…) in plasmonics and prepare nanostructures from selected materials and characterize their functional properties in the field of plasmonics using analytical transmission electron microscopy.

    Tutor: Křápek Vlastimil, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.

  34. Quantum estimation and adaptive algorithms in electron microscopy and spectroscopy

    The rapid improvements in the instrumentation of electron microscopy and spectroscopy enable us to perform measurements with unprecedented accuracy approaching the quantum limits. To fully utilise the new possibilities, the development of effective procedures to obtain and analyse data is required. In this project, a PhD candidate will theoretically study the measurement and estimation process in several microscopical and spectroscopical techniques and propose how to optimise them. To this end, it is essential to employ adaptive algorithms that consider the outcomes of previous measurements.

    Tutor: Konečná Andrea, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  35. Spectroscopy of laser-excited plasmas under low pressure and vacuum conditions

    Plasma spectroscopy at low pressures allows the observation of spectral lines in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region of the spectrum of many elements, including carbon, sulfur, silicon and boron. Laser spectroscopy in the VUV region can then be used to study and simulate plasma conditions of various planets and space bodies, i.e. to analyse lunar or Martian rocks. The work also includes the characterization of plasmas using other methods, including scattering or interferometric techniques, for independent evaluation of plasma parameters and for improving calibration-free laser spectroscopy methods. The work itself also includes the optomechanical development of a VUV spectrometer and other necessary apparatus for the analysis of samples under vacuum and VUV spectral conditions. The main objectives of the thesis are then directed towards exploring the possibilities in the analysis of materials in the VUV region, the characterization of laser-excited plasmas under low pressure and vacuum conditions.

    Tutor: Pořízka Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  36. Study of low-temperature plasmas under reduced pressure conditions for planetary research

    Instrumentation for Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) enables in-situ analysis of samples, i.e., outside of the laboratory. For its robustness and analytical performance, the LIBS method is used in various industrial and other applications. The geological survey of other planets and interstellar bodies (e.g. Mars or Moon) is of paramount interest. Obtained results depend on the quality of laser ablation of studied matter and parameters of related laser-induced plasma. Those are, among others, influenced by the surrounding atmosphere and its pressure. The main aim of this thesis is the design of experimental apparatus for analysis under various atmospheres (e.g., CO2) under reduced pressure conditions (below 1 mbar) and concurrently to investigate the parameters of laser-induced plasmas (e.g., temperature, density, speed of expansion).

    Tutor: Pořízka Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  37. The development of novel probes and imaging modalities of a holographic endoscope for minimaly invasive deep brain microscopy

    The central part of a holographic endoscope is formed by multi-mode optical fibres which are utilized as ultra-thin imaging probes. The work will focus on development and testing of various types of fibres and their combination for increasing of image quality and implementation of new imaging modalities.

    Tutor: Čižmár Tomáš, prof. Mgr., Ph.D.

  38. Using hyperspectral camera for the detection of optical emission spectra of meterorites

    Eploration of space is currently on the rise of interest, what is reflected in the construction of various devices for interplanetary research and analyses. The goal of this dissertation thesis is optomechanical design of a compact hyperspectral camera as a payload within a standardized CubeSat. This includes testing on a simplified model and prliminary feasibility (technical) study of the analysis of characteristic data, spectra of selected elements.

    Tutor: Pořízka Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  39. Utilization of plasmonic nanostructures for local enhancement of magnetic components of electromagnetic fields

    The study will be aimed at design, fabrication, and characterization of resonant plasmonic nano- and micro-structures (“diabolo” antennas, split ring resonators, etc.) providing a significant local enhancement of magnetic components of electromagnetic fields. The structures with resonant properties particularly in the IR and THz will be studied, with respect to their potential applications in relevant spectroscopic methods.

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

  40. 2D materials for supercapacitors

    Supercapacitors (SCs) represent one of the most promising energy storage technologies because of their remarkable features, such as ultrahigh power density and ultralong cycling life. This PhD study aims at an exploration of 2D hybrids based on MXenes and black phosphorous (BP), as high-performance electrode materials for SCs. It will concentrate on (i) multi-scale characterization of 2D hybrids up to atomic resolution to provide fundamental knowledge underlying the interaction between the components of 2D hybrids, and on (ii) an in situ study of chemical stability and growth mechanisms of these materials. In the study, state-of-the-art characterisation methods available at CEITEC Nano core facility such as Low Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM), UHV STM/AFM, X-ray Photo-electron Spectroscopy (XPS), Low Energy Ion Scattering (LEIS), Scanning Auger Microscopy (SAM), FT-IR Spectroscopy, and HR (S)TEM will be used. The collaboration with the Dresden University of Technology planned to synthesize the 2D materials will be held.

    Tutor: Šikola Tomáš, prof. RNDr., CSc.

1. round (applications submitted from 15.04.2024 to 26.05.2024)

  1. Advanced methods of data analysis in the physics of surfaces and 2D materials

    Recently, large amounts of experimental and theoretical data have been produced every day in the physics of surfaces and 2D materials. If this data is to be transformed into the form of useful knowledge necessary for learning about physical laws, revealing essential relationships, and effective planning of further procedures, it is necessary to analyse these huge amounts of data effectively using modern advanced methods. The subject of the doctoral thesis will therefore be the analysis of experimental data from the field of graphene using the Python programming language. In doing so, it will be necessary to master, use, and effectively combine modern methods of data analysis based on classic methods of image analysis (e.g. Fourier analysis, principal component analysis, support vector machines, clustering, thresholding, and the use of filters) to methods based on the principles of artificial intelligence (e.g. Artificial neural networks, Reinforcement learning). Objectives: 1. Mastery and understanding of theoretical principles and experimental methods used in graphene physics research (graphene sensors, biosensors and electronics), as well as understanding of advanced data analysis methods. 2. Excellent mastery of the Python programming language and libraries necessary for the use of advanced data analysis methods. 3. Practical design of algorithms for the analysis and own analysis of data from the growth areas of Ga, GaN on graphene and evaluation of the activity of graphene nanoelectronics.

    Tutor: Bartošík Miroslav, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9AIVAb initio Calculations in Material Sciencescs0Recommendedyes
9MAVMathematics of Wave Opticscs, en0Recommendedyes
9ANCMicroscopy and Analysis Using Charged Particlescs, en0Recommendedyes
9NTCNanotechnologycs, en0Recommendedyes
9ONAOrganic Nanostructures at Inorganic Surfacescs0Recommendedyes
9RPTX-Ray Computed Tomographycs0Recommendedyes
9STHStructure of Mattercs, en0Recommendedyes
9SLPIntroduction to Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopycs0Recommendedyes
9MMMMultilevel Modelling of Materialscs0Recommendedyes
9VKBConcepts of Biofotonicscs0Recommendedyes
9VKNConcepts of Nanophotonicscs0Recommendedyes
9TPLConcepts in Solid State Theorycs0Recommendedyes
9ZDNImaging and Diagnostics of Nanostructurescs0Recommendedyes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9KTDThe Fourier Transform of Lattices and the Kinematical Theory of Difractioncs, en0Recommendedyes
9MPAMathematics for Applicationscs, en0Recommendedyes
9MIAAdvanced Light Microscopy - Imaging Theorycs, en0Recommendedyes
9PVPProgramming in Pythoncs, en0Recommendedno
9RF1Equations of Mathematical Physics Ics, en0Recommendedyes
9MIKLight Microscopycs, en0Recommendedyes
1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
9AJAcademic English for Doctoral Studiesen0Compulsoryyes
9ESMModelling of Thermodynamic Stability and Phase Transformationscs, en0Recommendedyes