Branch Details

Computer Graphics and Multimedia

Original title in Czech: Počítačová grafika a multimédiaFITAbbreviation: MGMAcad. year: 2017/2018

Programme: Information Technology

Length of Study: 2 years

Accredited from: 30.6.2014Accredited until: 31.12.2022


The goal of the study in Computer Graphics and Multimedia is to teach students theory, technology, procedures, and skills in computer graphics and multimedia. The compulsory courses are intended for improvement of both basic and in-depth knowledge of image synthesis in computer graphics, speech processing and recognition, sound and video sequences algorithms for multimedia, and development of systems for human-computer interaction. The purpose of the optional courses is to let students to focus according to their personal preferences on theoretical basis of the selected specialization or other fields of computer science, or to specialize in e.g. computer graphics, processing of sound and speech, image processing, or multimedia. The intended placement of the graduates is in research and development of systems that exploit computers for images and sound.

Key learning outcomes

Student of the branch acquire deeper knowledge in the computer graphics and multimedia. Study in this branch provide further extension of knowledge of image synthesis in computer graphics, speech processing and recognition, sound and video sequences algorithms for multimedia, and development of systems for human-computer interaction.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

  • Knowledge of theory, technology, procedures, and skills in the extent allowing research and development on the fields of computer graphics and multimedia including projects involving user interfaces, image processing and sound and speech processing.
  • Orientation in wide range of information technologies and principles of project control, ability to apply the principles in all possible exploitation of computer technology. Skills needed to design and carry-out experiments and to analyze and interpret the results and to work independently and in teams, to present the results orally or in writing and to self-improve and adapt to the requirements of the professional career and praxis.
  • Ability to be hired for wide range of jobs that require any type of knowledge of information technologies, imaging, video, or sound computer technologies especially in teams dealing with software development, in the industrial applications, in media companies, radio and television studios, in scientific simulations, computer games development, and also in state and local bodies, in the army, in education and health institutes, and practically in any industrial enterprise.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
HSCHardware/Software Codesigncs, en5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
MATMathematical Structures in Computer Sciencecs, en5CompulsoryExP - 39 / COZ - 13yes
PGRComputer Graphicscs, en5CompulsoryExP - 39 / Cp - 6 / PR - 7yes
PDBAdvanced Database Systemscs, en5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 6 / Cp - 6 / PR - 14yes
TINTheoretical Computer Sciencecs5CompulsoryCr,Exyes
STITheoretical Computer Science Seminarcs2ElectiveCryes
VINComputer Artcs5ElectiveGCryes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
FYOPhysical Opticscs, en5CompulsoryExP - 26 / COZ - 13 / PR - 13yes
MULMultimediacs, en5CompulsoryExP - 26 / Cp - 13 / PR - 13yes
PDSData Communications, Computer Networks and Protocolscs, en5CompulsoryExP - 39 / COZ - 4 / L - 2 / PR - 7yes
ZPOImage Processingcs, en5CompulsoryExyes
ZRESpeech Signal Processingcs, en5CompulsoryExyes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
SEPTerm Projectcs, en5CompulsoryGCryes
ACHProcessor Architecturecs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / Cp - 10 / PR - 13yes
ZZNKnowledge Discovery in Databasescs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DIPMaster's Thesiscs, en13CompulsoryCrPR - 169yes
VGEComputational Geometrycs, en5CompulsoryExyes
KRYCryptographycs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / PR - 13yes
PESPetri Netscs5ElectiveExP - 39 / Cp - 6 / PR - 7yes
PISAdvanced Information Systemscs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
POSAdvanced Operating Systemscs5ElectiveExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
Any year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
AEUEnglish for Europecs, en3Compulsory-optionalCr,ExCOZ - 26yes
FCEEnglish: Preparatory Course for FCE Examcs, en3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technologycs, en3Compulsory-optionalCrP - 26yes
GUXGraphical User Interfaces in X Window Systemcs5Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / PR - 26yes
GMUGraphic and Multimedia Processorscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 8 / PR - 18yes
SINIntelligent Systemscs5Compulsory-optionalExyes
HKOCommunication Skillscs, en3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
HKAAssertiveness and Conflictscs3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
POVaComputer Visionen5Compulsory-optionalExyes
PGPaAdvanced Computer Graphics (in English)en5Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / PR - 26yes
PCSAdvanced Digital Systemscs5Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / Cp - 10 / PR - 16yes
PRMFundamentals of Lawcs, en3Compulsory-optionalCryes
HPRPresentation Skillscs3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
PDIDistributed Application Environmentcs, en5Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / Cp - 6 / PR - 20yes
HPOPersonality Psychologycs3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
RETRhetoriccs, en3Compulsory-optionalCryes
HVRLeadership and People Managementcs, en3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
AISInformation Systems Analysis and Designcs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
BMSWireless and Mobile Networkscs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
BISInformation System Securitycs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
BIOBiometric Systemscs, en5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / L - 6 / PR - 7yes
FAVFormal Analysis and Verificationcs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
GZNGraphical and Sound Interfaces and Standardscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 12 / PR - 14yes
GJAGraphical User Interfaces in Javacs, en5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / PR - 26yes
GALGraph Algorithmscs, en5ElectiveExP - 39 / PR - 13yes
SENIntelligent Sensorscs5ElectiveCr,Exyes
PKSAdvanced Communication Systemscs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / L - 6 / PR - 7yes
SMTSeminar of Mathematical Structurescs2ElectiveCryes
SFCSoft Computingcs5ElectiveCr,Exyes
THEGame Theorycs4ElectiveCr,Exyes
TAMaApplication Development for Mobile Devicesen5ElectiveGCryes
VYPaCompiler Constructionen5ElectiveExyes
ZPXProfessional Practice, Abroaden5ElectiveCryes
ZPJaNatural Language Processingen5ElectiveExno
Any year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
ARCParallel System Architecture and Programmingcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / Cp - 12 / PR - 13yes
FIKPhilosophy and the Culturecs, en3Compulsory-optionalCrP - 26yes
FLPFunctional and Logic Programmingcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 12 / PR - 14yes
WAPInternet Applicationscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,Exyes
KKOData Coding and Compressioncs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / PR - 26yes
HKOCommunication Skillscs, en3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
HKAAssertiveness and Conflictscs3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
PRLParallel and Distributed Algorithmscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,Exyes
PRMFundamentals of Lawcs, en3Compulsory-optionalCryes
HPRPresentation Skillscs3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
HPOPersonality Psychologycs3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
RETRhetoriccs, en3Compulsory-optionalCryes
SNTSimulation Tools and Techniquescs5Compulsory-optionalCr,Exyes
HVRLeadership and People Managementcs, en3Compulsory-optionalCrCOZ - 26yes
VNVHigh Performance Computationscs, en5Compulsory-optionalExyes
AGSAgents and Multiagent Systemscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 13 / PR - 13yes
EVOApplied Evolutionary Algorithmscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 8 / PR - 18yes
BIFBioinformaticscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 12 / PR - 14yes
BINBio-Inspired Computerscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 8 / PR - 18yes
DJADynamic Languagescs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 6 / PR - 20yes
FVSFunctional Verification of Digital Systemscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / L - 8 / PR - 18yes
LOGLogiccs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 26yes
MPRProject Managementcs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 4 / Cp - 2 / PR - 20yes
MMATMatrices and Tensors Calculuscs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 18 / O - 8yes
NAVDesign of External Adapters and Embedded Systemscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / L - 16 / PR - 10yes
NSBProjecting, Administration and Securitycs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / L - 12 / PR - 6yes
PMAProject Managercs5ElectiveGCrP - 26 / COZ - 26yes
ROSaReal-Time Operating Systemsen5ElectiveExyes
SPPFault Tolerant Systemscs5ElectiveCr,Exyes
VIZaVisualization and CADen5ElectiveGCryes
VYFComputational Photographycs5ElectiveGCryes
ZPXProfessional Practice, Abroaden5ElectiveCryes