doc. Ing.

Vladimír Drábek


FIT – významný bývalý pracovník

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doc. Ing. Vladimír Drábek, CSc.


  • 2010

    ŠIMEK, V.; DVOŘÁK, R.; ZBOŘIL, F.; DRÁBEK, V. Performance Evaluation of OpenCL Framework for Numerical Solver of Advection Diffusion Equation. Proceedings of CSE 2010 International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering. Košice: The University of Technology Košice, 2010. s. 279-286. ISBN: 978-80-8086-164-3.

  • 2009

    DVOŘÁK, R.; ŠIMEK, V.; ZBOŘIL, F.; DRÁBEK, V. GPU Accelerated Solver of Time-Dependent Air Pollutant Transport Equations. In 12th EUROMICRO Conference on Digital System Design DSD 2009. Patras: IEEE Computer Society, 2009. s. 1-7. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3277-6.

  • 2007

    BRYAN, L.; FUČÍK, O.; DRÁBEK, V. HW-Based Object Detection Method for Traffic Monitoring. 6th Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference (ECS 2007). Bratislava: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2007. s. 93-96. ISBN: 978-80-227-2697-9.

    DRÁBEK, V. Hardware Unit for Motion Estimation. Electronic Devices and Systems. Brno: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication BUT, 2007. s. 17-21. ISBN: 978-80-214-3470-7.

    DRÁBEK, V. The Evolution of Graphical Processors. 6th Electronic Circuits and Systems Conference (ECS 2007). Bratislava: Faculty of Informatics and Information Technology Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2007. s. 97-102. ISBN: 978-80-227-2697-9.

  • 2005

    DRÁBEK, V. Studium na fakultě informačních technologií VUT v Brně 2005/2006. Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2005. s. 0-0.

    DRÁBEK, V.; KOTÁSEK, Z. Handbook of Testing Electronic Systems. In Handbook of Testing Electronic Systems. Praha: Czech Technical University Publishing House, 2005. s. 235-243. ISBN: 80-01-03318-X.

    DRÁBEK, V. Příručka k přijímacím zkouškám na FIT pro akademický rok 2005-2006. Brno: Fakulta informačních technologií VUT v Brně, 2005. s. 0-0.

  • 2004

    SEKANINA, L.; DRÁBEK, V. Theory and Applications of Evolvable Embedded Systems. Proc. of the 11th IEEE Int. Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of Computer-Based Systems. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2004. s. 186-193. ISBN: 0-7695-2125-8.
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    DRÁBEK, V. Binární algebry a kódy aneb ten nádherný binární svět. I & IT'04 Informatika a informačné technológie 2004. Banská Bystrica: Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, 2004. s. 111-118. ISBN: 80-8083-017-7.

    BRYAN, L.; FUČÍK, O.; DRÁBEK, V. Image filter implementation in FPGA used for the license plate. Proceedings of 38th International Conference MOSIS'04. Ostrava: 2004. s. 169-174. ISBN: 80-85988-98-4.

  • 2003

    DRÁBEK, V. Montgomery Multiplication in GF(p) and GF(2^n). Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2003. s. 106-109. ISBN: 80-214-2452-4.

    BRYAN, L.; FUČÍK, O.; ZEMČÍK, P.; DRÁBEK, V.; TUPEC, P. Inter Chip Communicating System with Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware Support. Poznaň: University of Technology at Poznaň, 2003. s. 311-312. ISBN: 83-7143-557-6.

    DRÁBEK, V. Diagnosis and testing. Student e-text for DIA, study program IT. Brno: Faculty of Information Technology BUT, 2003. s. 0-0.

  • 2002

    SEKANINA, L.; DRÁBEK, V. Soft-hardware. Vesmír, 2002, roč. 81, č. 7, s. 393-395. ISSN: 0042-4544.
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    DRÁBEK, V.; SEKANINA, L. Basic Principles of Bio-Inspired Approaches to Fault Tolerance: Tutorial. Design for Test of Systems on Chip: Digital Test. Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 2002. s. 1-48. ISBN: 0000-00-000-0.

    SLLAME, A.; DRÁBEK, V. An Efficient List-Based Scheduling Algorithm for High-Level-Synthesis. EUROMICRO Symposium on Digital System Design (DSD2002): Architecture, Methods and Tools, IEEE Computer Society. IEEE Computer Society. Dortmund, Germany: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2002. s. 316-323. ISBN: 0-7695-1790-0.

    SLLAME, A.; DRÁBEK, V. A Design Space Exploration Scheme for High-Level Synthesis Systems. Proceedings of 36th International Conference MOSIS '02 Modelling and Simulation of Systems. Vol. I. Ostrava: 2002. s. 305-312. ISBN: 80-85988-71-2.

    SEKANINA, L.; DRÁBEK, V. Automatic Design of Image Operators Using Evolvable Hardware. Proc. of 5th IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2002. s. 132-139. ISBN: 80-214-2094-4.
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    SEKANINA, L.; DRÁBEK, V. A Survey of Bioinspired Methods for Design of Fault Tolerant Reconfigurable Architectures. Proc. of the 8th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference. Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 2002. s. 355-358. ISBN: 9985-59-292-1.

  • 2001

    VOJKŮVKA, M.; DRÁBEK, V. Modelling of Montgomery Multiplication in GF(2^m). Proceedings of the 35th Spring International Conference MOSIS'01. Ostrava: 2001. s. 441-446. ISBN: 80-85988-57-7.

    SLLAME, A.; DRÁBEK, V. Specification and Synthesis of Reusable Modules in VHDL. Proceedings of fourth International Wokshop on IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems IEEE DDCSE01. Gyor, Hungary: SZIF-UNIVERSITAS Ltd., Hungary, 2001. s. 137-140. ISBN: 963-7175-16-4.

    TOMŠŮ, M.; DRÁBEK, V. The Possibilities of Hardware Support for the Virtual Reality Systems Using the Internet Connections. Proceedings of the 35th Spring International Conference MOSIS'01. Ostrava: 2001. s. 121-126. ISBN: 80-85988-57-7.

    DRÁBEK, V. Configurable Computing. Advanced Simulation of Systems. Ostrava: 2001. s. 59-63. ISBN: 80-85988-61-5.

  • 2000

    DRÁBEK, V. Applications of Daubechies Wavelets for Image Compression. 34th Spring. Int. Conf. MOSIS 2000. Roznov p. R.: 2000. s. 31-37. ISBN: 80-85988-44-5.

    SEKANINA, L.; DRÁBEK, V. Relation Between Fault Tolerance and Reconfiguration in Cellular Systems. 6th IEEE Int. On-Line Testing Workshop. Palma de Mallorca, Spain: IEEE Computer Society Press, 2000. s. 25-30. ISBN: 0-7695-0646-1.
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    DRÁBEK, V. Digital Laboratory for Non-Linear Video Editing. 4th Int. Sci. Conf. Electronic Computers and Informatics 2000. Košice - Herlany: unknown, 2000. s. 146-149. ISBN: 80-88922-25-9.

    SEKANINA, L.; DRÁBEK, V. Fault Tolerance and Reconfiguration in Cellular Systems. Proc. of Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems - IEEE DDECS'2000. Smolenice: unknown, 2000. s. 134-137. ISBN: 80-968320-3-4.

    SLLAME, A.; DRÁBEK, V. Design of Graphical Hardware. MOSIS2000 34th Spring International Conference Modeling and Simulation of Systems. Roznov pod Radhostem: 2000. s. 51-55. ISBN: 80-85988-44-5.

    DRÁBEK, V.; VOJKŮVKA, M. Applications of Elliptic Curves over GF(2^m) in Cryptography. Proceedings of the XXIInd International Colloquium ASIS 2000. Ostrava: MARQ, 2000. s. 101-106. ISBN: 80-85988-51-8.

    SEKANINA, L.; DRÁBEK, V. The Concept of Pseudo Evolvable Hardware. IFAC Workshop on Programmable Devices and Systems 2000. Elsevier Science Ltd. Oxford: unknown, 2000. s. 0-0. ISBN: 0-08-043620-X.

  • 1999

    DRÁBEK, V.; VOJKŮVKA, M. Modelling of Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Proceedings of XXIst International Colloquium. Ostrava: 1999. s. 89-94. ISBN: 80-85988-41-0.

    DRÁBEK, V. A Model of PicoJava CPU Core. MOSIS'99, Vol. 2. Rožnov p. Radhoštěm: 1999. s. 27-29. ISBN: 80-85988-33-X.

    DRÁBEK, V. The Economic Analysis of Design for Testability. I&IT'99, Sci. Conf. Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. Banska Bystrica: unknown, 1999. s. 10-12.

    DRÁBEK, V. The Unified Approach to Processor Testing. CE&I, Sci. Conf., Košice-Herlany, Slovakia. Košice-Herlany: unknown, 1999. s. 192-195. ISBN: 80-88922-05-4.

    SEKANINA, L.; DRÁBEK, V. Evolvable hardware - evoluce na čipu. Elektrorevue - Internetový časopis (, 1999, roč. 1, č. 5, s. 0-0. ISSN: 1213-1539.
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    DVOŘÁK, V.; DRÁBEK, V. Architektura procesorů. Brno: 1999. 300 s. ISBN: 80-214-1458-8.

  • 1998

    DRÁBEK, V. Data Compression Using Cellular Automata. ASIS´98. Krnov: 1998. s. 63-66. ISBN: 80-85988-26-7.

    DRÁBEK, V. High-Level Scheduling and Allocation for Testability. EDS´98. Brno: 1998. s. 157-160. ISBN: 80-214-1198-8.

    CIGÁNEK, P.; DRÁBEK, V. Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata for BIST. DDECS´98. Szczyrk: 1998. s. 167-171. ISBN: 83-908409-6-0.

    DRÁBEK, V. Vlastnosti a použití binárních celulárních automatů. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 1998. s. 0-0.

    ŠVÉDA, M.; DVOŘÁK, V.; HRUŠKA, T.; DRÁBEK, V. ECBS Master Degree Study at the Technical University of Brno. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference and Workshop ECBS'98. Los Alamitos, California: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1998. s. 306-312. ISBN: 0-8186-8463-1.

    DRÁBEK, V. Modelling of Safety-Critical Computer Systems. MOSIS´98. Bystřice pod Hostýnem: 1998. s. 221-227. ISBN: 80-85988-23-2.

  • 1997

    CIGÁNEK, P.; DRÁBEK, V. Synthesis and Modelling of Binary Cellular Automata. Soláň, May 12-16: 1997. s. 79-84. ISBN: 80-85988-19-4.

    DRÁBEK, V. Modelling of Two-Dimensional Cellular Automata. Krnov: 1997. s. 0-0. ISBN: 80-85988-20-8.

    DRÁBEK, V. Modelling of Evolvable Hardware. MOSIS 97. Hradec nad Moravicí: 1997. s. 319-324. ISBN: 80-85988-18-6.

    CIGÁNEK, P.; DRÁBEK, V. Applications of Binary Cellular Automata in BIST. Bratislava, Sept. 4-5: 1997. s. 189-192.

  • 1996

    DRÁBEK, V. Dependability Issues of Medical Electronics. Brno: 1996. s. 63-66. ISBN: 80-214-0767-8.

    DRÁBEK, V. RAIDSIM - Model of a Disk Array. MOSIS '96. Modelling and System Simulation. Krnov: 1996. s. 136-141. ISBN: 80-85988-03-8.

    DRÁBEK, V. Simulation or Verification?. Zábřeh na Moravě: 1996. s. 13-18. ISBN: 80-85988-10-0.

    DRÁBEK, V. High-Level Specification and Verification as a New Design Methodology. Brno: 1996. s. 197-200. ISBN: 80-214-0768-9.

  • 1995

    DRÁBEK, V.; STACHNÍK, M. A Fault-Tolerant ASIC Array. Baligrod-Bystre, 9-13 Oct., 1995: unknown, 1995. s. 193-200. ISBN: 83-900859-3-3.

  • 1994

    DRÁBEK, V. A fault-tolerant digital neural network. 6th Microcomputer '94. Brno: neznámá, 1994. s. 34-36. ISBN: 80-2140564-3.

  • 1977

    DRÁBEK, V.; EYSSELT, M.; HRUBÝ, P. Metody pro počítačový návrh a modelování logických obvodů. Brno: Fakulta elektrotechniky VUT, 1977. s. 1-110.

*) Citace publikací se generují jednou za 24 hodin.