Detail projektu
Electron transport, Noise and Diagnostic of Shottky and Autoemission Cathodes
Období řešení: 1.1.2011 — 31.12.2013
Zdroje financování
Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty
O projektu
The project deals with transport, fluctuation phenomena and non-destructive diagnostics in autoemission cathodes. The aim is to study properties and behavior of oxide layers on tungsten and allied metals formed by etching. The project focuses on the stability of electron emission, V?A and noise characteristics and emission divergence. The methodology is based on the analysis of noise spectral density at different vacuum levels, temperatures and electric field strengths. AEC feature some advantages overthermionic cathodes, as high current densities, good divergence and low costs; hence, they contribute to the development of vacuum electron sources for electron microscopes with submicron resolution. Their performance depends on oxide thickness, tip dimensions, electric field strength and vacuum level. Results will include an analysis of band diagrams, identification of sources of the emission current noise in relation to reliability, a model for optimal tip dimensions and development of optimal conditions for oxide layer growth in correlation with maximum emissivity and lifetime.
Klíčová slova
Cold emission Physical model Band diagram 1/f noise Ions diffusion,Oxide layer
Originální jazyk
Grmela Lubomír, prof. Ing., CSc. - hlavní řešitel
Holcman Vladimír, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
Hruška Pavel, doc. RNDr., CSc. - spoluřešitel
Knápek Alexandr, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
Koktavý Pavel, prof. Ing., CSc. Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
Liedermann Karel, doc. Ing., CSc. - spoluřešitel
Sedláková Vlasta, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
Sergeev Evgeny, M.Sc. - spoluřešitel
Šikula Josef, prof. Ing. RNDr., DrSc. - spoluřešitel
Škarvada Pavel, Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
Tománek Pavel, prof. RNDr., CSc. - spoluřešitel
Ústav fyziky
- odpovědné pracoviště (1.1.2011 - nezadáno)
Ústav fyziky
- příjemce (1.1.2011 - nezadáno)
ŠTRBKOVÁ, L. Methodics of characterisation for the cold field-emission sources intended for electron microscopy. In Proceedings of the 19th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2013 Volume 2. Brno: LITERA, 2013. p. 120-122. ISBN: 978-80-214-4694-6.
TRČKA, T.; ŠIK, O.; GRMELA, L.; KNÁPEK, A.: Katody_2013; Software pro analýzu transportu nosičů náboje u autoemisních katod. Ústav fyziky, FEKT, VUT v Brně. URL: (software)
SITA, Z.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; GRMELA, L. Analysis of noise and non-linearity of I-V characteristics of positive temperature coefficient chip thermistors. METROL MEAS SYST, 2013, vol. XX, no. 4, p. 635-644. ISSN: 0860-8229.
DALLAEVA, D.; TALU, S.; STACH, S.; ŠKARVADA, P.; TOMÁNEK, P.; TALU, M.; GRMELA, L. AFM imaging and fractaí analysis of surface roughness of AlN epilayers deposited on saphire substrate. In Proceedings of 8th Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2013. p. 33-34. ISBN: 978-80-223-3501-0.
ŠKARVADA, P.; KOKTAVÝ, P.; SMITH, S.; MACKŮ, R.; ŠICNER, J.; VONDRA, M.; DALLAEVA, D.; TOMÁNEK, P.; GRMELA, L. Microstructure defects in silicon solar cells. In Proceedings of 8th Solid state surfaces and intefaces. 1. Bratislava: Comenius University Bratislava, 2013. p. 168-169. ISBN: 978-80-223-3501-0.
DALLAEVA, D.; TOMÁNEK, P. Substrate Preparation for Manufacturing of Aluminum Nitride Layers. ElectroScope -, 2013, vol. 2013, no. 5, p. 1-5. ISSN: 1802-4564.
HOLCMAN, V.; MACKŮ, R.; ŠKARVADA, P.: Autoclav-01; Systém řízení Autoklávu s PLC AMIT. UFYZ - FEKT VUT. URL: (software)
ŠKARVADA, P.; MACKŮ, R.; DALLAEVA, D.; PROKOPYEVA, E.; TOMÁNEK, P.; GRMELA, L.; SMITH, S. Optical and electrical detection and localization of solar cell defects on microscale. Proceedings of SPIE, 2013, vol. 8825, no. 8825, p. 8825071-88255077. ISSN: 0277-786X.
BOGATYREVA, N.; BARTLOVÁ, M.; AUBRECHT, V. Absorpční vlastnosti plazmatu směsí SF6 a PTFE. In TVVI 2013. Praha: CEMC, 2013. s. 1-5. ISBN: 978-80-85990-22-5.
SERGEEV, E.; KNÁPEK, A.; GRMELA, L.; ŠIKULA, J. Noise Diagnostic Method of Experimental Cold Field-Emission Cathodes. 2013 22nd International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF), IEEE Catalog Number CFP1392N-USB. Montpellier: 2013. p. Th-P-9 (Th-P-9 p.)ISBN: 978-1-4799-0670-3.
SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; CHVÁTAL, M.; MAJZNER, J.; VONDRA, M.; KUBERSKÝ, P.; NEŠPŮREK, S.; HAMÁČEK, A. Noise in Amperometric NO2 Sensor. In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations. Montpelier, France: IEEE, 2013. p. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0670-3.
KNÁPEK, A.; GRMELA, L. Technologie výroby studenoemisních katod na bázi wolframu s tenkou povrchovou vrstvou epoxidu. Chemické listy, 2013, roč. 2013, č. 107, s. 545-549. ISSN: 1213-7103.
GRMELA, L.; ŠIK, O. Metal-Semiconductor Junction Role in CdTe Detectors. Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, 2013, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 22-25. ISSN: 1335-8243.
KNÁPEK, A.; SERGEEV, E.; GRMELA, L. Electrical Characterization of Cold Field-Emission Cathodes based on Fowler-Nordheim Analysis. In Electronic Devices and Systems - IMAPS CS International Conference 2013. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2013. p. 104-108. ISBN: 978-80-214-4754-7.
PROKOPYEVA, E.; TOMÁNEK, P.; KOCOVÁ, L.; PALAI-DANY, T.; BALÍK, Z.; ŠKARVADA, P.; GRMELA, L. Comparison of optical and electrical investigations of meat ageing. Proceedings of SPIE, 2013, vol. 8774, no. 8774, p. 84471L1 (84471L8 p.)ISSN: 0277-786X.
DALLAEVA, D.; KOROSTYLEV, E.; BILALOV, B.; TOMÁNEK, P. Scanning proximal microscopy study of the thin layers of silicon carbide aluminum nitride solid solution manufactured by fast sublimation epitaxy. EPJ Web of Conferences, 2013, vol. 48, no. 1, p. 1-4. ISSN: 2100-014X.
KNÁPEK, A. Methods of Preparation and Characterisation of Experimental Field-Emission Cathodes. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Edice PhD Thesis, sv. 699, 2013. p. 1-30.
DALLAEVA, D. Morphology and structural investigation of aluminum nitride layers prepared by magnetron sputtering. In Proceedings of the 19th Conference Student EEICT 2013. první. Brno University of Technology: Litera, Tabor 43a, 61200 Brno, 2013. p. 134-138. ISBN: 978-80-214-4695-3.
TOMÁNEK, P.; ŠKARVADA, P.; DALLAEVA, D.; GRMELA, L.; MACKŮ, R.; SMITH, S. Cold field emission electrode as a local probe of proximal microscopes-Investigation of defects in monocrystalline silicon solar cells. WORLD JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, 2013, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 119-124. ISSN: 1708-5284.
ŠKARVADA, P.; TOMÁNEK, P.; GRMELA, L.; DALLAEVA, D. Lokální optoelektronická diagnostika mikroskopických vad v solárním křemíkovém článku. Jemná mechanika a optika, 2013, roč. 2013, č. 3, s. 81-84. ISSN: 0447-6441.
Odpovědnost: Grmela Lubomír, prof. Ing., CSc.