s. 61-66. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWW2023
KLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; GORTSCHAKOW, S.; ROBIN-JOUAN, P. Comparison of Mean Methods Suitable for Radiation Properties Evaluation in CO2/O2 Plasma at Various Pressures. Proceedings XXIII International Conferenceon Gas Discharges and their Applications. 2023.
s. 124-127.
DetailVEKLICH, A.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; BORETSKIJ, V.; MURMANTSEV, A.; NINOVSKIJ, V.; IVANISIK, A. Plasma Properties of Electric Arc Discharge Burning Between Cu-W Composites Electrodes. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2023, roč. 10, č. 3,
s. 132-135. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2022
MURMANTSEV, A.; VEKLICH, A.; BORETSKIJ, V.; KLESHYCH, M.; FESENKO, S.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Pecularities of interaction of Cu-W composite materials with thermal arc discharge plasma. PROBL ATOM SCI TECH, 2022, roč. 2022, č. 6/142,
s. 134-138. ISSN: 1562-6016.
Detail | WWWKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; FUCHS, R. Comparison of Mean Absorption Methods for Radiation Transfer Models in Air Plasma at Various Pressures. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2022, roč. 1, č. 1,
s. 1-19. ISSN: 0272-4324.
Detail | WWWJENIŠTA, J.; CHAU, S.; CHIEN, S.; ŽIVNÝ, O.; TAKANA, H.; NISHIYAMA, H.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; MURPHY, A. Modeling of argon-steam thermal plasma flow for abatement of fluorinated compounds. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, roč. 55, č. 37,
s. 1-20. ISSN: 0022-3727.
Detail | WWW2021
MURMANTSEV, A.; VEKLICH, A.; BORETSKIJ, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; DOSTÁL, L.; PÍŠKA, J.; ŠIMEK, D. Composite Cu-Cr materials under thermal action of electric arc discharge plasma. PROBL ATOM SCI TECH, 2021, roč. 131, č. 1,
s. 98-101. ISSN: 1562-6016.
Detail | WWWMURMANTSEV, A.; VEKLICH, A.; BORETSKIJ, V.; FESENKO, S.; KLESHYCH, M.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Optical emission spectroscopy of plasma of arc discharge with copper and tungsten vapour admixtures. Proceedings of the XVII International Conference "Electronics and Applied Physics". Kiev, Ukraine: Taras Shevchenko University, 2021.
BARTLOVÁ, M.; KLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BOGATYREVA, N. Influence of metal vapours on radiation characteristics of air arc plasmas. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2020, roč. 7, č. 2,
s. 30-35. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněMURMANTSEV, A.; VEKLICH, A.; BORETSKIJ, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; DOSTÁL, L.; PÍŠKA, J.; ŠIMEK, D.; GAJDOŠ, A. Plasma-surface interaction of electric arc discharge between composite Cu-Cr electrodes. PROBL ATOM SCI TECH, 2020, roč. 130, č. 6,
s. 174-178. ISSN: 1562-6016.
Detail | WWWAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; JENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; NISHIYAMA, H.; MURPHY, A. Modelling of inhomogeneous mixing of plasma species in argon-steam arc discharge for broad range of operating conditions. European Physical Journal D, 2020, roč. 74, č. 2,
s. 1-19. ISSN: 1434-6060.
Detail | WWWMURMANTSEV, A.; VEKLICH, A.; KLESHYCH, M.; FESENKO, S.; BORETSKIJ, V.; IVANISIK, A.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Laser absorption spectroscopy of thermal plasma with copper vapours. XVI International Conference "Electronics and Applied Physics". Kiev, Ukrajina: Taras Shevchenko National University, 2020.
s. 46-48.
DetailMURMANTSEV, A.; VEKLICH, A.; BORETSKIJ, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; DOSTÁL, L.; PÍŠKA, J.; ŠIMEK, D.; GAJDOŠ, A. Thermal Plasma of Electric Arc Discharge Between Composite Cu-Cr Electrsodes: Optical Emission and Electrode Surface Interaction. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2020, roč. 7, č. 2,
s. 43-51. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWW2019
KNÁPEK, A.; ŠIKULA, J.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Fluctuations of focused electron beam in a conventional SEM. Ultramicroscopy, 2019, roč. 204, č. 1,
s. 49-54. ISSN: 0304-3991.
Detail | WWWBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; KLOC, P. Approximate determination of radiation properties in the arc plasmas with admixtures of copper vapours. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2019, roč. 6, č. 3,
s. 265-269. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWWBARTLOVÁ, M.; COUFAL, O.; VEKLICH, A.; POKORNÝ, J. Equilibrum composition of thermal plasma with copper and chromium vapours admixtures. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2019, roč. 6, č. 3,
s. 251-255. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWWVEKLICH, A.; BORETSKIJ, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Thermal plasma of electric arc discharge between Cu-Cr composite electrides. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2019, roč. 6, č. 1,
s. 27-30. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWW2018
JENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; UEHARA, S.; NISHIYAMA, H.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; MURPHY, A. Modeling of inhomogeneous mixing of plasma species in argon–steam arc discharge. Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics, 2018, roč. 51, č. 4,
s. 1-22. ISSN: 1361-6463.
DetailKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Pressure dependence of the optimized mean absorption coefficients. Novi Sad, Serbia: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2018.
s. 171-174.
s. 261-264. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWWKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Objective function for numerical mean absorption bands optimization. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2017, roč. 4, č. 3,
s. 269-272. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWWKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Numerically optimized band boundaries of Planck mean absorption coefficients in air plasma. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2017, roč. 50, č. 30,
s. 1-10. ISSN: 0022-3727.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněBUŠOV, B.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; BRÜSTLOVÁ, J.; DOBIS, P. APPLICATION OF TRIZ METHODOLOGY IN INNOVATION OF PRESSING. Žilina, Slovakia: University of Žilina, Slovakia, 2017.
s. 18-18.
DetailBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; KLOC, P. Radiation Transfer in Arc Plasmas. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2017, roč. 4, č. 3,
s. 253-256. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWWBUŠOV, B.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; BRÜSTLOVÁ, J.; DOBIS, P. APPLICATION OF TRIZ METHODOLOGY IN INNOVATION OF PRESSING. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Physics Teaching in Engineering Education. Žilina, Slovakia: University of Žilina, Slovakia, 2017.
s. 61-69. ISBN: 978-80-554-1322-8.
BUŠOV, B.; KATOLICKÝ, Z.; BARTLOVÁ, M. TRIZ and turbojet engine innovation. Procedia CIRP, 2016, roč. 40, č. 1,
s. 120-126. ISSN: 2212-8271.
DetailBUŠOV, B.; ŽÍDEK, J.; BARTLOVÁ, M. TRIZ already 35 years in the Czech Republic. In Procedia CIRP. Procedia CIRP. Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V., 2016.
s. 216-220. ISSN: 2212-8271.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněJENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; UEHARA, S.; NISHIYAMA, H.; MURPHY, A.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Investigation of Mixing of Plasma Species in Argon-Water Arc Discharge. Proceedings of 43rd IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS). 2016.
s. 460-460. ISBN: 978-1-4673-9601-1.
Detail | WWWBARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; KLOC, P. Photodissociation of diatomic molecules. Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2016.
s. 29-29. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWWBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Absorption properties of argon arc plasma. In 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics. European Conference Abstracts series. Leuven, Belgium: European Physical Society, 2016.
s. 1-4. ISBN: 2-914771-99-1.
Detail | WWWKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Effective plasma radius for Planck mean absorption coefficient. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. 2016.
s. 89-92.
KLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; COUFAL, O.; RÜMPLER, C. On the Selection of Integration Intervals for the Calculation of Mean Absorption Coefficients. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2015, roč. 35, č. 6,
s. 1097-1110. ISSN: 0272-4324.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněIouri Belski, Bohuslav Bušov, Milada Bartlová. Can simple ideation techniques influence idea generation: comparing results from Australia, Czech Republic, Finland and Russian Federation. In 26th Annual Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE2015). Victoria, Australia: Deakin University, Victoria, Australia, 2015.
s. 474-483. ISBN: 978-0-7300-0041-9.
Detail | WWWKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; COUFAL, O. Optimization of 3-band mean absorption coefficients. In Plasma Physics and Technology. Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha: Czech Technical UniversityinPrague, 2015.
s. 146-149. ISSN: 2336-2626.
Detail | WWWBUŠOV, B.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Dialektika a inovace metodikou TRIZ. XXXIII International Colloquium on the Management of Educational Process. Brno: Universita obrany, 2015.
s. 17-24. ISBN: 978-80-7231-995- 4.
Detail | WWWKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; COUFAL, O. Radiation transfer in air and air-Cu plasmas for two temperature profiles. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, roč. 48, č. 5,
s. 1-13. ISSN: 0022-3727.
Detail | WWWBARTLOVÁ, M.; BOGATYREVA, N.; AUBRECHT, V. Modelling Radiative Properties of SF6 Arc Plasma. In Plasma Physics and Technology. Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2015.
s. 300-303. ISSN: 2336-2626.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; NISHIYAMA, H.; UEHARA, S.; MURPHY, A.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Preliminary Study of Mixing of Plasma Species in a Hybrid-Stabilized Argon- Water Electric Arc. In Plasma Physics and Technology. Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha: Czech Technical University in Prague, 2015.
s. 316-319. ISSN: 2336- 2626.
DetailADINEH V. R.; COUFAL, O.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Calculation of net emission coefficient of electrical discharge machining arc plasmas in mixtures of nitrogen with graphite, copper and tungsten. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2015, roč. 48, č. 5,
s. 1-13. ISSN: 0022-3727.
Detail | WWWBUŠOV, B., Katolický, Z., Bartlová, M. SMALL TURBOJET ENGINE INNOVATION AND TRIZ INSTRUMENTS. In MATRIZ fest Conference, Praha 4.-6.9. 2014. Praha: TRIZ Association, 2015.
s. 237-246. ISBN: 978-0-692-27134- 6. ISSN: 2374-2275.
BARTLOVÁ, M.; BOGATYREVA, N.; AUBRECHT, V.; HOLCMAN, V.; BRÜSTLOVÁ, J. Approximate Description of Radiation Transfer in SF6 and PTFE Arc Plasmas. In RCITD 2013, Proceedings in Research Conference In Technical Disciplines. Zilina, Slovak Republic: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, 2014.
s. 16-20. ISBN: 978-80-554-0807- 1.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; BOGATYREVA, N.; AUBRECHT, V. Radiation Heat Transfer in Thermal Argon Plasma with Iron Vapor. Plasma Physics and Technology, 2014, roč. 1, č. 1,
s. 8-10. ISSN: 2336- 2626.
Detail | WWWBUŠOV, B.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Improvement of Active Hinge of the Car Bonnet. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika 2014. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2014.
s. 575-581. ISBN: 978-80-214-4817- 9.
DetailBUŠOV, B.; KNOFLÍČEK, R.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Improvement the Evaluation of Innovation. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika 2014. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2014.
s. 582-587. ISBN: 978-80-214-4817- 9.
DetailKATOLICKÝ, Z.; BUŠOV, B.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Turbojet Engine Innovation and TRIZ. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika 2014. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2014.
s. 16-23. ISBN: 978-80-214-4817- 9.
DetailBUŠOV, B.; KNOFLÍČEK, R.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Improvement the evaluation of innovation. Machatronika 2014. Book of abstracts. 2014.
s. 1 (1 s.).
DetailBUŠOV, B.; BRÜSTLOVÁ, J.; BARTLOVÁ, M. TRIZ methodology for analysis and synthesis of innovation. In Challenges and Solutions, Pluging and apps for effective teaching, PTEE 2014 Proceedings. Aveiro, Portugalsko: UA Editora, University Aveiro, 2014.
s. 113-121. ISBN: 978-972-789-433- 8.
Detail | WWWKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Scaling of the Net Emission Coefficients. In Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures,Topical Invited Lectures, Progress Reports and Workshop Lectures. Belgrade: Institute of Physics, 2014.
s. 375-379. ISBN: 978-86-7762-600- 6.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; NISHIYAMA, H.; KŘENEK, P.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Quasi-laminar flow characteristics in hybrid-stabilized argon-water arc discharge for subsonic-supersonic regimes. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2014, roč. 42, č. 10,
s. 2632-2633. ISSN: 0093-3813.
DetailKLOC, P.; AUBRECHT, V.; COUFAL, O.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Influence of Copper Vapours on the Radiative Transfer in Thermal Air Plasma. In Proceedings of the XXth International Conference on Gas Discharges and Their Applications. Orléans: GREMI UMR 7344, 2014.
s. 139-142. ISBN: 978-2-9548207-2- 9.
DetailBUŠOV, B.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Improvement of active hinge of the car bonnet. Mechatronika 2014. Book of abstracts. 2014.
s. 1 (1 s.).
DetailBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; HOLCMAN, V. P1-approximation for radiative transfer: application to SF6 + Cu arc plasmas. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2014, roč. 2015 (13), č. 1,
s. 502-508. ISSN: 1895-1066.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2013
BOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; ŠKARVADA, P.; DALLAEVA, D. APPROXIMATE CALCULATIONS OF RADIATION EMISSION FROM SF6 ARC PLASMAS WITH CU VAPOURS. In Proceedings of XX Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers. Brno- Letohrad: VUT v Brně, OEZ Letohrad, 2013.
s. 92-95. ISBN: 978-80-214-4753- 0.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; BOGATYREVA, N.; HOLCMAN, V. Multigroup Approximation of Radiation Transfer in SF6 Arc Plasmas. Acta Polytechnica (on-line), 2013, roč. 2013, č. 2,
s. 98-102. ISSN: 1805- 2363.
DetailBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Absorpční vlastnosti plazmatu směsí SF6 a PTFE. In TVVI 2013. Praha: CEMC, 2013.
s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-85990-22- 5.
DetailBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; HOLCMAN, V. Mean Absorption Coefficients for SF6 + PTFE Arc Plasmas. Elektrorevue - Internetový časopis (, 2013, roč. 4, č. 1,
s. 1-6. ISSN: 1213- 1539.
BOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Radiační přenos energie ve spínacím oblouku VN a VVN vypínačů. In OZE 2012. Kouty nad Desnou: 2012.
s. 1-6. ISBN: 978-80-85990-21- 8.
s. 115-118. ISBN: 978-80-214-4594- 9.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; BOGATYREVA, N. CALCULATION OF RADIATION TRANSFER IN SF6 ARC PLASMAS USING THE P1- APPROXIMATION. In Contributed Papers & Abstracts of Invited Lectures and Progress Reports of the 26th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases. Novi Sad, Srbsko: University of Novi Sad, 2012.
s. 139-142. ISBN: 978-86-7031-242- 5.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; BUŠOV, B.; DOBIS, P. Physics and Technology, Theory and Practice. In EDULEARN12, Proceedings CD. Barcelona, Španělsko: IATED, 2012.
s. 4186-4192. ISBN: 978-84-695-3491- 5.
DetailBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Perenos energii izlucheniya v duge plazmy. Vestnik Izhevsk State Technical University, 2012, roč. 53, č. 1,
s. 82-85. ISSN: 1813- 7903.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; BUŠOV, B. USING TECHOPTIMIZER IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION. In New trends in physics NTF 2012, Proc. of the conference. Brno: Dept. of Physics FEEC, BUT, 2012.
s. 201-204. ISBN: 978-80-214-4594- 9.
BOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Mean absorption coefficients of air plasmas. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, roč. 275, č. 1,
s. 1-10. ISSN: 1742- 6596.
DetailBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Aproximate Description of Radiation Transfer in Electric Arc Plasma. In Proceedings of XIXth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Invited and Contributed Papers. Brno - Letohrad: UVEE FEKT VUT v Brně, OEZ Letohrad, 2011.
s. 117-120. ISBN: 978-80-214-4293- 1.
DetailBUŠOV, B.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; DOBIS, P. TechOptimizer - the Bridge between Theory and Practice. In Proceedings of PTEE 2011. Mannheim, Německo: SEFI, 2011.
s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-3-931569-18- 1.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; NISHIYAMA, H.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; KŘENEK, P.; SEMBER, V.; MAŠLÁNI, A. A comparative numerical study of hybrid-stabilized argon- water electric arc. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 2011, roč. 182, č. 9,
s. 1776-1783. ISSN: 0010- 4655.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; NISHIYAMA, H.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; KŘENEK, P.; HRABOVSKÝ, M.; KAVKA, T.; SEMBER, V.; MAŠLÁNI, A. Numerical Investigation of Hybrid-Stabilized Argon- Water Electric Arc Used for Biomass Gasification. In Progress in Biomass and Bioenergy Production. Edited by Syed Shahid Shaukat. InTech. InTech, 2011.
s. 63-88. ISBN: 978-953-307-491- 7.
Detail | WWWJENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; NISHIYAMA, H.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; KŘENEK, P.; HRABOVSKÝ, M.; KAVKA, T.; SEMBER, V.; MAŠLÁNI, A. Integrated parametric study of a hybrid-stabilized argon - water arc under subsonic, transonic and supersonic plasma flow regimes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2011, roč. 44, č. 43,
s. 1-20. ISSN: 0022- 3727.
Detail | WWWBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Přenos záření v obloukovém plazmatu. Jemná mechanika a optika, 2011, roč. 56, č. 9/ 2011,
s. 251-253. ISSN: 0447- 6441.
BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; COUFAL, O. Net Emission Coefficients of Radiation in Thermal Plasmas of Air with Carbon Admixture. In 25th Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases. Contributed Papers. Belgrade, Srbsko: Astronomical Observatory, 2010.
s. 241-244. ISBN: 978-86-80019-37- 6.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; COUFAL, O. Radiative emission from air thermal plasmas with vapour of Cu or W. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2010, roč. 43, č. 43,
s. 1-11. ISSN: 0022- 3727.
DetailBOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Mean Values of Absorption Coefficients of Air Thermal Plasma. In Proceedings of Second Forum of Young Researches. Izhevsk, Russia: Publishing House of Izhevsk Technical State University, 2010.
s. 184-190. ISBN: 978-5-7526-0442- 3.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; TAKANA, H.; NYSHIYAMA, H.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; HRABOVSKÝ, M. Parametric study of hybrid argon- water stabilized arc under subsonic and supersonic regimes. High Temperature Material Processes: An International Journal, 2010, roč. 14, č. 1,
s. 63-76. ISSN: 1093- 3611.
COUFAL, O.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; BABICH, I.; BORETSKIJ, V.; VEKLICH, A. Composition of Electric Arc Plasma with Copper Vapours. In Proceedings of XVIIIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers. Brno - Letohrad: UVEE FEKT VUT v Brně, 2009.
s. 143-146. ISBN: 978-80-214-3793- 7.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V.; BOGATYREVA, N. Calculation of Photoabsorption Cross Sections of Diatomic Molecules. In Proceedings of XVIIIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers. Brno - Letohrad: UVEE FEKT VUT v Brně, 2009.
s. 120-123. ISBN: 978-80-214-3793- 7.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Net Emission Coefficients of Radiation in Air and SF6 Thermal Plasmas. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 2009, roč. 29, č. 2,
s. 131-147. ISSN: 0272- 4324.
DetailVYHNALÍKOVÁ, J.; POLÁCHOVÁ, L.; KRČMA, F.; BALAŠTÍKOVÁ, R.; BUDÍK, M.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Decomposition of VOC in Surface Discharge Combined with Photocatalysis. ISPC XIX - Book of Abstracts. Bochum: UPAC, 2009.
s. 468-468.
DetailVYHNALÍKOVÁ, J.; POLÁCHOVÁ, L.; KRČMA, F.; BALAŠTÍKOVÁ, R.; BUDÍK, M.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Decomposition of VOC in Surface Discharge Combined with Photocatalysis. Proceedings of ISPC XIX. Bochum: UPAC, 2009.
s. P2.14.18-1 (P2.14.18-4 s.)
BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Approximate Calculations of Continuous Spectra of Diatomic Molecules. Chemické listy, 2008, roč. 102, č. 16,
s. s1341 (s1347 s.) ISSN: 0009- 2770.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Radiation Transfer in Thermal Plasmas of Air, N2 and CO2. In Proceedings of XVII INternational Conference on Gas Discharges and Their Applications. Cardiff: Cardiff University, 2008.
s. 393-396. ISBN: 978-0-9558052-0- 2.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; COUFAL, O. COMPOSITION OF THERMAL PLASMA IN ELECTRIC ARC - EQUILIBRIUM AND NON-EQUILIBRIUM APPROACH. In Proceedings of the IV International Conference "Electronics and Applied Physics". Kijev, Ukrajina: RadioPhysics Faculty, University of Kijev, 2008.
s. 7-9.
AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Calculation of Net Emission Coefficients of radiation in Argon Arc Plasma. In 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Full- Papers CD. Kyoto, Japonsko: Kyoto University, 2007.
s. 30-33. ISBN: 978-80-7300-440- 8.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M. CALCULATION OF RADIATIVE HEAT TRANSFER IN hexafluoride ARC PLASMAS. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2007, roč. 25 (1997), č. 5,
s. 815 ( s.) ISSN: 0093- 3813.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; KOCSIS, Z.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Net emission coefficients of thermal plasmas in various gases. In New trends in Physics 2007. Brno: Ústav fyziky FEKT VUT v Brně, 2007.
s. 201-204. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078- 3.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Photodissociation Process in Diatomic Molecules. Praha: Institute of Plasma Physics, 2007.
s. 7-7.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Photodissociation Process in Diatomic Molecules. In Proceedings of XXVIII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Praha: Institute of Plasma Physics, 2007.
s. 104-106. ISBN: 978-80-87026-01- 4.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Net Emission Coefficients of Radiation in H2O and Argon Thermal Plasmas. In Proceedings of XVIIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc (Vol. I). Brno: UVEE FEKT, 2007.
s. 9-12. ISBN: 978-80-214-3359- 5.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Calculation of Net Emission Coefficients of Radiation in Argon Thermal Plasmas. Kyoto, Japonsko: Kyoto University, 2007.
s. 119-119.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Mathematical modelling of radiative transfer in arc plasmas. In Proceedings of the III Internationbal Conference "Electronics and Applied Physics". Kyiv, Ukraine: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, RadioPhysics Faculty, 2007.
s. 8-9. ISBN: 978-80-7300-440- 8.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Photoionization of Diatomic Molecules. In New Trends in Physics 2007, Proceedings of the conference. Brno: Department of Physics, FEEC, Brno University of Technology, 2007.
s. 205-208. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078- 3.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. The impact of molecular radiation processes in water plasma on performance of water-vortex and hybrid- stabilized electric arcs. In PPPS-2007 Proceedings DVD - The 34th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science and The 16th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference. Albuquerque, USA: Edl Schamiloglu, 2007.
s. 1429-1432. ISBN: 1-4244-0914- 4.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Radiative Heat Transfer in Thermal Plasmas. In Proceedings of CoPhys - International Physics Workshop 2006. Nitra: Prirodovedec No. 235, 2007.
s. 71-76. ISBN: 978-80-8094-084- 3.
BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Photoabsorption of diatomic molecules. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2006, roč. 56, č. Suppl. B,
s. B632 (B637 s.) ISSN: 0011- 4626.
DetailM. Bartlová, V. Aubrecht. Photoabsorption of diatomic molecules. 22nd Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology, 26.-29.6.2006, Prague, Czech Republic. Programme + Abstracts. Praha: 2006.
s. 31 ( s.) ISBN: 80-01-03506- 9.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Performance of water and hybrid stabilized electric arcs: the impact of dependence of radiation losses and plasma density on pressure. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2006, roč. 56, č. Suppl. B,
s. B1224 ( s.) ISSN: 0011- 4626.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Radiation Transfer in Arc Plasmas. In The Physics of Ionized Gases. AIP Conference Series 876. Melville, USA: American Institute of Physics, 2006.
s. 338-345. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0377- 2.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Properties of arc discharge with hybrid stabilization. High Temperature Material Processes: An International Journal, 2006, roč. 10, č. 4,
s. 501 ( s.) ISSN: 1093- 3611.
DetailM. Bartlová, O. Coufal. Effect of electron attachment on electron concentration in kinetic modelling of SF6- arc plasma. In Proceedings of The First Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Gdaňsk: 2006.
s. 1 ( s.)
DetailJ. Jeništa, M. Bartlová, V. Aubrecht. Performance of water and hybrid stabilized electric arcs: the impact of dependence of radiation losses and plasma density on pressure. Praha: 2006.
s. 82 ( s.)
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Radiation Transfer in Arc Plasmas. Belgrade, Serbia: Institute of Physics, 2006.
s. 279 ( s.)
DetailVladimír Aubrecht, Milada Bartlová. Method of partial characteristics in calculation of radiation transfer in arc plasmas. In Moderní trandy ve fyzice plazmatu a pevných látek. Brno: MU Brno, 2006.
s. 127-132. ISBN: 80-210-4195- 1.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; COUFAL, O. Radiation Transfer in Air Thermal Plasmas. In Proceedings of the XVI International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Xian, Čína: Xian Jiaotong University, 2006.
s. 45-48. ISBN: 0-9539105-3- 9.
J. Jenista, M. Bartlová, V. Aubrecht. Investigation of Hybrid Stabilized Electric Arc with Radiation Losses Involved by the Net Emission and the Partial Characteristics Methods. In 19th Int. Conf. on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas and 7th Asia Pacific Plasma. Nara, Japan: 2005.
s. 149 ( s.)
DetailM. Bartlova, B. Busov. USING TRIZ IN PHYSICS TEACHING THE WAY FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE. 4th International Conference on Physics Teaching in Engineering Education PTEE 2005, Abstracts of the Contributed Papers. Europhysics Conference Abstracts. Czech Republic: European Physical Society, 2005.
s. 5- 1 ( s.) ISBN: 2-914771-28- 2.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Radiation transfer in air thermal plasmas. In XVIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno: UVEE FEKT VUT v Brně, 2005.
s. 9-12. ISBN: 80-214-2931- 3.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Radiation in water- vortex stabilized electric arc comparison among different models. High Temperature Material Processes: An International Journal, 2005, roč. 8, č. 2,
s. 195-205. ISSN: 1093- 3611.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M.; BUŠOV, B. Using TRIZ in Physics Teaching, the Way from Theory to Practice. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physics Teaching in Engineering Education PTEE 2005. Brno University of Technology, 2005.
s. 5- 1 ( s.) ISBN: 80-903063-6- 5.
AUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M., URBAN, F., VALENTA, J. Partial characteristics of radiation for thermal plasmas in H2O and argon. In XVth International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Toulouse: Paul Sabatier University, 2004.
s. 141-144. ISBN: 978-1-899072-30- 9.
DetailCOUFAL, O., BARTLOVÁ, M. Influence of concentration on the values of recombination and ionization rate coefficients of atoms S and F. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2004, roč. 54, č. Suppl. C,
s. 665 ( s.) ISSN: 0011- 4626.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M., COUFAL, O. INFLUENCE OF ELECTRON ATTACHMENT ON KINETIC COMPOSITION OF SF6- ARC PLASMA. In New Trends in Physics, Proc. of the conference. Brno: FEEC, Brno University of Technology, 2004.
s. 156 ( s.) ISBN: 80-7355-024- 5.
DetailBUŠOV, B., BARTLOVÁ, M. TRIZ AT UNIVERSITIES AND IN FIRMS OF CR AND SLOVAKIA?. In XII. International Symposium on Electri Machienry in Prague, ISEM 2004. Prague: CVUT, 2004.
s. 5 ( s.) ISBN: 80-01-03061- X.
DetailCOUFAL, O.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Influence of concentration on the values of recombination and ionization rate coefficients of atoms S and F. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2004, roč. 54, č. Supplement C,
s. C665 (C670 s.) ISSN: 0011- 4626.
DetailJENIŠTA, J.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Comparison of Performance between Hybrid and Water Vortex Stabilized Electric Arcs. In New Trends in Physics (NTF 2004). Brno: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc., Ondráčkova 105, Brno, 2004.
s. 178-181. ISBN: 80-7355-024- 5.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M., COUFAL, O. Influence of Concentration on the Values of Recombination and Ionization Rate Constants of atoms S and F. Sborník abstraktů 21. Symposia o fyzice a technologii plazmatu. Praha: Organizační výbor symposia + katedra fyziky ČVUT FEL Praha, 2004.
s. 77 ( s.) ISBN: 80-01-03015- 6.
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M. Radiation absorption coefficients in arc plasmas. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2004, roč. 2004, č. 54,
s. 759-765. ISSN: 0011- 4626.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M. Absorption of Radiation in SF6, Ar and H2O Arc Plasmas. In Proc. 22nd International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases (SPIG 2004), Contributed Papers. Belgrade: Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro), 2004.
s. 425 ( s.) ISBN: 86-7306-063- X.
AUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M. Influence of Cu Vapour on Radiation in SF6 Arc Plasma. In Proceedings of the XIVth Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes (SAPP XIV). Liptovský Mikuláš: Department of Plasma Physics & Institute of Physics at Comenius University, 2003.
s. 5-6. ISBN: 80-8040-195- 0.
DetailLÁZNIČKOVÁ, I., BARTLOVÁ, M. Diffusion coefficients of gas system. In XVth Symposium on Physics of Switching arc, Volume I: Contributed papers. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2003.
s. 126-129. ISBN: 80-214-2307- 2.
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M. Radiation Transfer in SF6+ Cu Arc Plasmas. In Proceedings of XVth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno: UVEE FEKT, 2003.
s. 7-12. ISBN: 80-214-2307- 2.
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M., DOHNAL, P. Net Emission Coefficients in SF6 Arc Plasmas With Cu Admixture. In Proceedings of IV International Conference "Plasma Physics and Plasma Technology". Minsk, Belarus: Institute of Molecular and Atomic Physics, 2003.
s. 277-280. ISBN: 5-85389-039- 5.
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M. Contribution of Cu Vapour to Radiation Transfer in SF6 + PTFE Arc Plasmas. In Proceedings of 16th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Taormina, Italy: Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, 2003.
s. 682-682. ISBN: 978-1-899072-30- 9.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M., BARTL, J., COUFAL, O. Unimolecular Reactions in Chemical Kinetics of SF6- Arc Plasma. In Proceedings of the XIVth Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. Bratislava: Dept. of Plasma Physics & Institute of Physics at Comenius University, 2003.
s. 12 ( s.) ISBN: 80-8040-195- 0.
BARTLOVÁ, M. Electron Attachment in Kinetic Modeling of SF6 Arc Plasma. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2002, roč. 52, č. 6,
s. D392 ( s.) ISSN: 0011- 4626.
DetailBUŠOV, B., BARTLOVÁ, M. Knowledge Mining - Myth or Fact ?. In Proceedings 3rd Conference Physics Teaching in Engineering Education. Leuven: Universitry of Leuven, 2002.
s. 56 ( s.) ISBN: 90-5682-359- 0.
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M. Net Emission Coefficients in Argon Arc Plasmas. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2002, roč. 52, č. 6,
s. 522-527. ISSN: 0011- 4626.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M., COUFAL, O. An Improved Model of Chemical Kinetics in SF6- Arc Plasma. In Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Liverpool: University of Liverpool, 2002.
s. 51 ( s.) ISBN: 0-9539105-1- 2.
DetailCOUFAL, O., BARTLOVÁ, M. Comparison of some models of reaction kinetics in HV circuit breakers with SF6 after current zero. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2002, roč. 35(2002), č. 11,
s. 3065 ( s.) ISSN: 0022- 3727.
DetailCOUFAL, O., BARTLOVÁ, M. An Improved Model of Chemical Kinetics in SF6 Arc Plasma. In Proceedings of the XIV. International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Liverpool: University of Liverpool, 2002.
s. 51 ( s.) ISBN: 0-9539105-1- 2.
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M. Radiation in SF6+ PTFE Arc Plasmas. In Proceedings of the XIV International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Liverpool: The University of Liverpool, 2002.
s. 47-50. ISBN: 0-9539105-1- 2.
DetailDOBIS, P., UHDEOVÁ, N., BRÜSTLOVÁ, J., BARTLOVÁ, M. Průvodce studiem předmětu Fyzika 1. Průvodce studiem Fyziky 1. Brno: FEKT VUT v Brně, 2002.
DetailBUŠOV, B., BARTLOVÁ, M. From Problem to its Stones and Kernels. In ETRIA WORLD CONFERENCE, TRIZ FUTURE 2002. ENSAIS, Strasbourg: ENSAIS, 2002.
s. 347 ( s.) ISBN: 2-86820-227- 6.
s. 1 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-1869- 9.
DetailBUŠOV, B., BARTLOVÁ, M. Technická funkce a efekty přírodních věd, cesta z praxe do teorie a zpět. In Nové trendy ve fyzice. VUT, Brno: Ústav fyziky, 2001.
s. 432 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-1992- X.
DetailBUŠOV, B., GASANOV, A., KOKIN, S., BARTLOVÁ, M. Computer Support of Innovation´ s Creativity. In Proceedings an International Conference "Computer Based Learning in Science". University of Ostrava: 2001.
s. A3 ( s.) ISBN: 80-7042-180- 0.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M., COUFAL, O. Comparison of Some Kinetic Models of SF6- Arc Plasma. In 15thInternational Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Proceedings,Vol. III, Poster Contributions. Orléans, Francie: 2001.
s. 759 ( s.)
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M., COUFAL, O. Contribution to the Kinetic Modelling in SF6- Arc Plasma. In IXth International Conference of Switching Arc Phenomena, Proceedings. Lodz, Polsko: 2001.
s. 94 ( s.) ISBN: 83-902688-9- 2.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M. Práce-energie- výkon. 2001.
DetailBUŠOV, B., KOKIN, S., GASANOV, A., BARTLOVÁ, M. Computer Support of Innovationś Creativity. In Computer Based Learning in Science. PF Ostrava: De Montfort University, Leicester, UK, 2001.
s. G3 ( s.) ISBN: 80-7042-180- 0.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M. A Critical Analysis of the Dissociation- Recombination Reactions of Fluorine and Sulphur. In XIVth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc, Proceedings, Vol.I.: Contributed Papers. Brno, Czech Republic: Dep. of Power Electrical and Electronic Engineering, FEECS TU Brno, 2001.
s. 20 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-1949- 0.
DetailBUŠOV, B., GASANOV, A., KOKIN, S., BARTLOVÁ, M. Using of TIPS Programs Packages in Engineering Education. In Proceedings an International Conference "Computer Based Learning in Science". University of Ostrava: De Montfort University of Leicester, 2001.
s. G3 ( s.) ISBN: 80-7042-180- 0.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M., COUFAL, O. To the Calculation of Kinetic Composition of SF6- Arc Plasma. In Nové trendy ve fyzice, 2. díl. Brno, Česká republika: VUT v Brně, FEI, Ústav fyziky, 2001.
s. 246 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-1992- X.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; DE HESSELLE, M. Radiation Transfer in SF6 and PTFE Arc Plasmas. In Proceedings of XIVth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno: UVEE FEI, 2001.
s. 12-18. ISBN: 80-214-1949- 0.
AUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Calculation of Radiative Heat Transfer in Argon Arc Plasmas. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2000, roč. 50, č. S3,
s. 437-440. ISSN: 0011- 4626.
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M. Energy Balance of Sluphur Hexafluoride And Argon Arc Plasmas With Respect To Radiation. Proceedings of the XIII International Conference on Gas Discharges and their Applications. Glasgow, Great Britain: University of Strathclyde, 2000.
s. 50-51.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M. The influence of nonequilibrium distribution function on values of reaction rate constants. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2000, roč. 50, č. Suppl. S3,
s. 289-292. ISSN: 0011- 4626.
BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Some remarks to calculation of coefficient of ionization and recombination in SF6 plasma. In XXIII Int. Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. 2. Toulouse: Université Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, 1998.
s. 80 ( s.)
BARTLOVÁ, M. CALCULATION OF ARC PLASMA TEMPERATURE WITH RESPECT TO RADIATION. In 18th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Prague, Czech Republic: Czech Technical Universita in Prague, 1997.
s. 156 ( s.) ISBN: 80-01- 0164.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M., AUBRECHT, V. Some Remarks to Calculation of Ionization and Recombination Coefficients in SF6 Arc Plasma. In Proceedings of XXIIIth International Conference on Phenomena In Ionized Gases. Vol. II. Toulouse, France: Universite Paul Sabatier, 1997.
s. 80 ( s.)
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M., ŠTEFKA, J., HANÁČEK, P. Calculation of Arc Plasma Temperature With Respect to Radiation. In Proceedings of 18th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology. Praha: Czech Technical University, 1997.
s. 156 ( s.) ISBN: 80-01-01641- 2.
s. 109-110. ISBN: 83-87198-20- X.
DetailAUBRECHT, V.; BARTLOVÁ, M. Calculation of Radiative Heat Transfer in SF6 Arc Plasmas. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 1997, roč. 25, č. 5,
s. 815-823. ISSN: 0093- 3813.
DetailBARTLOVÁ, M. ELECTRON - ION RECOMBINATION IN DECAYING SF6 ARC PLASMA. High Temperature Material Processes: An International Journal, 1997, roč. 1(1997), č. 4,
s. 511 ( s.) ISSN: 1093- 3611.
s. 879 ( s.)
s. 80-81.
DetailAUBRECHT, V., BARTLOVÁ, M., ŠTEFKA, J., HANÁČEK, P. Calculation of Temperature of a Wall- Stabilised Arc Plasma With Respect To Radiative Transport Of Energy. In Workshop 97. Praha: ČVUT, 1997.
s. 125 ( s.)
BARTLOVÁ, M. Reaction rate constants of electron- ion recombination in SF6 arc plasma. In XIIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno: Department of Electrical Machines and Apparatus, F, 1996.
s. 13-15. ISBN: 80-214-0740- 9.
*) Citace publikací se generují jednou za 24 hodin.