ZEZULA, L.; BLAHA, P. Online Monitoring of Interturn Short Circuit Current in PMSMs. In IECON 2024: 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2025. ISBN: 978-1-6654-6454-3.
Detail | WWW2024
KOZOVSKÝ, M.; BUCHTA, L.; BLAHA, P. PMSM fault detection using unsupervised learning methods based on conditional convolution autoencoder. In IECON 2024- 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Chicago, IL, USA: IEEE, 2024.
s. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-6654-6454-3.
Detail | WWWZEZULA, L.; KOZOVSKÝ, M.; BLAHA, P. Diagnostics of Interturn Short Circuits in PMSMs With Online Fault Indicators Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2024, roč. 71, č. 11,
s. 15001-15011. ISSN: 0278-0046.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2023
KOZOVSKÝ, M.; BUCHTA, L.; BLAHA, P. Implementation of ANN for PMSM interturn short-circuit detection in the embedded system. In IECON 2023- 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Singapur: IEEE, 2023.
s. 1-6. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3182-0.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněZEZULA, L.; BLAHA, P. Discrete-Time Modeling of PMSM for Parametric Estimation and Model Predictive Control Tasks. In IECON 2023: 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2023. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3182-0.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněMohamed, S.; Van Der Veen, G.; Kuppens, H.; Vierimaa, M.; Kanellos, T.; Stoutjesdijk, H.; Masiero, R.; Määttä, K.; Van Der Weit J. W.; Ribeiro, G.; Bergmann, A.; Colombo, D.; Arenas, J.; Keary, A.; Goubej, M.; Rouxel, B.; Kilpeläinen, P.; Kadikis, R.; Armendia, M.; Blaha, P.; Stokkermans, J.; Čech, M.; Beltman, A. The IMOCO4.E reference framework for intelligent motion control systems. In IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA. Sinaia, Romania: IEEE, 2023.
s. 1-8. ISBN: 979-8-3503-3991-8.
KOZOVSKÝ, M.; BUCHTA, L.; BLAHA, P. Interturn short circuit modelling in dual three-phase PMSM. In IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Brussels: IEEE, 2022.
s. 1-6. ISBN: 978-1-6654-8025-3.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2021
MYNÁŘ, Z.; VÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Synchronous Reluctance Motor Parameter and State Estimation Using Extended Kalman Filter and Current Derivative Measurement. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, roč. 68, č. 3,
s. 1972-1981. ISSN: 0278-0046.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněPÉREZ, J.; SCHÖN, W.; BLAHA, P.; KOZOVSKÝ, M.; WONDRAK, W.; OHMS, C. Hybrid and Pure Electric Drivetrain Technologies for Next Decade Low Carbon Mobility. SIA PARIS 2021 POWERTRAIN & POWER ELECTRONICS. Hybrid and Pure Electric Drivetrain Technologies for Next Decade Low Carbon Mobility. 79 RUE JEAN-JACQUES ROUSSEAU 92158 SURESNES CEDEX, FRANCE: French Society of Automotive Engineers (SIA), 2021.
s. 335-342.
Detail | WWWWOTAWA, F.; KAUFMANN, D.; AMUKHTAR, A.; NICA, I.; KLÜCK, F.; FELBINGER, H.; BLAHA, P.; KOZOVSKÝ, M.; HAVRÁNEK, Z.; DOSEDĚL, M. Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry: Chapter 1.4: Foundations of Real Time Predictive Maintenance with Root Cause Analysis Chapter 1.5: Real-Time Predictive Maintenance – Model-Based, Simulation-Based and Machine Learning Based Diagnosis Chapter 1.6: Real-Time Predictive Maintenance – Artificial Neural Network Based Diagnosis. In Artificial Intelligence for Digitising Industry. Alsbjergvej 10 9260 Gistrup Denmark: River Publishers, 2021.
s. 47-101. ISBN: 978-87-7022-664-6.
Detail | WWW2020
KOZOVSKÝ, M.; BUCHTA, L.; BLAHA, P. Compensation methods of interturn short-circuit faults in dual three-phase PMSM. In Proceedings of the IECON 2020 The 46th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Singapur: IEEE, 2020.
s. 4833-4838. ISBN: 978-1-7281-5413-8.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2019
KLÍMA, B.; BUCHTA, L.; DOSEDĚL, M.; HAVRÁNEK, Z.; BLAHA, P. Prognosis and Health Management in electric drives applications implemented in existing systems with limited data rate. In 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). Zaragoza, Spain: IEEE, 2019.
s. 870-876. ISBN: 978-1-7281-0303-7.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněKOZOVSKÝ, M.; BLAHA, P. Double three-phase PMSM structures for fail operational control. In 16th IFAC Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine (ELSEVIER). IFAC, 2019.
s. 1-6. ISSN: 2405-8963.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2018
GLOS, J.; VÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Energy efficient control of a heat pump in fully electric vehicle. Vienna: Proceedings of the 7th European Transport Research Arena 2018, 2018.
s. 1-10.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněKOZOVSKÝ, M.; BLAHA, P. High Speed Operation Tests of Resolver Using AURIX Microcontroller Interface. In 15th IFAC Conference on Programmable Devices and Embedded Systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine (ELSEVIER). IFAC, 2018.
s. 384-389. ISSN: 2405-8963.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2017
KOZOVSKÝ, M.; BLAHA, P. Simulink Generated Control Algorithm for Nine-phase PMS Motor. In 7th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2017). Penang: IEEE, 2017.
s. 59-64. ISBN: 978-1-5386-3896-5.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2016
KOZOVSKÝ, M.; BLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. Verification of Nine-phase PMSM Model in d-q Coordinates with Mutual Couplings. In 6th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE 2016). Penang: IEEE, 2016.
s. 73-78. ISBN: 978-1-5090-1177-3.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2015
BROCKERHOFF, P.; SCHÖN, W.; BLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P.; BURKHARDT, Y. Disc Inverter in Highly Integrated 9-phase Drivetrain for E-Mobility. In EPE'15 ECCE Europe. Genéve, Švýcarsko: EPE Association Secretariat, 2015.
s. 1-9. ISBN: 9789075815238.
BLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. Rapid Prototyping of Robust Motor Control Algorithms on Freescale Targets. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Symposium on System Integration. Kobe: IEEE/SICE, 2013.
s. 629-634. ISBN: 978-1-4799-2626-8.
DetailBLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. Technical report describing implementation steps of control and fault tolerant algorithms in selected multicore hardware. 2013.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P.; HERMAN, I. AC Drive Observability Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2013, roč. 60, č. 8,
s. 3047-3059. ISSN: 0278-0046.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. PMSM Model Discretization for Model Predictive Control Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Symposium on System Integration. Kobe: IEEE/SICE, 2013.
s. 13-18. ISBN: 978-1-4799-2626-8.
BLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. Robust Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems. Jeju, Korea: ICROS, 2012.
s. 1317-1322. ISBN: 978-89-93215-04-5.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Enhanced Discrete Time Model for AC Induction Machine Model Predictive Control. In Proceedings of the IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Kanada: IEEE, 2012.
s. 5025-5030. ISBN: 978-1-4673-2420-5.
VÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Field Weakening Implementation in AC Induction Machine Predictive Control. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems. Singapore: IEEE, 2011.
s. 171-176. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0000- 2.
DetailBLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. AC Induction Motor Control Using Robust Current Controllers. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems. Singapore: IEEE, 2011.
s. 405-410. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0000- 2.
DetailPOHL, L.; BLAHA, P. Linear Parameter Varying Approach to Robust Control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. In INES 2011 Proceedings. 2011.
s. 287-291. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8955- 8.
BLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. Robust Current Controller for PM Synchronous Motor. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy. Kuala-Lumpur, Malaysia: 2010.
s. 640-645. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8945- 9.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Field Weakening in PMSM Model based Predictive Control. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy. Kuala Lumpur: IEEE, 2010.
s. 330-335. ISBN: 978-1-4244-8945- 9.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Model based High- performance PMSM Drive Control. In Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2010. Taipei: The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, 2010.
s. 227-232. ISBN: 978-4-907764-35- 7.
BLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. Adaptive Control of PM Synchronous Motor using Dead- Beat Current Controllers. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, CD- ROM. Tokyo: IEEJ, 2009.
s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-1-4244-5177- 7.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. PMSM Position Estimation Algorithm Design based on the Estimate Stability Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, CD- ROM. Tokyo: IEEJ, 2009.
s. 1173-1177. ISBN: 978-1-4244-5177- 7.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Lyapunov Function based Design of PMSM State Observer for Sensorless Control. In Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications. Kuala Lumpur: IEEE, 2009.
s. 331-336. ISBN: 978-1-4244-4681- 0.
VÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Synchronous Machine Drive Observability Analysis and Sensorless Control Design. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Power and Energy Conference. Johor Bahru: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2008.
s. 265-270. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2404- 7.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Observability Theory Application to AC Induction Machine Sensorless Control. DAAAM International Scientific Book, 2008, roč. 2008, č. 1,
s. 903-918. ISSN: 1726- 9687.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine High Speed Operation using Field Weakening Control Strategy. In Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on Systems. Heraklion: WSEAS, 2008.
s. 581-586. ISBN: 978-960-6766-83- 1.
DetailBLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. Adaptive Deadbeat Current Controllers for AC Induction Motor Control. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Power and Energy Conference. Johor Bahru: Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2008.
s. 712-717. ISBN: 978-1-4244-2404- 7.
DetailBLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. The Implementation of Parameters Identification of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor in MC56F8346. DAAAM International Scientific Book, 2008, roč. 2008, č. 1,
s. 75-84. ISSN: 1726- 9687.
DetailBLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. Stator resistance estimation of AC induction motor drive. DAAAM International Scientific Book, 2008, roč. 2007, č. 1,
s. 307-316. ISSN: 1726- 9687.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Field Weakening Control Strategy -- the Analytical Solution. In Proceedings of the 2008 Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Instruments and Control Engineers. Tokyo: SICE, 2008.
s. 753-757. ISBN: 978-4-907764-30- 2.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. AC Induction Machine Speed Estimation using Electrical Quantities Harmonic Analysis. DAAAM International Scientific Book, 2008, roč. 2007, č. 1,
s. 243-256. ISSN: 1726- 9687.
VÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Speed Estimation Scheme for Small AC Induction Machine Sensorless Control. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Taipei: IEEE, 2007.
s. 986-991. ISBN: 978-1-4244-0783- 5.
DetailBLAHA, P.; VÁCLAVEK, P. AC Induction Motor Stator Resistance Estimation Algorithm. In 2007 WSEAS International Conferences, Venice, Italy, November 21-24, 2007. Venice, Italy: WSEAS International Conferences, 2007.
s. 86-91. ISBN: 978-960-6766-13- 8.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Analysis of Observability Conditions for AC Induction Machine Sensorless Control. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. Vigo: IEEE, 2007.
s. 2262-2267. ISBN: 978-1-4244-0754- 5.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Synchronous Machine Drive Observability Analysis for Sensorless Control Design. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. Singapur: IEEE, 2007.
s. 1113-1117. ISBN: 978-1-4244-0440- 7.
BLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. The Algorithm for Online Stator Resistance Identification of an AC Induction Motor. In INES 2006. London: London Metropolitan University, 2006.
s. 63-68. ISBN: 0-7803-9708- 8.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. Validation of Stator Resistance Identification Algorithm on a Real AC Induction Motor. In Proceedings of th 17th International DAAAM Symposium. Vídeň: DAAAM International, 2006.
s. 37 ( s.) ISBN: 978-3-901509-57- 5.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Lyapunov-Function- Based Flux and Speed Observer for AC Induction Motor Sensorless Control and Parameters Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2006, roč. 53, č. 1,
s. 138-145. ISSN: 0278- 0046.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. AC Induction Machine Speed Estimation based on Rotor Slot Harmonics Analysis. In Proceedings of th 17th International DAAAM Symposium. Vídeň: DAAAM International, 2006.
s. 421-422. ISBN: 978-3-901509-57- 5.
DetailBlaha, P., Vaclavek, P. Online Stator Resistance Identification of an AC Induction Motor in Field Oriented Control Scheme. In The 2006 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems. Nagasaki, Japan: Nagasaki University, 2006.
s. 1 ( s.)
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P. AC Induction Machine Simplified Model for Sensorless Control Design and its Observability Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems. Nagasaki: Nagasaki University, 2006.
s. 1-6.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. AC Induction Machine Observability Analysis and its Impact on Sensorless Control Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. Londýn: IEEE, 2006.
s. 63-68. ISBN: 0-7803-9708- 8.
VÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Speed Observer for AC Induction Machine Sensorless Contol with the Winding Resistance Changes Compensation. DAAAM International Scientific Book, 2005, roč. 2005, č. 11,
s. 645-656. ISSN: 1726- 9687.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Hybrid Speed Estimation Scheme for AC Induction Machine Sensorless Control. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications. Toronto: IEEE, 2005.
s. 1455-1460. ISBN: 0-7803-9353- 8.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. AC Induction Machine Speed Observer with Rotor Resistance Adaptation. In Proceedings of the 16th Triennial World Congress of International Federation of Automatic Control, IFAC 2005 DVD. Praha: IFAC, 2005.
s. 1-6. ISBN: 0-08-045108- X.
DetailBlaha, P. & Vaclavek, P. AC Induction Motor Control Using Predictive Direct Stator Flux Control Algorithm in Field Weakening Region. DAAAM International Scientific Book, 2005, roč. 2005, č. 11,
s. 65 ( s.) ISSN: 1726- 9687.
DetailBLAHA, P., VAVŘÍN, P. Řízení a regulace 1. VUT Brno: 2005.
s. 54 ( s.)
BLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. Field Weakening Operation of the Predictive Direct Stator Flux Control for AC Induction Machine Control. In 15th International DAAAM Symposium. Vienna, Austria: DAAAM International, 2004.
s. 41 ( s.) ISBN: 978-3-901509-42- 1.
DetailBLAHA, P., VAVŘÍN, P. Řízení a regulace 1. VUT Brno: VUT Brno, 2004.
s. 1 ( s.)
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P. Flux and Speed Observer for AC Induction Motor Sensorless Control with Stator Resistance Changes Compensation. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Design. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 2004.
s. 1-8. ISBN: 80-86059-41- 3.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Speed Observer for AC Induction Machine Sensorless Control with Stator Resistance Estimation. In Proceedings of the 15the International DAAAM Symposium "Intelligent Manufacturing&Automation:Globalisation-Technology-Men-Nature". Vienna: DAAAM International, 2004.
s. 465-466. ISBN: 978-3-901509-42- 1.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. Predictive Direct Stator Flux Control of an AC Induction Motor Drive. International Journal of Mechanics and Control, 2004, roč. 4, č. 2,
s. 33 ( s.) ISSN: 1590- 8844.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. Predictive Direct Stator Flux Control Algorithm of AC Induction Motor in Field Weakening Region. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics. Wienna, Austria: ICCC 2004, 2004.
s. 33 ( s.) ISBN: 0-7803-8588- 8.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. AC Induction Motor Sensorless Control using Lyapunov Function Based Flux and Speed Observer Implemented on Motorola DSP. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications. Taipei: IEEE, 2004.
s. 1744-1750. ISBN: 0-7803-8634- 5.
BLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. Predictive Direct Stator Flux Control of an AC Induction Motor Drive. In 12th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube Region (publikováno na CD ROM). Cassino, Italy: University of Cassino, 2003.
s. 1-6.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. A Practical Realization of PDSFC Algorithm Using Motorola DSP56F80x. In International Conference on Industrial Technology ICIT' 03. Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor, 2003.
s. 554-560. ISBN: 0-7803-7852- 0.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. Bezsnímačové řízení asynchronních motorů. Automa, 2003, roč. 9, č. 3,
s. 19 ( s.) ISSN: 1210- 9592.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. The Implementation of Predictive Direct Stator Flux Control Algorithm in Motorola DSP 56F80X. In 14th International Conference on Process Control 2003 (publikováno na CD ROM). Štrbské Pleso: 2003.
s. 1 ( s.) ISBN: 80-227-1902- 1.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P. AC Induction Motor States Estimation Using Lyapunov Function Based Observer. In Proceedingf of the 14th International Conference on Process Control 2003 (publikováno na CD-ROM). Bratislava: 2003.
s. 1-7. ISBN: 80-227-1902- 1.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P. Lyapunov Function Based Design of Flux and Speed Observer for AC Motor Sensorless Control. In Proceedings of AED2003 Advanced Engineereing Design. Praha: 2003.
s. 1-8.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P. Lyapunov Function Based Observer for AC Induction Motor Sate and Parameters Estimation. In Proceedings of the International Carphatian Control Conference. Košice: 2003.
s. 598-601. ISBN: 80-7099-509- 2.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P.; BLAHA, P. Lyapunov Function Based Flux and Speed Observer for AC Induction Motor Sensorless Control Implementation on Motorola DSP. In Proceedings of IEEE conference ICIT 2003. Maribor: University of Maribor, 2003.
s. 536-541. ISBN: 0-7803-7852- 0.
VÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P. Flux and Speed Observer for AC Motor Sensorless Control. In Proceedings of the Process Control RIP 2002. Pardubice: University of Pardubice, 2002.
s. 1-11.
DetailBESANCON-VODA, A., BLAHA, P. Describing function approximation of a two- relay system configuration with application to Coulomb friction identification. Control Engineering Practice, 2002, roč. 10, č. 6,
s. 655 ( s.) ISSN: 0967- 0661.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P., LEPKA, J. Stator Current Limitation in DTC Scheme for AC Induction Machine Control. In The 13th International DAAAM Symposium "INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING & AUTOMATION: LEARNING FROM THE NATURE". Vienna: 2002.
s. 39 ( s.) ISBN: 3-901509-29- 1.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. Comparison of Sensorless Control Strategies for AC Induction Motor. In Process Control 2002. Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic: University of Pardubice, 2002.
s. 133 ( s.) ISBN: 80-7194-452- 1.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P., LEPKA, J. Modern Strategies for Sensorless AC Induction Motor Control. In Proceedingds of the 2002 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. Zagreb: Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, 2002.
s. 441 ( s.) ISBN: 953-6071-17- 7.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P., LEPKA, J. State Observer for Intelligent AC Induction Machine Control. In Annals of DAAAM for 2002 & Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium. Vídeň: DAAAM International Vienna, 2002.
s. 581-582. ISBN: 3-901509-29- 1.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P., LEPKA, J. State Observer for Sensorless AC Induction Motor Control, Kalman Filter versus Deterministic Approach. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria- Danube Region. Balatonfured: Budapest Polytechnic, 2002.
s. 353-358. ISBN: 963-7154-09- 4.
DetailBLAHA, P., VÁCLAVEK, P. Performance analysis of serial port interface in Matlab. In Matlab 2002. Praha: 2002.
s. 28 ( s.) ISBN: 80-7080-500- 5.
DetailVÁCLAVEK, P., BLAHA, P., LEPKA, J. State Observer for Sensorless AC Induction Motor Control. In Proceedingds of the 2002 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems. Opatia: Faculty of Organization and Informatics, University of Zagreb, 2002.
s. 173-178. ISBN: 953-6071-17- 7.
BLAHA, P., BESANCON-VODA, A. Some Aspects of Coulomb Friction Estimation using harmonic Balance Method. In Process Control ' 01. Štrbské Pleso, High Tatras, Slovak Republic: Slovak University of technology, Bratislava, 2001.
s. 71 ( s.) ISBN: 80-227-1542- 5.
DetailBLAHA, P. Coulomb Friction Identification Using Harmonic Balance Method of Two Relay System. Coulomb Friction Identification Using Harmonic Balance Method of Two Relay System. Edice PhD Thesis, sv. 82. Brno: Vědecké spisy Vysokého učení technického v Brně, 2001. ISBN: 80-214-1915- 6.
BESANCON-VODA, A., BLAHA, P. Relay Feedback Experiment for Coulomb Friction Identification. In Past, Present and Future of PID Control. Barcelona, Spain: Vapor Universitari, 2000.
s. 123 ( s.) ISBN: 0-08-043624- 2.
PIVOŇKA, P., BLAHA, P. Comparative Analysis of Classical and Fuzzy PID Control Algorithms. In Proceeding 7th Zittau Fuzzy Colloquium. Zittau, Německo: University of Applied Science, Zittau/ Görlitz, 1999.
s. 176 ( s.)
PIVOŇKA, P., BLAHA, P., STAVĚL, J. Development Tool for Implementation of Intelligent Controllers in Real Processes. In Proceedings 5th Fuzzy Colloquium. Zittau, Germany: University of Applied Science, Zittau, Germany, 1997.
s. 83 ( s.)
DetailBLAHA, P., PIVOŇKA, P. Intelligent Corrector for the Systems with Time Delay. Internationales wissenschaftliches koloquium Ilmenau, 1997, roč. 42, č. 3,
s. 637 ( s.) ISSN: 0943- 7207.
BAUDOIN, G., BLAHA, P. Development of low bit rate speech coder based on the Half Rate GSM standard on a TMS320C30 DSP. In The first european DSP education and research conference. Paris: ESIEE, Paris, 1996.
s. 1 ( s.)
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