Detail projektu

Glass-ceramic innovation ecosystem for implementation of new research directions in applications (GlaCerHub)

Období řešení: 01.06.2023 — 31.05.2027

Zdroje financování

Evropská unie - HORIZON EUROPE

- plně financující (2023-05-16 - 2027-05-31)

O projektu

GlaCerHub offers great potential to act as a catalyst for boosting R&D and industry applications in two widening countries, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The GlaCerHub consortium will bring together academic institutions, industry, local government, and 3rd sector organisations from these countries with the goal of reducing: - Innovation divide in widening countries, lack of innovation ecosystems, lack of linkages between academia, business, government, and society; - Lack of placed based innovation culture linked with strategic agenda aligned with regional or national smart specialisation strategies; - Lack of synergies developed with European Innovation Ecosystems and the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

Klíčová slova
glass; ceramics; training programme; technology transfer; regional innovation strategy; talent attracion and development



Originální jazyk




Pokročilá multifunkční keramika
- příjemce (02.03.2022 - nezadáno)
Pokročilé povlaky
- spolupříjemce (01.06.2023 - 31.05.2027)