doc. PhDr.
Iveta Šimberová
VUT – prorektorka pro internacionalizaci a vnější vztahy
+420 54114 2678, +420 54114 5160
Vzdělání a akademická kvalifikace
Přehled zaměstnání
1992 - 1993 Nákup a prodej, OSVČ
1993 - 1994 Reda, s.r.o. Obchodní manažer
1994 - 1995 Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, Ústav nadstavbových studií (BBS), referent-manažer vzdělávacích projektů
1995 - 1998 Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, Ústav nadstavbových studií (BBS) ředitelka, asistent
7/98 - 9/98 SHINE s.r.o., ředitelka
10/98 - Ekonomické a organizační poradenství, OSVČ
4/99 - 2/03 Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, Ústav ekonomiky a managementu, asistent
3/03 - 2008 Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, Ústav ekonomiky a managementu, odborný asistent
2003 - 2008 Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, Ústav managementu, ředitelka
2009 - Vysoké
učení technické v Brně, Fakulta podnikatelská, Ústav managementu, docent
Pedagogická činnost
Garance studijních programů:
2004 - 2008
Ekonomika a management, Řízení a ekonomika podniku, navazující magisterský obor v prezenční, kombinované a celoživotní formě, v ČJ i v AJ
2008 - 2015
Ekonomika a management, Ekonomika a procesní management, bakalářský studijní obor v prezenční formě
2012 - dosud
Economics and Management, Erasmus courses, Bachelor and Master level
2019 - dosud
Economics and Management, International Business and Management in English, master studies program in regular form
Vědeckovýzkumná činnost
International Conference Economics and Management ICEM 2011, April 2011, Brno, Česká republika
Annual International Scientific Conference Whither our Economies, November 2011, Vilnius, Litva
10th International Scientific Conference „Science- Education, Entrepreneurship, Economics, January 2012, Minsk, Belorussia
International Conference Economics and Management ICEM 2012, March 2012, Tallinn, Estonia
International Scientific Conference, Trends Economics and Management for 21th Century, September 2012, Brno, Czech R.
International Conference Economics and Management ICEM 2013, Aprl 2013, Kaunas, Lithuania
International Conference Economics and Management ICEM 2014, April 2014, Riga, Latvia
Horizons of entrepreneurial environment III, Faculty of Management, Comenius University, December 2014, Bratislava, Slovakia
International Conference Economics and Management ICEM 2015, Květen 2015, Kaunas, Litva
Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development, May 2015, Brno, Czech Republic
International Conference Economics and Management ICEM 2016, Květen 2016, Brno, Czech Republic
International Conference Economics and Management ICEM 2017, May 2017, Riga, Latvia
Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development, September 2017, Brno, Czech Republic
Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development, April 2019, Brno, Czech Republic
Perspectives of Business and Entrepreneurship Development, September 2021, Brno, Czech Republic
Akademické stáže v zahraničí
Zkušenosti s mezinárodními projekty, studijní a pracovní pobyty v zahraničí:
- IMPD (International Management Project Development) coordinator of project in cooperation with Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, GB (1996-1998)
- “Training of Management Trainers” in cooperation with the Know-How Fund and the firm Lancashire Enterprises plc., Great Britain – the assistant guarantor of the project (1995-1998)
- MBA (Master of Business Administration – administrator of the project in cooperation with Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham Business School, GB (1994-1996)
- “Economics Course” organized in cooperation with Catholic University of Ostend, Belgium – project administrator (1995-1996)
- Weeklong work stay in England at the firm Lancashire Enterprises plc., GB (1997)
- Weeklong study stay at universities in Finland (Helsinki, Turku) supported by the association EADTU (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities) - (1995)
- Weeklong lecture visit at Tampere Polytechnic University (as part of the exchange project ERASMUS) – April 2003
- 3-weeks study stage at Leeds Metropolitan University, Great Britain, March 2007
- Weeklong lecture visit at Riga Technical University (as part of the exchange programme ERASMUS) Latvia – April 2007, May 2011, October 2012, December 2013, November 2014
- Weeklong lecture visit at Kaunas Technical University (as part of the exchange programme ERASMUS) Lithuania – April 2008, October 2010, April 2013, April 2015
- Weeklong lecture visit at Tallinn Technical University (as part of the exchange programme ERASMUS) Estonia – March 2012
- Two-week research internship as part of a bilateral agreement between the CR and Latvia – May 2010
- Expert in the Evaluation of Higher Education Study Programmes within the branch “Economics”, March 3-12, 2012, Latvia
- IP ERASMUS Project “Receive”, Kaunas Lithuania, May 2012 (2 weeks)
- IP ERASMUS Project “Conducting interdisciplinary research in the cross-national environment”, Riga, March 2013 (2 weeks), and Brno, March 2014 (2 weeks)
- IP ERASMUS Project “Baltic Summer School”, August 2013 (2 weeks)
Univerzitní aktivity
Člen kolégia děkana FP VUT
2005 -
Člen Rady studijních programů
2008 -
Člen oborové rady doktorského studijního programu P2807 – Chemical and Process Engineering, obor 2807V009 – Management and Business Corporate Economics
Školitel v doktorském programu Ekonomika a management
2012 -
Expert panelu Council of the Higher Educational Institutions in Latvia
Člen oborové rady doktorského studijního programů FP VUT
Člen vědecké rady FP VUT
Mimouniverzitní aktivity
Členství v redakčních radách vědeckých časopisů:
“Trendy Ekonomiky a managementu Economics and Management”,
Journal Business Systems and Economics, MRUNI, Vilnius, Lithuania
Business, Management and Education, VGTU, Vilnius, Lithuania
Engineering Economics, Scientific International Journal, KTU, Kaunas, Lithuania
Oeconomia Copernicana, Scientific International Journal, NCU, Toruň, Poland
Project of specific research for Faculty of Business and Management: Use of the holistic concept in company management, FP-J-18-4915
Grant Project of TAČR (Technology Agency of the Czech Republic)TL02000215„DIGITALTRANSMSP: Digital transformation for Business Model Innovations in SMEs in the Czech Republic"
Project 2019-1-EL01-KA203-062984 Erasmus+ Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 - Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA203 - Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Title: Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility - the case of Europe
Project of specific research for Faculty of Business and Management: The challenges of digital transformation in the context of globalization, which is founded by Specific Research of FBM BUT, grant number FP-J-19-5909
Project of specific research for Faculty of Business and Management: FP-S20-6355: Koncepce řízení a rozvoje podniku v prostředí multioborových hodnotových sítí.