Václav Šulc
FME, IPE DOPM – Researcher
+420 54114 2765, +420 54114 2831
VOHÁNKA, J.; ŠULC, V.; OHLÍDAL, I.; OHLÍDAL, M.; KLAPETEK, P. Optical method for determining the power spectral density function of randomly rough surfaces by simultaneous processing of spectroscopic reflectometry, variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry and angle-resolved scattering data. Optik, 2023, vol. 280, no. 170775, ISSN: 1618-1336.
Detail | WWWŠULC, V.; VOHÁNKA, J.; OHLÍDAL, I.; KLAPETEK, P.; OHLÍDAL, M.; KAUR, N.; VIŽĎA, F. Multi-Wavelength Angle-Resolved Scattering of Randomly Rough Surfaces Based on the Scalar Diffraction Theory. Coatings, MDPI, 2023, vol. 13, no. 11, ISSN: 2079-6412.
Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital LibraryPLICHTA, T.; ŠULC, V.; OHLÍDAL, M.; ČECH, V. Stable a-CSi:H films with a wide range of modulus of elasticity and low internal stress. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2023, vol. 2022, no. 129147, ISSN: 0257-8972.
Detail | WWW2021
ŠUSTEK, Š.; VOHÁNKA, J.; OHLÍDAL, I.; OHLÍDAL, M.; ŠULC, V.; KLAPETEK, P.; KAUR, N. Characterization of randomly rough surfaces using angle-resolved scattering of light and atomic force microscopy. Journal of Optics, 2021, vol. 23, no. 10,
p. 105602-105602. ISSN: 2040-8986.
Detail | WWW2020
VOHÁNKA, J.; ŠUSTEK, Š.; BURŠÍKOVÁ, V.; ŠKLÍBOVÁ, V.; ŠULC, V.; HOMOLA, V.; FRANTA, D.; ČERMÁK, M.; OHLÍDAL, M.; OHLÍDAL, I. Determining shape of thickness non-uniformity using variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry. APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 2020, vol. 534, no. 147625,
p. 1-10. ISSN: 1873-5584.
Detail | WWWOHLÍDAL, I.; VOHÁNKA, J.; BURŠÍKOVÁ, V.; ŠULC, V.; ŠUSTEK, Š.; OHLÍDAL, M. Ellipsometric characterization of inhomogeneous thin films with complicated thickness non-uniformity: application to inhomogeneous polymer-like thin films. OPTICS EXPRESS, 2020, vol. 28, no. 24,
p. 36796-36811. ISSN: 1094-4087.
Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library2019
VOHÁNKA, J.; OHLÍDAL, I.; OHLÍDAL, M.; ŠUSTEK, Š.; ČERMÁK, M.; ŠULC, V.; VAŠINA, P.; ŽENÍŠEK, J.; FRANTA, D. Optical Characterization of Non-Stoichiometric Silicon Nitride Films Exhibiting Combined Defects. Coatings, MDPI, 2019, vol. ˙9, no. 7,
p. 1-21. ISSN: 2079-6412.
Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library
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