Traineeships - Erasmus+ Alumni
- Conditions of the Erasmus+ programme for postgraduate traineeships
- Application for selection procedure
- Traineeship Agreement for graduates
- Text of the participation agreement (for perusal)
- Application for traineeship extension
- Certificate on length and main activities performed during the traineeship (Traineeship Certificate)
- The amount of financial support for individual countries in academic year 2019/2020
- The amount of financial support for individual countries in academic year 2020/2021
- Codes of countries and fields of study
- Length of stay and amount of grant calculator
- Erasmus+ Student Charter
- Erasmus+ Interim report template
Postgraduate traineeships within the Erasmus+ programme give recent graduates an opportunity to travel and gain a professional work experience after finishing studies at Brno University of Technology. Similarly to traineeships organised during studies, postgraduate traineeships aim to apply the students’ knowledge in practice, provide them with international work experience, become an interesting item to add to their CVs and maybe also to help graduates to get an employment contract at the place of their traineeship. PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES – identical to Erasmus+ traineeships for regular students
- 28 countries in the EU
- 3 EFTA countries (Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland)
- candidate countries (Turkey, North Macedonia and Serbia)
The conditions are described in comprehensive and detailed fashion in the Conditions of Postgraduate Traineeships attached to Guidance No. 8/2018.
- Administrative procedure checklists: FA, FCE, FFA, FEEC, FCH, FIT, FBM, FME, USI, CEITEC
- the student must be duly nominated for the traineeship in a transparent selection procedure during the last semester of his/her studies, i.e. before the State final examination.
- the activity is for selected participants only, therefore, a special emphasis is placed on the quality of the agreed traineeship and the student’s motivation
- The Foreign Relations Department of the Rectorate announces the selection procedure through faculties and component parts twice a year on the following dates:
- April/May, i.e. before the summer State final examinations
- December/January, i.e. before the January State final examinations
- the student individually negotiates his/her traineeship in a foreign company
- the company must meet basic criteria listed in the Conditions of the Programme
- In case you are having trouble finding a suitable organisation for your traineeship, you can have a look at a list of institutions visited by BUT students in the previous period:
- the student then submits an application for selection procedure to his/her faculty, along with
- motivation letter of at least 250 words.
- Traineeship Agreement agreed upon with the company and BUT and signed by the parties
- certificate of language skills
- consent to personal data processing pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (GDPR)
- Traineeship Agreement is a binding trilateral agreement between the future graduate, Brno University of Technology and the hosting company, which contains especially the following:
- identification of the parties
- specific and detailed plan of work activities, monitoring, evaluation of the student’s work etc.
- recommendation: write clearly and concisely, above all, be specific, co-operate with the company in making plans, seek advice.
- The student submits the Traineeship Agreement to a coordinator at the Foreign Relations Department to have it checked in terms of its form and contents and subsequently to the traineeship guarantor at the faculty to have it assessed it technical terms.
- Prior to leaving, the graduate must visit the Foreign Relations Department and sign a participation agreement.
- will obtain financial support for the purpose of partaking in the mobility programme according to flat-rate amounts determined for the hosting country based on the executed Participation Agreement
- The exact amount of the allocated financial support can be calculated or verified using the study stay length and grant amount calculator.
- the financial support serves only as a contribution, its aim is not to cover all expenses – the student’s financial participation is expected.
- the Erasmus+ programme financial support is compatible with salary or other performance on the part of the hosting company; however, the graduate may not receive any funding from other EU programmes.
- the financial support is paid to the graduate to a specified bank account according to the Conditions as follows:
- 80% of the total amount before/during the traineeship in 1 to 2 advance payments
- 20% of the total amount not later than 45 days (in most cases significantly sooner) after submitting output documents from the traineeship (see below, or see Article 9 of the participation agreement)
- the graduate may request extension of stay for the reasons of continuation and extension of practice by submitting an Application for Extension of Stay under the conditions set in Article 8.1 (d) of the participation agreement
- the graduate shall submit to the Foreign Relations Department an interim report in contractually defined form around the middle of the traineeship.
- within 15 days of the end of the traineeship, the graduate shall submit an original counterpart of the certificate on length and main activities performed during the traineeship (Traineeship Certificate) which the graduate will obtain from the hosting company upon request shortly before his/her departure
- furthermore, the graduate must fill in the final report (EU Survey) within 15 days of the end of the traineeship after receiving a request via contact e-mail address after the end of the stay.
- We would like to point out the specifics of postgraduate traineeships, especially the position of a graduate in comparison to traineeships of active students, which are based on the current legislation
- for more details see Article 3 of Conditions of Postgraduate Traineeships
- A graduate with special needs may apply through the Erasmus+ programme institutional coordinator for a support for increased costs on grounds of special needs, particularly a severe handicap (a handicap affecting a person’s mobility, vision or hearing) by filling out an application variant for extraordinary grants for students with special needs.
- Before completing the application, please read the information about processing your personal data.
- Application variant I Application variant II Application variant III
- A graduate coming from a socio-economically disadvantaged background may apply through an Erasmus+ programme institutional co-ordinator for an increase in the flat-rate amount of support by submitting Application for an Increase in Financial Support on Grounds of Socio-economic Disadvantage.
- Note: for traineeships, only one increase is granted in addition to the basic (student) rate of the grant – either an increase to the traineeship rate or the socio-economical rate, not both.