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Branch Details
Original title in Czech: Výtvarné umění - konceptuální tendenceFaVUAbbreviation: AINAcad. year: 2014/2015Specialisation:
Programme: Fine Arts
Length of Study: 4 years
Accredited from: Accredited until: 1.12.2013
On the grounds of compulsory exams and seminars, the bachelor is provided with the sum of knowledge and skills which enable him/her to seek, find and process information connected with both contemporary and old art in its whole range. His/her studio work focuses on the creative completion of space between the individual media - between the traditional and non-traditional ones. The emphasis is put on possible overlaps and semantic connotations. If necessary, students focus on such media which they feel they are the closest to them. Through the interconnection of these media, they create both individual and team projects and artifacts.
Key learning outcomes
The BA graduate has a general knowledge of theory nad history of art, philosophy, aesthetics, and technologies essential for artistic development, communication, and presentation. She is able to work with different media, both traditional (painting, print, object) and new (digital projections, installations).
Occupational profiles of graduates with examples
Graduates are aware both of traditional and conceptual technologies, including digital images and other contemporary technlogies. They are able to create artworks reflecting these tendencies. They are able to create presentations for all sorts of contexts and occasions.
doc. Václav Stratil, Prom. Ped.