Erasmus+ and other EU programmes
Erasmus+ programme is a one- to two-semester programme for students from EU countries, non-EU countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland, Turkey, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). For full list of Erasmus+ partner countries see following link:
Erasmus+ programme is offered on the basis of bilateral agreements between a foreign university and a particular faculty/department at Brno University of Technology (BUT). A student can participate in an Erasmus+ programme only if his/her university has signed a bilateral agreement with BUT.
The minimum length of an Erasmus programme is 3 months, the maximum length being 12 months.
Conditions of participation in Erasmus+ programme
Students who want to participate in an Erasmus+ programme have to:
- be at least in the 2nd year of a Bachelor's programme or pursuing Master's or Doctoral studies in any form - full-time, combined or part-time.
- be a citizen of any of the EU countries, EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) or candidate country (Turkey). An applicant can also be a citizen of a different country studying in any of the above-mentioned countries
Admissions for the Erasmus programme
Application deadline:Summer semester: 15th September - 15th November
Winter semester: 31st March - 31st May
Students can apply for Erasmus+ studies if nominated by their home university, which sends the nomination to the study/international department of the relevant BUT faculty.
A student then completes:
- electronic application (except for Faculty of Fine Arts, which requires printed application and portfolio)
- electronic Learning Agreement (which is part of the electronic application)
- Courses are available in:
After the Learning Agreement is approved by the study department of the relevant BUT faculty, the applicant sends in the following documents by e-mail:
- application (Application Form)
- scanned copy of the Learning Agreement signed by student and home university
- one 3,5 by 4,5 cm photo (in format: SURNAME_Name.JPG)
- More detailed information can be found here.
Contact for your host faculty where the documents can be sent are available here.
BUT can process the application only after receiving all the necessary documents. After the application is processed, the applicant receives a Letter of Acceptance and approved Learning Agreement.
BUT Documents
Erasmus+ mobility documents:
- BUT Learning Agreement Erasmus+
- BUT Changes to Learning Agreement Erasmus+
- BUT Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+
- BUT Changes to Traineeship Agreement Erasmus+
- Online submission of Changes to LA
CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies)
The main activity of CEEPUS are university networks operating joint programs and covers mobility grants for students and teachers in this framework.
Current member countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, North Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. Prishtina/Kosovo is also participating.
More information regarding CEEPUS mobility will be provided by the home university or by the national CEEPUS office. Please check the website:
An applicant should check first at the relevant BUT faculty whether it is possible to participate in the programme (university network or CEEPUS freemover) chosen. Then the faculty coordinator of the university should be contacted who will provide you all information.
Visegrad program
Master and post-Master scholars and researchers who are citizens of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro Serbia and Ukraine can apply for a scholarship to study in the Visegrad countries.
An applicant should check first at the relevant BUT faculty whether it is possible to participate in the programme chosen. Then the faculty coordinator of the university should be contacted who will provide you all information.
Other short-term programmes (freemovers, bilateral agreements etc.)
An applicant should check first at the relevant BUT faculty whether it is possible to participate in the programme chosen. Then the faculty coordinator of the home university should be contacted. After BUT receives your nomination, you can apply for study the same way as for an Erasmus programme (see above).
Mobility document to other programmes:
Faculty information for international students
- Faculty of Architecture
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication
- Faculty of Chemistry
- Faculty of Information Technology
- Faculty of Business and Management
- Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Fine Arts
Responsibility: Mgr. Jitka Rašková