Branch Details

Building Constructions

Original title in Czech: Pozemní stavbyFASTAbbreviation: PSTAcad. year: 2009/2010

Programme: Building Engineering

Length of Study: 3 years

Accredited from: 11.7.2001Accredited until: 20.7.2009


Study branch Building Structures is due to its complex content divided into four topics: Building Structure, Architecture in Building Structure, Technology and building process control, Building Services. The study is focused on knowledge in building structures and on education to self-scientific work oriented to specific professional areas of particular topic. Deepening of knowledge and abilities in complex and theoretical approach to technical problem solving and justification will be supported during mathematics and physics lectures. Managing theoretical and scientific disciplines which are related to thesis is ensured by passing selected obligatory lectures. Student is solving under guidance of his supervisor given professional problem according to theoretical and experimental requirements and defends results in his thesis. A graduate of PhD program, branch Building Structures is prepared for expected fulfillment of research and development process in selected area of the industry. Due to acquired knowledge he is capable of self-assertion to solve challenging architectural and constructional problems, technology and management of building realization, building services. The continuous active scientific activity is the qualification for possible engagement of graduates as members of the academic staffs at universities.


Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DA01Mathematicscs0CompulsoryP - 39yes
DA03Probability and mathematical statisticscs0CompulsoryExP - 39yes
DV51Legislation in the civil engineeringcs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
DH55Reconstructions and modernizations of Buildingscs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
ZQ51Forensic engineering - general metodologycs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
DW52Special technology of constructionscs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
DH53Civil building acoustics and sound protectioncs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
DW51Technology of concrete structures cs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
DH51Theory of building constructionscs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
DH52Theory of Fire Protection of Buildingscs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
DH56Theory of environmental engineeringcs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
DH54The thermal cover of buildingscs0ElectiveExP - 393896yes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DA02Mathematics IIcs0CompulsoryExP - 39yes
DB01Building physicscs0CompulsoryExP - 39yes
BYA7English Upper-Intermediate Ics0RecommendedCrC1 - 26yes
BYA8English Upper-Intermediate IIcs0RecommendedCrC1 - 26yes
BYA9Professional English Ics0RecommendedCrC1 - 26yes
DY51Professional English IIcs0RecommendedCrC1 - 26yes
DW55Information system in building technologycs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DS51Meteorology and climatologycs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DH58Design of Buildings and Structural Complexescs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DW53Construction - technological designingcs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DJ51Building Materialscs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DH57Theory of architecture and architectonic compositioncs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DL51Theory of concrete and masonry structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DO51Theory of metal and timber structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DT51Theory of Building Servicescs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DW54Theory of technology and construction process controlcs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DH59Urban Design and Town Planningcs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
DT52Selected Problems of Environmental Engineeringcs0ElectiveExP - 393897yes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DB58Applied thermomechanicscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH80Desing of Construction Elementscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DU54Simulation of non-linear dynamic systemscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH64Ekology building analysiscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH75Energy evaluation of the buildingscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH67Hall buildingscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH78Reconstruction of monuments and methods of their preservationcs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH65Materials for Building Insulationcs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH73Finishing constructionscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH77Municipal Public Buildingscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DT54Modeling and Simulation for Building Servicescs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH72Modeling of Physical Phenomenas in Constructionscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH76Design of pasive solar building systemscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DT53Alternative and Renewable Sources of Energycs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH69Peripheral building structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH61Organisation of the Design Processcs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH68Room acousticscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH62Reconstruction of historical monumentscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH79Revitalization of historic objectscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH66Saving building humiditycs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH74Environmental Building Simulationcs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
ZF51Special Foundation Methodscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
ZD51Structural reliabilitycs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH60Residential, Civil and Production Rural Buildingscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH71Buildings for extreme climatic conditionscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DW56Decision making theory and managementcs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH63Computer support of design of sandwich constructionscs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DL57Strengthening of concrete and masonry structurescs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
DH70Expert assessment of buildings’ defects and failurescs0ElectiveExP - 393922yes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DY01English for the Doctoral Study Programmecs0CompulsoryExyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Courses
3896 DV51, DH55, ZQ51, DW52, DH53, DW51, DH51, DH52, DH56, DH54
3897 DW55, DS51, DH58, DW53, DJ51, DH57, DL51, DO51, DT51, DW54, DH59, DT52
3922 DB58, DH80, DU54, DH64, DH75, DH67, DH78, DH65, DH73, DH77, DT54, DH72, DH76, DT53, DH69, DH61, DH68, DH62, DH79, DH66, DH74, ZF51, ZD51, DH60, DH71, DW56, DH63, DL57, DH70