Branch Details

Water Management and Water Structures

Original title in Czech: Vodní hospodářství a vodní stavbyFASTAbbreviation: VAcad. year: 2022/2023

Programme: Civil Engineering

Length of Study: 4 years

Accredited from: 30.10.2003Accredited until: 31.8.2023


The aim of studying in the four-year Civil Engineering bachelor’s study programme in the field of Water Management and Water Structures is to gain mastery over a comprehensive foundation of essential theoretical and general technical knowledge from throughout the civil engineering discipline. The theoretical basis of the programme comprises the natural sciences, in particular the physico-mathematical disciplines, extended within the regions of hydraulics and hydrology.
After four semesters concentrating on the theoretical science background of the field and mastering essential engineering and technical scientific disciplines, students spend the next four semesters gaining a specialised grounding in basic knowledge and information with regard to the issues of the field of Water Management and Water Structures. The study of specialised subjects is continually supplemented by further deepening of theoretical, construction and technical knowledge in such a way that graduates can deal with the issues specific to the field at a higher level and thus gain specialised knowledge with understanding within the widest possible context, and at the needed level of quality for them to find employment in their area of specialisation in industry. In their final year students may choose, within the framework of the studied field and via the selection of a topic for their bachelor’s thesis, a specialisation which allows them to further deepen their knowledge in the areas of Municipal Water Management, Landscape Water Management, and Water Structures.

Key learning outcomes

Graduates from the Civil Engineering bachelor’s study programme in the field of Water Management and Water Structures are university-educated specialists able to work in industry in positions requiring the individual solution of more complex construction, technical and managerial problems with an approach drawing from their deeper knowledge of the water management field, and also the wider theoretical context. It is expected that such graduates will find employment in industry in technical or managerial positions requiring the ability to work individually to carry out quite demanding specialised tasks during the design and operation of water management structures. They may gain employment in design or construction firms, in the area of public administration or in other similar specialised or technical areas. After gaining practical experience, graduates may hold higher managerial positions, or engage in private enterprise in the field.


Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
BP009Utility Networkscs3Compulsoryyes
BA004Mathematics 4cs, en5Compulsoryyes
BF051Foundation Engineering (V)cs3Compulsoryyes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
BY001Pre-Intermediate Level English (exam)cs2Compulsoryyes
BS003Reservoirs and Water Management Systemscs5Compulsoryyes
BS005Drainage and Landscape Protectioncs5Compulsoryyes
BS004Pedology and Irrigationcs5Compulsoryyes
BR007Dams and Hydropower Engineeringcs5Compulsoryyes
BR006River Training and Weirscs5Compulsoryyes
BP003Water Supplycs5Compulsoryyes
BP001Field Training (V)cs1Compulsoryyes
4. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
BP006Water Supply - projectcs3Compulsoryyes
BS007Landscape Water Management Projectcs5Compulsoryyes
BR008Project of Water Structurescs5Compulsoryyes
BP002Wastewater Collection and Wastewater Treatmentcs5Compulsoryyes
BL004Watermanagement Concrete Structurescs4Compulsoryyes
BR052Hydraulics of Open Channel Flowcs5Compulsory-optional4990yes
BP052Water Tanks and Pumping Stationscs5Compulsory-optional4990yes
4. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
BP004Water Qualitycs5Compulsoryyes
BP008Rehabilitation of Water Infrastructurecs5Compulsoryyes
BP007Project Sewerages and WWTPcs3Compulsoryyes
BZ001Building Lawcs3Compulsoryyes
BP057Waste Managementcs6Compulsory-optional4992yes
BS052Land Consolidationcs6Compulsory-optional4992yes
BR053Hydro Power Utilizationcs6Compulsory-optional4992yes
BP054Hydrology of Sewer Systemscs6Compulsory-optional4993yes
BR054Designing of Hydrotechnical Structurescs6Compulsory-optional4993yes
BS053Ponds and purpose reservoirscs6Compulsory-optional4993yes
BP053Bachelor Seminar (V)cs2Compulsory-optional4994yes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of courses Courses
4990 1 BR052, BS051, BP052
4992 1 BP057, BS052, BR053
4993 1 BP054, BR054, BS053
4994 1 BP053