study programme

Managerial Informatics

Original title in Czech: Manažerská informatikaFaculty: FBMAbbreviation: BAK-MInAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Bachelor's

Study programme code: B0413P050015

Degree awarded: Bc.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 8.10.2019 - 8.10.2029

Profile of the programme

Professionally oriented

Mode of study

Full-time study

Standard study length

3 years

Programme supervisor

Degree Programme Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Informatics Without thematic area 33
Economic Disciplines Without thematic area 67

Study aims

The objective of the Bachelor’s study programme in Managerial Informatics is to prepare interdisciplinary professionals who can respond to and quickly adapt to the current needs of practice. Their professional profile is further enhanced by the ability to define requirements for the automation of key business processes and to identify optimal IS/ICT solutions from both a functional perspective and the feasibility of their implementation and administration within a business environment.
The study programme is interdisciplinary, encompassing two fields of education: "Economics" and "Informatics." Given the nature of the study programme, the "Economics" field focuses on core topics such as "Econometrics, Operations Research, Statistics, Data Science." The "Informatics" field emphasizes the introduction, operation, and management of information systems that support enterprise and managerial systems within organizations. Through its interdisciplinary structure, the study plan provides foundational knowledge and practical skills in informatics, economics, and business management, including the implementation of automation with knowledge of digital production and the digitalization of control systems.

Graduate profile

Graduates of the professionally oriented Bachelor’s programme in Managerial Informatics will acquire specific interdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and competencies that integrate informatics and data science, quantitative methods, economics, and management. They will also possess knowledge in the areas of automation and digital production, digitalization of control systems, and the use of communication networks to ensure the interoperability and flexibility of business processes. Graduates will thus become interdisciplinary experts with a broad foundation of knowledge and skills, capable of responding to and quickly adapting to the current needs and trends of business practice, including information systems and information technologies that support decision-making and business processes.
The graduate profile and specific learning outcomes can be further detailed in the following areas:

1. Economics
○ Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of economics, including the application of economic disciplines in a business environment, with a focus on corporate economics.
○ Skills: Ability to understand economic phenomena, analyse their current state, and evaluate their impact on the use of information and communication technologies. Ability to design, manage, and evaluate IS/ICT projects from an economic perspective.
○ Competence: Data analysis from IS/ICT and business processes, including their interpretation.

2. Management
○ Knowledge: Application and management of IS/ICT in various types of organizations, regardless of size or industry. Knowledge of key business processes. Managing and working in teams on IS/ICT projects of various types. Enhanced focus on management directly applied in the IS/ICT field with necessary legal awareness.
○ Skills: Ability to manage the entire lifecycle of IS/ICT. Ability to analyse key business processes and define requirements for their automation, including ensuring their security. Ability to carry out independent tasks and collaborate on projects.
○ Competence: Organizing and leading work teams.

3. Quantitative Methods in Economics and Management
○ Knowledge: Mathematical and statistical tools necessary for understanding related specialized subjects, with a focus on using tools for analysing and solving decision-making problems. Knowledge in optimization, project management, and software products used for data analysis and decision-making problem solutions. Enhanced focus on the correct and thorough interpretation and verification of decision-making problem solutions.
○ Skills: Acquired mathematical and statistical knowledge and practical computational skills form an essential basis for mastering an analytical and systematic approach to solving decision-making problems. Ability to recognize the necessity of using mathematical and statistical models and apply them.
○ Competence: In their field of expertise, graduates can solve practical problems, analyse a given issue, identify resources for its resolution, solve it with modern computational technology, and effectively and optimally implement the solution into practice.

4. Applied Informatics
○ Knowledge: Knowledge of applied informatics, principles and rules of using application software, data processing, database technologies, computer networks, security, and law. Transformation of data into information and its interpretation. Enhanced focus on corporate information systems and automation of business processes. The knowledge profile is further supplemented by knowledge of software products for solving real decision-making problems.
○ Skills: Application of tools for data processing, implementation of data and functional modelling, conducting analyses, implementation, and operation of database applications, focusing on the use of larger software units at the level of corporate information systems.
○ Competence: Within their field of expertise, graduates can participate in the activities of a systems integrator, solve tasks related to the acquisition and modification of IS/ICT in various types of organizations, regardless of size and industry. Ability to extract information more effectively from data and managerial information systems, make decisions about system designs, and project solutions for corporate reporting.

5. Presentation and Communication
○ Knowledge: Presentation of personal results and communication with users and suppliers.
○ Skills: Preparation of materials for meetings, problem formulation and presentation, and proposal of solutions and measures.
○ Competence: Leading work meetings, responsibility for managerial decision-making in a company in the area of presentation and communication, including the use of IS/ICT.

6. Language Proficiency
○ Knowledge: Advanced knowledge of professional terminology in English.
○ Skills: Ability to understand professional texts in English and the ability to create texts in English.
○ Competence: Ability to work in a team in English.

Profession characteristics

Graduates of the professionally oriented Bachelor’s programme in Managerial Informatics will acquire specific interdisciplinary knowledge, skills, and competencies that integrate informatics and data science, quantitative methods, economics, and management. They will also possess knowledge in the areas of automation and digital production, digitalization of control systems, and the use of communication networks to ensure the interoperability and flexibility of business processes. Graduates will thus become interdisciplinary experts with a broad foundation of knowledge and skills, capable of responding to and quickly adapting to the current needs and trends of business practice, including information systems and information technologies that support decision-making and business processes.

Graduates will find extensive employment opportunities in organizations using information systems and information technologies, including financial institutions, manufacturing enterprises, trading companies, and public administration organizations. Their professional profile enables them to focus on one of the following main professions:
● Business or Process Analyst;
● Business Analyst;
● IS/ICT Development and Operations Manager;
● ICT Product and Service Marketing Specialist;
● ICT Project Manager;
● Advanced ICT User and Methodologist.

Study plan creation

The study plan for the professionally oriented Bachelor's programme in Managerial Informatics is designed according to the standards of the National Accreditation Bureau, the Programme Regulations of the Brno University of Technology, and in compliance with Directive No. 69/2017, which outlines the standards for study programmes at the Brno University of Technology.

The standard duration of the professionally oriented study programme in Managerial Informatics is 3 years (6 semesters). Instruction takes place over 13 weeks in semesters one through five, and 10 weeks in the sixth semester. Each semester is followed by a 5-week examination period.

The programme’s credit system is based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), with a minimum of 180 credits required for the programme. One credit corresponds to 26 hours of student work. A teaching hour is 50 minutes long.

Given the interdisciplinary nature of the study programme and its inclusion in both "Economics" and "Informatics" fields, the Faculty of Information Technology (FIT) will also be involved in the implementation of the study programme. FIT will provide courses related to programming, computer graphics, data processing technology, and software engineering.

The professional Bachelor's programme in Managerial Informatics spans three years, with each year divided into two semesters, followed by an examination period. The courses within the study programme are categorized into several broader groups based on their logic and focus:

The group of fundamental theoretical courses comprises subjects related to essential theoretical foundations in the relevant fields of education. Completion of these courses equips students with the key theoretical knowledge necessary to achieve the professional knowledge outlined in the graduate profile. These courses include:

● Mathematics 1
● Mathematics 2
● Basic Elements of Economics
● Business Economics
● Basic Elements of Financing
● Management
● Introduction to Software Engineering
● Data and Functional Modelling
● Introduction to IS/ICT

The group of core courses in the study programme includes subjects through which students acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve the professional competencies outlined in the graduate profile. These courses correspond to, are related to, or condition the knowledge or skills in the core thematic areas assessed by the state examination. These courses include:

● Numerical Methods
● Statistics 1
● Statistics 2
● Quantitative Methods
● Behavioural Skills for Managers
● Information Systems Law
● ICT Project Management
● Relational Databases
● Methods for Solving Managerial Tasks
● Data Warehousing
● Application Software
● Business Information Systems
● Introduction to Computer Networks
● ICT Security Management

The group of courses focused on the development of the Bachelor’s thesis includes subjects aimed at enhancing students' knowledge and skills in professional written expression and the development of the Bachelor’s thesis according to the established objectives, content, and methods of problem-solving. Based on acquired theoretical knowledge, students solve specific practical problems from the field. They are able to analyse and systematically gather data and information necessary to solve the problem and propose comprehensive solutions applicable in practice based on these analyses.

● Pre-diploma Seminar
● Diploma Seminar

Internships are an integral part of the study plan in the professionally oriented Bachelor’s programme in Managerial Informatics. They are spread over the last three semesters of the programme, totalling 540 hours. Mandatory internships can be completed at any time during the relevant semesters or during vacations. During their studies, students will transfer their acquired knowledge into skills through internships in companies, field trips, completion of specific practical projects in individual courses, or application-oriented seminars. As part of the internships, students will also focus on their final Bachelor’s thesis and work on it during the sixth semester of their studies.

In addition to the above courses, students have the opportunity to complete several elective courses focused on developing communication and language skills, professional practice, or deepening their knowledge in selected areas of study.

What degree programme types may have preceded

The graduates may continue in a master's study programme.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DFMData and Functional Modellingcs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
manPManagementcs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
MA1_MMathematics 1cs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
IUSIntroduction to Software Engineeringcs, en5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / COZ - 8 / PR - 10yes
ZEBasic Elements of Economicscs7CompulsoryCr,ExP - 39 / C1 - 26yes
OA1ZProfessional English 1en3Compulsory-optionalCr,ExCj - 261yes
OA2ZProfessional English 2en3Compulsory-optionalCr,ExCj - 261yes
pzmPPracticum in Fundamentals of Mathematicscs3ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
pmzPPracticum in Mathematics 1cs3ElectiveGCrC1 - 26yes
pmrzPPracticum in Mathematics in Russian 1ru4ElectiveGCrC1 - 26yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
APVApplication Softwarecs4CompulsoryGCrP - 13 / C1 - 26yes
bdmPBehavioural Skills for Managerscs4CompulsoryGCrP - 13 / C1 - 26yes
MA2_MMathematics 2cs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
NUMNumerical Methodscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
PLABBusiness Laboratorycs4CompulsoryGCrP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
VTIntroduction to IS/ICTcs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
OA2LProfessional English 2en3Compulsory-optionalCr,ExCj - 261yes
OA3Professional English 3en3Compulsory-optionalCr,ExCj - 261yes
IGInformation Literacycs2ElectiveCrCPP - 13 / CPP - 13yes
pmlPPracticum in Mathematics 2cs3ElectiveGCrC1 - 26yes
pmrlPPracticum in Mathematics in Russian 2ru4ElectiveGCrC1 - 26yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DMSMDigital Marketing and Social Mediaen5CompulsoryGCrP - 13 / C1 - 26yes
ECE-commerceen6CompulsoryGCrP - 13 / C1 - 26yes
kvmPQuantitative methodscs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
EPOBusiness Economicscs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
RDRelational Databasecs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
STA1Statisticscs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
AOP1English for Business Communication 1en3ElectiveCr,ExCj - 26yes
DITcs3ElectiveExP - 26yes
VYF001French for Beginnerscs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
VYI001Italian for Beginnerscs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
VYN001German for Beginnerscs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
PPPPractical project training IS/ICTcs4ElectiveGCrC1 - 39yes
VYS001Spanish - Elementary 1cs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
BucePAccountingcs6ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
IZPIntroduction to Programming Systemscs, en7ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / S - 12 / Cp - 20 / PR - 7 / O - 1yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
MRMUMethods for Solving Managerial Taskscs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 13 / C1 - 26yes
PRAPractical Experiencecs5CompulsoryCrPX - 100yes
RPICTICT project managementcs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
STA2Statistics 2cs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
UPSIntroduction to Computer Networkscs3CompulsoryExP - 26yes
ZFIBasic Elements of Financingcs6CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 26yes
AOP2English for Business Communication 2en3ElectiveCr,ExCj - 26yes
VYF002French for Beginners 2cs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
IGInformation Literacycs2ElectiveCrCPP - 13 / CPP - 13yes
VYI002Italian for Beginners 2cs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
VYN002German for Beginners 2cs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
ISJScripting Languagescs, en5ElectiveExP - 26 / PR - 26yes
VYS002Spanish Elementary 2cs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
ITWWeb Designcs, en5ElectiveGCrP - 26 / Cp - 12 / PR - 14yes
IZGComputer Graphics Principlescs, en6ElectiveCr,ExP - 39 / Cp - 12 / PR - 14yes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DS_2Data Warehousingcs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 13 / CPP - 26yes
MICTICT Security Managementcs3CompulsoryExP - 26yes
PISBusiness Information Systemscs5CompulsoryCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
PPR1Professional Practice 1cs13CompulsoryCrPX - 260yes
PDSDiploma Project Seminarcs3CompulsoryCrS - 26yes
APSPcs3ElectiveExP - 26yes
VYF003French for Pre-intermediate Studentscs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
VYI003Italian for Pre-Intermediate Studentscs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
rkPCalculations and Budgetingcs5ElectiveCr,ExP - 26 / C1 - 13yes
VYN003German for Pre-intermediate Students 1cs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
VYS003Spanish Pre-Intermediate 1cs2ElectiveCrC1 - 26yes
ITUUser Interface Programmingcs, en5ElectiveGCrP - 26 / Cp - 12 / PR - 14yes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DISDiploma Seminarcs10CompulsoryCrSD - 40yes
PRISInformation Systems Lawcs5CompulsoryExP - 40yes
PPR2Professional Practice 2cs9CompulsoryGCrPX - 180yes
PICTProfessional ICT seminaren2CompulsoryCrCj - 20yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
1 1 OA2L, OA3
1 1 OA1Z, OA2Z