prof. Ing.
Pavel Novotný
FME, IAE DP – Head of sub-department
+420 54114 2272
Curriculum vitae
Education and academic qualification
- 2009, Doc., Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, branch Design and Process Engineering
- 2004, Ph.D., Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, branch Design and Process Engineering
- 2001, M.Sc., Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, branch Engineering mechanics
Career overview
- 2010 – to date, associate professor, Institute of Automotive Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2005 – 2009, senior lecturer, Institute of Automotive Engineering, Brno University of Technology
- 2001 – 2005, senior lecturer, Department of Mechanics and Machine Parts, University od Defense
Pedagogic activities
Courses at Brno University of Technology
- Calculation models (QMO)
- Vehicle noise and vibrations (QDZ)
- Diploma project (M2335)
Courses at University of Defense
- Technical Mechanics (2001 – 2005)
- Engineering Basics (2001 – 2005)
- Machine Parts I (2001 – 2005)
- Machine Parts II (2001 – 2005)
Scientific activities
- Mechanical Efficiency of Turbochargers and IC Engines
- Noise Vibration and Harshness of Turbochargers, IC Engines and Vehicles
- Numeric methods in dynamics
- FEM and MBD methods
Academic internships abroad
- 2012, FEV GmbH, Germany, R&D activities: Numerical algorithm development, 1 month
- 2011, RMIT, Melbourne, Australia, Study activities: Study and research activities at Australian technical universities, 2 weeks
- 2008, RWTH University Aachen/FEV Motorentechnik, Aachen, SRN, R&D activities: Algorithm development of engine component interactions, 2 weeks
- 2007, RWTH University Aachen/FEV Motorentechnik, SRN, R&D activities: Development of engine with variable compression ratio, 2 months
- 2006, RWTH Aachen, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Automotive Engineering, SRN, R&D activities: Dynamics of timing chain; Development of un-conventional engine, 3 months
- 2003, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Measurement Technique and Reciprocating Machines, R&D activities: Diesel particle filter development, 3 months
- 1998 – 2001, ZĎAS Žďár nad Sázavou, a.s., Czech Republic, Departure of rolling mills, R&D: General technical activities and CAD, 2 months per year
University activities
- 2006 – 2009, member of Academic Senate FME BUT
- 2014 – 2016, member of Branch Board for doctoral programme, ČVUT
- 2014 – 2017, member of Scientific Board, FŠT TnUAD Trenčín
- 2019 – 2021, Research of Technologies, Testing and Control for Future Powertrain Components RETEPO, TN01000026/01, research team leader
- 2018 – 2021, Thrust bearing load capability increasing, project TAČR Epsilon TH03020426, co-coordinator and research team leader
- 2014 – 2017, Research and development of powertrains with modern accumulative injection systems to minimize the harmful substances in exhaust gases, projekt TAČR Alfa TA04030454, co-coordinator and research team leader
- 2014 – 2017, Aircraft Engine MIKRON IIID, project TAČR Alfa TA04021257, co-coordinator and research team leader
- 2013 – 2016, Fully reverse double flow gearbox with automated electro-hydraulic shifting, project TAČR Alfa TA03011378
- 2012 – 2017, Josef Bozek Competence Centre for Automotive, Research team leader
- 2012 – 2015, Research and Development of Piston Internal Combustion Engine for Combustion of Compressed Natural Gas, project TAČR Alfa TA02031128
- 2011 – 2014, Research and development of powertrain with progressive members for decrease of harmful substances in exhaust gasses, project MPO FR-TI3/207, co-coordinator and research team leader
- 2011 – 2013, Research of suitable methods for decrease of powertrain vibrations, Project FS-S-11-8
- 2009 – 2018, NETME Centre, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, OP VaVpI, assistent manager of AAT division
- 2009 – 2012, Research and Development of Two Stroke CI Engine with Opposite Pistons, Project FR-TI1/580, Ministry of Industry and Trade
- 2009 – 2011, Interaction of elastic structures through thin layers of viscoelastic fluid, Project GA ČR 101/06/P032
- 2005 – 2011, Simulation modelling of mechatronic systems. Research plan MŠMT ČR MSM0021630518
- 2006 – 2009, Virtual Prototypes of Machinery Substructures. Projekt GA ČR 101/06/P032
- 2006 – 2009, Real Cycles of External Heat Supply Engines. Project GA ČR 101/06/0402
- 2005, Virtual prototypes of powertrain on integrated platform CAD/FEM/MBS, FV FSI BD 1353051
- 2005 – 2011, Josef Božek Research Centre for Engine and Vehicle Technologies II. Research plan 1M6840770002 MŠMT ČR
- 2003 – 2005, Combined Heat and Power Micro Plant Based on External Heat Supply Engine. Project GA ČR 101/03/0299
- 2002 – 2004, Virtual Engine - A Tool for Military Truck Reliability Increase. Research and Technology Organisation RTO (CZ001)
- 2001 – 2003, Compex 3D calculation models of crank mechanism. Project GA ČR 101/01/0027