study programme


Original title in Czech: MikroelektronikaFaculty: FEECAbbreviation: MPC-MELAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Master's

Study programme code: N0714A060009

Degree awarded: Ing.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 28.5.2019 - 28.5.2029

Profile of the programme

Academically oriented

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

2 years

Programme supervisor

Degree Programme Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Electrical Engineering Without thematic area 100

Study aims

Studijní program je zaměřen na výchovu inženýra - mikroelektronika se širokým základem v oblasti teorie, návrhu a technologie integrovaných obvodů, elektronických systémů a přístrojů pro využití v nejrůznějších oblastech elektroniky a elektrotechniky. Student se může zaměřit zejména na návrh a počítačovou simulaci integrovaných obvodů, návrh elektronických systémů a aplikací mikroelektronických obvodů pro přístrojovou techniku, na technologii integrovaných obvodů, technologii elektronických systémů, návrh a výrobu plošných spojů, technologii povrchové montáže, testovací a měřicí techniku. Student získává i související poznatky z informačních a komunikačních technologií. Absolventi tohoto magisterského studia se uplatní zejména v oblastech návrhu, vývoje a výroby elektronických a elektrotechnických přístrojů, zařízení a systémů, zakázkových integrovaných obvodů a polovodičových součástek, systémů na deskách s plošnými spoji s povrchovou montáží. Cílem programu je rovněž příprava absolventů schopných samostatně řešit náročné technické úkoly v obchodní a servisní činnosti u uživatelů nejrůznějších elektronických zařízení. Výuku odborných předmětů zajišťuje především Ústav mikroelektroniky (UMEL) FEKT VUT v Brně.

The study program is focused on the education of engineers - microelectronics with a broad basis in the theory, design and technology of integrated circuits, electronic systems and devices for use in various fields of electronics and electrical engineering. The student can focus mainly on the design and computer simulation of integrated circuits, design of electronic systems and applications of microelectronic circuits for instrumentation, integrated circuit technology, electronic systems technology, design and manufacture of printed circuit boards, surface mounting technology, testing and measuring technology. The student also acquires related knowledge of information and communication technologies. Graduates of this master's degree will be employed mainly in the areas of design, development and production of electronic and electrical devices, equipment and systems, custom integrated circuits and semiconductor components, systems on printed circuit boards with surface mounting. The aim of the program is also the preparation of graduates able to independently solve demanding technical tasks in business and service activities for users of various electronic devices. The teaching of specialized subjects is provided mainly by the Institute of Microelectronics (UMEL) FEEC BUT.

Graduate profile

The graduate has detailed knowledge in the field of design and technology of integrated circuits, electronic systems and devices for use in various fields of electronics and electrical engineering, knowledge of analog and digital signals, materials and manufacturing processes, especially focusing on microelectronics and applications of electronic circuits and systems. . The student qualifies more closely: design and computer simulation of integrated circuits, design of electronic systems and applications of microelectronic circuits for instrumentation, integrated circuit technology, electronic systems technology, design and manufacture of printed circuit boards, surface mounting technology, testing and measuring technology, economics and organization of production, optionally also knowledge from information and communication technologies.
The graduate is qualified in the design, simulation, technology, production and applications of integrated circuits, in the design, technology and applications of electrical equipment, instrumentation, testing and measurement technology, analog and digital signal processing. Thanks to a sufficiently broad basis of application-oriented study, a high adaptability of the graduate to all specific requirements of his future professional practice is ensured, even in other areas of electronics and electrical engineering.

Profession characteristics

Graduates of the Microelectronics program will find employment as specialists - microelectronics and technologists in various areas of design and production of integrated circuits and electrical equipment, in the design, operation, service and maintenance of demanding electronic and electrical equipment, devices and systems, or. in other areas. In all these areas, they are also able to perform higher technical-managerial and managerial functions.

Study plan creation

Courses are evaluated according to ECTS credits. The credit expresses an approximate weekly student's workload for the course. Credits for a given course are obtained after the prescribed completion, i.e. after awarding a credit, classified credit, or by passing an exam under the conditions of the BUT Rules of Study and Examination, the internal standard of the Rules for Organization of Studies at FEEC and the composition and content individually defined in each course.
In a two-year master study, the student must earn at least 120 credits in the specified credit composition:
63 credits in compulsory courses,
51 credits in compulsory elective (PV) courses,
6 credits in elective courses,

Obligatory courses are usually completed by the student in semesters and years as stated in the curriculum. If a student fails to complete a compulsory course in the prescribed manner, he / she must register it again in the following year of his / her studies.
Compulsory elective courses of profiling fundamentals (PVA) are field-oriented professional courses that profile the student into narrower areas of his / her interests.
Other compulsory (PVB) courses are other professional courses included in the offers of the departments of FEEC BUT. Their goal is to extend students' professional knowledge.
The student chooses to select PV courses in individual semesters so that at the end of his / her bachelor's degree he / she has at least the prescribed minimum of credits in each group of PV courses, while not obtaining the minimum number of credits in one group of PV courses cannot be compensated by exceeding the number of credits obtained in another group of PV courses.
Elective courses extend the general knowledge of students. Courses are chosen by the student himself or herself from a full-faculty offer (FEEC departments) or from the other faculties of VUT (so-called free courses) and can pass them in any year or semester of master study. Elective courses include Physical Education. If a student has not successfully completed an elective course, he / she may or may not write another academic year in the next academic year.
Students must obtain the corresponding electrotechnic qualification at the beginning of their study. Students who begin their study in the year 2020/21 and later, have to fulfil one subject in English for successful study graduation, according to the Guideline BUT To education of foreign languages.

Availability for the disabled

All lecture rooms at the FEEC BUT allow disabled access; students, however, must meet the medical standards to acquire the necessary electrotechnical qualifications. In laboratory classes and practicals, students are required to independently operate measuring instruments and related equipment without endangering human health or damaging property.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The graduates may continue in a doctoral study programme.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MPC-MSIModelling and Simulation in Microelectronicscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 39yes
MPC-MPRMicroelectronic Devices and Structurescs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 13 / Cp - 261yes
MPC-MOTInterconnection and Assembly Technologycs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / L - 261yes
MPC-SVMStructure and Properties of Materialscs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / COZ - 12 / L - 141yes
MPC-VAFVacuum Technologycs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 13 / L - 261yes
MPC-DREDifferential Equations in Electrical Engineeringcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / CPP - 132yes
MPC-PSOProbability, Statistics and Operations Researchcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 262yes
MPC-KVEQuantum and Laser Electronicscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 13 / L - 133yes
MPC-MFYModern Physicscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / COZ - 133yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MPC-AIOAnalogue Integrated Circuitscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 39yes
MPC-DISDigital Integrated Circuitscs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 13 / L - 13yes
MPC-NENDesign of Electronic Instrumentscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / L - 39yes
MPC-APTApplied Computer Technologycs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 391no
XPC-EICElectrical Installationscs5Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 26 / L - 20 / PR - 101yes
MPC-PZOAdvanced Techniques of Image Processingcs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / L - 391no
MPC-PLDProgrammable Logic Devicescs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 391yes
MPC-PELIndustrial Electronicscs6Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / L - 261yes
MPC-MATMatrices and Tensors Calculuscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 18 / PR - 82yes
MPC-MNMModern Numerical Methodscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / CPP - 262yes
MPC-FPFSolid State Physicscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / L - 133yes
MPC-MEMElectromagnetic Field Modelingcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 263yes
MPC-NANNanotechnologycs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 6 / L - 7 / PR - 133yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MPC-NAIMethods of Analog Integrated Circuits Designcs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 39yes
MPC-MTENew Technology for Microelectronic Circuitscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / L - 26yes
MPC-M2MSemestral Thesiscs2CompulsoryGCrK - 26yes
MPC-VSKElectronic Components Productioncs6CompulsoryExP - 39 / L - 26yes
MPC-IOPIntegrated Optoelectronicscs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / L - 261yes
MPC-KTEDesign and Technology of Electronic Equipmentscs5Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / Cp - 261yes
MPC-NDOMethods of Digital Integrated Circuits Designcs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 391yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MPC-MSMDiploma Thesiscs20CompulsoryCrVD - 52yes
MPC-QMAQuality managementcs6Compulsory-optionalExP - 26 / Cp - 391yes
MPC-OPINew Circuit Principles for Integrated System Designcs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 39 / Cp - 131no
MPC-TVPTheory of AD and DA Signal Conversioncs6Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / L - 391yes
MPC-ZEMBasics of Electron Microscopycs5Compulsory-optionalCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 24 / EX - 21yes
Any year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MPC-EFE1English for Life 1cs2Compulsory-optionalGCrCj - 261yes
MPC-EFE2English for Life 2cs2Compulsory-optionalCr,ExCj - 261yes
MPA-MENMicroelectronics in Englishen3Compulsory-optionalGCrP - 261yes
XPC-FCE1English for FCE 1cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-CA1CISCO Academy 1 - CCNAcs3ElectiveExP - 26 / L - 52yes
XPC-CA3CISCO Academy 3 - CCNAcs3ElectiveExP - 26 / L - 52yes
XPC-CA5CISCO Academy 5 - CCNPcs3ElectiveExL - 52yes
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technologycs2ElectiveGCrP - 26yes
XPC-MW1Microsoft Windows Desktop Systemscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 26no
XPC-EPLEPLAN - Designing in Electrical Engineeringcs4ElectiveGCrCp - 52yes
XPC-EPOProfessional Ethicscs2ElectiveCrP - 26yes
XPC-FR3French for pre-intermediatecs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-FR1French for Beginners 1cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-IPDEngineering Pedagogy and Didacticscs5ElectiveExP - 52yes
XPC-ITA1Italian for Beginners 1cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-KATConversation through Hot Current Issuescs3ElectiveCr,ExCj - 26yes
XPC-KPTCulture of Speech and the Generation of Textscs5ElectiveCrP - 26 / COZ - 26yes
XPC-LADLaboratory Didacticscs0ElectiveCrP - 13no
MPC-MAUBookkeeping for Managerscs2ElectiveCrP - 13 / COZ - 13yes
XPC-NE3German for Lower-Intermediate 1cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-NE1German for Beginners 1cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-BENBusiness Englishcs, en3ElectiveCr,ExCj - 26yes
MPC-OPMPractical Trainingcs4ElectiveCrPX - 26yes
XPC-PEPPedagogical Psychologycs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 52yes
XPC-POMManagement Minimumcs4ElectiveCrP - 26 / COZ - 26yes
XPC-POUDouble-Entry Bookkeepingcs4ElectiveExP - 26 / COZ - 26yes
MPA-PSYPower Systemsen, cs3ElectiveGCrP - 26yes
XPC-PSDDesign of Power and Data Networkscs6ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 24 / L - 15yes
MPC-PRIProject Management of Innovationcs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 26yes
RETRhetoriccs2ElectiveGCrP - 26yes
XPC-MW3Microsoft Windows Network Technologiescs5ElectiveExCp - 52no
MPA-FPFSolid State Physicsen5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / L - 13yes
MPC-SAJReliability and Qualitycs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 20 / L - 6yes
MPC-TAPAdvanced Technical Englishcs2ElectiveCr,ExCj - 26yes
MPC-VPZUsing the Laws of Nature in Engineering Applicationscs3ElectiveExP - 26 / PR - 13yes
Any year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MPC-EFE1English for Life 1cs2Compulsory-optionalGCrCj - 261yes
MPC-EFE2English for Life 2cs2Compulsory-optionalCr,ExCj - 261yes
XPC-FCE2English for FCE 2cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-ELBSafety in Electrical Engineeringcs2ElectiveExP - 26yes
XPC-CASCISCO Academy - Network Securitycs3ElectiveExL - 52yes
XPC-CA2CISCO Academy 2 - CCNAcs3ElectiveExP - 26 / L - 52yes
XPC-CA4CISCO Academy 4 - CCNPcs3ElectiveExL - 52yes
MPC-CSIDigital Signals and Systemscs7ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / COZ - 13 / Cp - 39yes
FITHistory and Philosophy of Technologycs2ElectiveGCrP - 26yes
XPC-EPOProfessional Ethicscs2ElectiveCrP - 26yes
XPC-FR4French for pre-intermediatecs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26no
XPC-FR2French for Beginners 2cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-IPDEngineering Pedagogy and Didacticscs5ElectiveExP - 52no
XPC-ITA2Italian for Beginners 2cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-KATConversation through Hot Current Issuescs3ElectiveCr,ExCj - 26yes
XPC-KPTCulture of Speech and the Generation of Textscs5ElectiveCrP - 26 / COZ - 26yes
MPC-MAUBookkeeping for Managerscs2ElectiveCrP - 13 / COZ - 13yes
XPC-NE4German for Lower-Intermediate 2cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-NE2German for Beginners 2cs3ElectiveGCrCj - 26yes
XPC-BENBusiness Englishcs, en3ElectiveCr,ExCj - 26no
XPC-PEPPedagogical Psychologycs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 52yes
MPC-PKSComputer and Communication Networkscs4ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 13 / L - 13yes
XPC-MW4Microsoft Enterprise Solutionscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 26no
XPC-MW5Programming .NET and C#cs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 26no
MPC-PSVProjecting and Production Simulationcs3ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 26yes
XPC-PFVDesigning of photovoltaic systemscs2ElectiveCrCp - 26yes
MPC-PRIProject Management of Innovationcs5ElectiveCr,Exyes
RETRhetoriccs2ElectiveGCrP - 26yes
XPC-MW2Microsoft Windows Server Systemscs5ElectiveExP - 26 / Cp - 26no
MPA-FPFSolid State Physicsen5ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / L - 13no
MPC-TAPAdvanced Technical Englishcs2ElectiveCr,ExCj - 26no
TPRTechnical Lawcs2ElectiveCrP - 26yes
MPA-TOCTheory of Communicationsen4ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / Cp - 12yes
MPC-VPZUsing the Laws of Nature in Engineering Applicationscs3ElectiveExP - 26 / PR - 13yes
MPC-ZMDMultimedia Data Processingcs7ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / L - 39yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of ECTS credits Courses
1 10 cr - 22 cr MPC-QMA (6 cr), MPC-OPI (5 cr), MPC-TVP (6 cr), MPC-ZEM (5 cr)
1 10 cr - 16 cr MPC-IOP (5 cr), MPC-KTE (5 cr), MPC-NDO (6 cr)
1 5 cr - 28 cr MPC-APT (6 cr), XPC-EIC (5 cr), MPC-PZO (6 cr), MPC-PLD (5 cr), MPC-PEL (6 cr)
1 9 cr - 23 cr MPC-MPR (6 cr), MPC-MOT (5 cr), MPC-SVM (6 cr), MPC-VAF (6 cr)
2 5 cr - 20 cr MPC-DRE (5 cr), MPC-PSO (5 cr), MPC-MAT (5 cr), MPC-MNM (5 cr)
3 5 cr - 25 cr MPC-KVE (5 cr), MPC-MFY (5 cr), MPC-FPF (5 cr), MPC-MEM (5 cr), MPC-NAN (5 cr)
1 7 cr MPC-EFE1 (2 cr) winter/summer sem., MPC-EFE2 (2 cr) winter/summer sem., MPA-MEN (3 cr)