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study programme
Original title in Czech: Mezinárodní ekonomika a obchodFaculty: FBMAbbreviation: MGR-MEOAcad. year: 2025/2026
Type of study programme: Master's
Study programme code: N0311A050001
Degree awarded: Ing.
Language of instruction: Czech
Accreditation: 6.6.2018 - 5.6.2028
Profile of the programme
Academically oriented
Mode of study
Full-time study
Standard study length
2 years
Programme supervisor
prof. Ing. Tomáš Meluzín, Ph.D.
Degree Programme Board
Chairman :doc. Ing. Vít Chlebovský, Ph.D.Councillor internal :prof. Ing. Mária Režňáková, CSc.prof. Ing. Tomáš Meluzín, Ph.D.doc. Ing. Miloš Koch, CSc.Bc. Daniela Sloukovádoc. PhDr. Iveta Šimberová, Ph.D.prof. Ing. et Ing. Stanislav Škapa, Ph.D.doc. Ing. Radek Doskočil, Ph.D., MScCouncillor external :RNDr. Michal Beránek, Ph.D., MBA
Fields of education
Study aims
The follow-up Master’s degree programme “International Economics and Business” reflects the trends occurring in relation to the processes of globalising and internationalising the business environment. This degree program provides students with the necessary expertise in the field of economic and business disciplines forming its foundation. The courses focus on the theoretical and practical aspects of international economic relations, the development of knowledge and skills essential for the management of business activities in internationally operating manufacturing and business enterprises, as well as economic and managerial knowledge and skills in association with the focus on training highly qualified economists. Attention is also paid to the development of specific knowledge of the key aspects in terms of continuing to study in follow-up doctoral study programmes. The programme also includes the offer of courses of an international character taught in English and German. The objective of the follow-up Master’s degree programme “International Economics and Business” includes the training of highly qualified economists equipped with advanced expert knowledge and skills in economy, management economics and management of business activities in the context of the international environment. Emphasis is also placed on acquiring deeper knowledge of econometric and mathematical and statistical methods, economic and managerial approaches, including IT methods and tools, as well as on deepening professional language skills in the field of international finance, international taxes, corporate economics, and intercultural communication. The student will also acquire the necessary amount of knowledge to facilitate their orientation in international commercial law.
Graduate profile
The study programme provides education aimed at acquiring theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the key areas of economic management of internationally operating enterprises. The graduate will acquire the theoretical knowledge of key economic categories and mechanisms and will acquire skills in the field of international economics and business. Emphasis is also placed on professional language skills and capacities of graduates in the field of international finance, international taxes, corporate economics, and intercultural communication.
Profession characteristics
The graduates of the degree programme “International Economics and Business” will be able to pursue their careers in a number of positions, such as economists in management positions (economic directors), senior economic analysts, or senior sales managers in internationally operating manufacturing and trading companies. The graduate may continue to study in doctoral study programmes and develop their prerequisites and skills for future career in research and development institutions and at universities.
Fulfilment criteria
The state final examination consists of two parts, namely the defence of the diploma thesis and the oral examination. The oral examination consists of three areas: International Economy (courses: Macroeconomics 2, Microeconomics 2, International Economy, Statistics 2, and Mathematical Economy), International Business and Marketing (courses: International Business, Business Management, and International Marketing), and Managerial Economics (courses: Managerial Economics 2, Strategic Cost Management, Quality in Business, and compulsory electives group A courses).
Study plan creation
The study plan of the degree programme “International Economics and Business” is divided into three groups. The first group includes the key theoretical courses providing the essential background (Macroeconomics 2, Microeconomics 2, International Economy, International Business, and Statistics 2) and other compulsory courses of the profiling background (International Marketing, Banking 2, Business Management, Mathematical Economy, Research Methods in Economy, Quality in Business, Strategic Cost Management, Trading in Securities and Commodities, and Managerial Economics 2). The second group consists of the compulsory elective courses included in the courses of the profiling background – type A (Competitive Intelligence, Corporate Performance Analysis, International Capital Markets, Managerial Informatics, Electronic Trade, Business Logistics, and International Commercial Law). The third group consists of compulsory elective courses taught in English or German – type B (Corporate Economics, Angewandte Betriebswirtschaftslehre, International Finance, Cross Cultural Communication, and International Taxation of Incomes). In the field of compulsory courses, the student will acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge related to key economic categories and mechanisms with an emphasis on the international aspects (Macroeconomics 2, Microeconomics 2, and International Economy) and the skills and capacity to apply mathematical and statistical methods in solving economic tasks and processing and interpreting economic data (Statistics 2, Mathematical Economy, and Managerial Economics 2). The student will acquire knowledge and skills in the field of international trade with an emphasis on business management and marketing in an international context (International Trade, Business Management, and International Marketing). Attention is also paid to the financial market, with an emphasis on the banking sector and trading in securities and commodities, as well as the areas of quality in business and strategic cost management supporting economic and managerial decision-making. In the field of type A compulsory elective courses (belonging among the courses of the profiling background), the student follows the common background developed within the compulsory courses focusing on the student’s economic and managerial skills. The type A compulsory elective courses broaden the knowledge and skills in the field of analysing the corporate performance, international capital markets, managerial economics, business logistics, and electronic trade. The student will become acquainted with the modern approaches and methods of obtaining and evaluating information about the competitive environment, as well as with issues of international commercial law the knowledge of which is a prerequisite for the successful completion of export orders and foreign investments. Language training is an integral part of preparing the graduate. The knowledge and skills acquired in the courses of the profiling background (compulsory courses and type A compulsory elective courses) follow the type B compulsory elective courses in the form of extending the offer of professional courses in a foreign language, which are essential for communication capacities with foreign organisations. In these courses, emphasis is placed on deepening the language knowledge and competences in the fields of international finance (International Finance) and international taxation (International Taxation of Incomes), as well as extending the knowledge in the field of corporate economics in English and German (Corporate Economics and Angewandte Betriebswirtschaftslehre). Attention is also paid to the skills in the field of intercultural communication, namely in the course entitled International Cross Cultural Communication. The study plan of the degree programme International Economics and Business is divided into four semesters in two academic years. The student’s duties are evenly distributed into individual semesters so that the minimum number of credits per semester equals 30 (120 credits in total). The study plan is included in the annex. The degree programme uses the ECTS credit system. One lesson takes 50 minutes. Students of the follow-up master programmes (at the entrance to the 1st year) are required to have English language fluency at the B1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
What degree programme types may have preceded
The degree programme follows the Bachelor’s degree programme “Corporate Economics” provided at the Faculty of Business and Management of the Brno University of Technology. The graduate of the degree programme “International Economics and Business” may continue to study at the BUT’s Faculty of Business and Management within the doctoral degree programme “Business Management and Economics”.