prof. Ing.

Pavel Novotný


FME, IAE DP – Head of sub-department

+420 54114 2272

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prof. Ing. Pavel Novotný, Ph.D.


Consulting hours

Monday, 13:00-15:00, A1/0826 (Technická 2896/2, Brno 616 69)

Consultation hours

Guaranteed programmes

N-AAE-PAdvanced Automotiv Engineering
full-time study, Czech, Ing., 2 years, FME,

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Guaranteed courses

QMOMultiphysical Simmulation in Automotive Industry
Czech, winter, FME, IAE
QPASimmulation in Automotive Industry
Czech, winter, FME, IAE
QDZ-AVibration and Noise of Vehicles
English, summer, FME, IAE
9VNPVibration and Noise Powertrain
Czech, winter, FME, IAE

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025

Lectured courses

QEMExperimental Methods
Lecture, Czech, summer, FME, IAE
QMOMultiphysical Simmulation in Automotive Industry
Lecture, Czech, winter, FME, IAE
QPASimmulation in Automotive Industry
Lecture, Czech, winter, FME, IAE
QDZ-AVibration and Noise of Vehicles
Lecture, English, summer, FME, IAE

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025