doc. Ing.
Vlasta Sedláková
VUT – prorektorka pro řízení lidských zdrojů
+420 54114 5272, +420 54114 6025
FAWAEER, S.; AL-QAISI, W.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; TRUNEC, M.; SOBOLA, D.; MOUSA, M. Nanometer - Thick titanium film as a silicon migration barrier. Materials Today Communications, 2024, roč. 40, č. August 2024,
s. 1-17. ISSN: 2352-4928.
Detail | WWW2022
SEDLÁK, P.; KASPAR, P.; SOBOLA, D.; GAJDOŠ, A.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; KUBERSKÝ, P. Solvent Evaporation Rate as a Tool for Tuning the Performance of a Solid Polymer Electrolyte Gas Sensor. Polymers, 2022, roč. 14, č. 21,
s. 1-17. ISSN: 2073-4360.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2020
SEDLÁK, P.; KUBERSKÝ, P.; GAJDOŠ, A.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MACKŮ, R.; HOLCMAN, V. Effect of the Different Crystallinity of Ionic Liquid Based Solid Polymer Electrolyte on the Performance of Amperometric Gas Sensor. Engineering Proceedings, 2020, roč. 2, č. 1,
s. 1-5. ISSN: 2673-4591.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněSEDLÁK, P.; GAJDOŠ, A.; MACKŮ, R.; MAJZNER, J.; HOLCMAN, V.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; KUBERSKÝ, P. The effect of thermal treatment on ac/dc conductivity and current fluctuations of PVDF/NMP/[EMIM][TFSI] solid polymer electrolyte. Scientific Reports, 2020, roč. 10, č. 1,
s. 1-12. ISSN: 2045-2322.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovně2019
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; ČECH, O.; URRUTIA, L. A Simple Analytical Model of Capacity Fading for Lithium–Sulfur Cells. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, 2019, roč. 34, č. 6,
s. 5779-5786. ISSN: 0885-8993.
Detail | WWWSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; ČECH, O. Cycle life and degradation sources in Li-S cells. In Technical Digest of 13th Conference „Electron Technology” ELTE and 43rd International Microelectronics and Packaging IMAPS Poland Conference. Kraków, Poland: International Microelectronics and Packaging Society Poland Chapter, 2019.
s. 83-84. ISBN: 978-83-932464-3-4.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P. Supercapacitor Degradation and Life-time. In Proceedings of 2nd Passive Components Networking Symposium. Brno: European Passive Components Institute s.r.o., 2019.
s. 90-97. ISBN: 978-80-907447-0-7.
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; ČECH, O. SOURCES OF DEGRADATION IN LI-S CELLS. In 39. Nekonvenční zdroje elektrické energie. 2018.
s. 95-97. ISBN: 978-80-02-02786-7.
s. 255-264. ISSN: 0860-8229.
Detail | WWWKUPAROWITZ, T.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J. Low frequency noise of electrochemical power sources. In 2017 International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF). Vilnius, Lithuania: IEEE, 2017.
s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-5090-2760-6.
Detail | WWWKUPAROWITZ, T.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P. Supercapacitor Degradation and Reliability. In Passive Components Networking days EPCI Passive Components Networking Symposium 2017. 2017.
s. 63-68. ISBN: 978-80-905768-8-9.
s. 1-49.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; KUPAROWITZ, M. Temperature Dependence of Leakage Current Degradation of Tantalum Capacitors at High Electric Field. In PCSN 2017 Proceedings. Česká republika: Ing. Vladislav Pokorný - LITERA BRNO, Tábor 43a, 612 00 Brno, 2017.
s. 128-136. ISBN: 978-80-905768-8-9.
SZEWCZYK, A.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; KUPAROWITZ, T. Voltage dependence of supercapacitor capacitance. METROL MEAS SYST, 2016, roč. 23, č. 3,
s. 403-411. ISSN: 0860-8229.
DetailSEDLÁK, P.; KUBERSKÝ, P.; ŠKARVADA, P.; HAMÁČEK, A.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; NEŠPŮREK, S.; ŠIKULA, J. Current-fluctuation measurements of amperometric gas sensors prepared by three different technology procedures. Metrology and Measurement Systems, 2016, roč. 23, č. 4,
s. 531-543. ISSN: 2300-1941.
Detail | WWW | Plný text v Digitální knihovněSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; MAJZNER, J.; KUPAROWITZ, T.; MÍVALT, F.; LANG, M.; OSTRÝ, L. Equivalent model for AVX MLCC - FINAL REPORT - STAGE II. 2016.
s. 1-70.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; MAJZNER, J.; KUPAROWITZ, T.; MÍVALT, F.; LANG, M. Supercapacitor Parameters Degradation Analysis by Energy Cycling and Calendar Life Tests. Space Passive Component Days. European Space Agency, 2016.
s. 1-13.
Detail | WWWSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; KUPAROWITZ, T.; BUERGLER, B.; VAŠINA, P. Supercapacitor degradation assesment by power cycling and calendar life tests. METROL MEAS SYST, 2016, roč. 23, č. 3,
s. 345-358. ISSN: 0860-8229.
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; MAJZNER, J.; KUPAROWITZ, T. Technical note 11: Modeling of supercapacitors ageing. 2015.
s. 1-50.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; KUPAROWITZ, T.; BUERGLER, B.; VAŠINA, P. Supercapacitor equivalent electrical circuit model based on charges redistribution by diffusion. Journal of Power Sources, 2015, roč. 2015, č. 286,
s. 58-65. ISSN: 0378-7753.
s. 1-53.
DetailSEDLÁK, P.; KUBERSKÝ, P.; MAJZNER, J.; NEŠPŮREK, S.; ŠIKULA, J.; MACKŮ, R.; ŠKARVADA, P.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HAMÁČEK, A. Investigation of adsorption-desorption phenomenon by using current fluctuations of amperometric NO2 gas sensor. In Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF). IEEE, 2015.
s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-4673-8335-6.
Detail | WWWSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; VRBA, R.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; SANTO-ZARNIK, M.; BELAVIC, D. Noise in piezoresistive pressure sensors. In Noise and Fluctuation (ICNF). IEEE, 2015.
s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-4673-8335-6.
Detail | WWWKUBERSKÝ, P.; SEDLÁK, P.; HAMÁČEK, A.; NEŠPŮREK, S.; KUPAROWITZ, T.; ŠIKULA, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; GRMELA, L.; SYROVÝ, T. Quantitative fluctuation-enhanced sensing in amperometric NO2 sensors. Chemical Physics, 2015, roč. 456, č. 1,
s. 111-117. ISSN: 0301-0104.
Detail | WWW2014
KUPAROWITZ, T.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; SZEWCZYK, A.; HASSE, L.; SMULKO, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J. Charge Redistribution and Restoring voltage of Supercapacitors. ElectroScope - http://www.electroscope.zcu. cz, 2014, roč. 2014, č. 3,
s. 1-7. ISSN: 1802- 4564.
Detail | WWWHASSE, L.; BABICZ, S.; KACZMAREK, L.; SMULKO, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Quality assessment of ZnO-based varistors by 1/f noise. Microelectronics Reliability, 2014, roč. 54 (2014), č. 1,
s. 192-199. ISSN: 0026-2714.
DetailKUPAROWITZ, T.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; SZEWCZYK, A.; HASSE, L.; SMULKO, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J. Supercapacitors – Charge Redistribution and Restoring Voltage. In Proceedings. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2014.
s. 145-150. ISBN: 978-80-214-4985- 5.
SANTO-ZARNIK, M.; BELAVIC, D.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; KOPECKÝ, M.; SEDLÁK, P.; MAJZNER, J. Comparison of the Intrinsic Characteristics of LTCC and Silicon Pressure Sensors by Means of 1/ f Noise Measurements. Radioengineering, 2013, roč. 22, č. 1,
s. 227-232. ISSN: 1210- 2512.
DetailSEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; CHVÁTAL, M.; MAJZNER, J.; VONDRA, M.; KUBERSKÝ, P.; NEŠPŮREK, S.; HAMÁČEK, A. Noise in Amperometric NO2 Sensor. In Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations. Montpelier, France: IEEE, 2013.
s. 1-4. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0670- 3.
DetailSANTO-ZARNIK, M.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; BELAVIC, D.; ŠIKULA, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P. Estimation of the long-term stability of piezoresistive LTCC pressure sensors by means of low- frequency noise measurements. Sensors and Actuators, 2013, roč. 199, č. 1,
s. 334-343. ISSN: 0924- 4247.
DetailSITA, Z.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; GRMELA, L. Analysis of noise and non-linearity of I- V characteristics of positive temperature coefficient chip thermistors. METROL MEAS SYST, 2013, roč. XX, č. 4,
s. 635-644. ISSN: 0860- 8229.
DetailVONDRA, M.; SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; SMULKO, J.; HASSE, L. A FPGA- Based Measurement System with QCM. In A FPGA- Based Measurement System with QCM. Žilina: EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, 2013.
s. 13-15. ISBN: 978-80-554-0807- 1.
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; HOLCMAN, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SANTO-ZARNIK, M.; BELAVIC, D.; HROVAT, M. Influence of Functional Resistors on Offset Voltage Noise in Thick- Film Pressure Sensors. In MIDEM Society for Microelectronic, Electronic Components and Materials - Conference 2012 Proceedings. Slovinsko: MIDEM, 2012.
s. 393-398. ISBN: 978-961-92933-2- 4.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁK, P.; KOPECKÝ, M.; ŠIKULA, J.; SANTO-ZARNIK, M.; BELAVIC, D.; HROVAT, M. Evaluation of piezoresistive ceramic pressure sensors using noise measurements. Informacije MIDEM, 2012, roč. 42, č. 2,
s. 109-114. ISSN: 0352- 9045.
DetailSEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; VONDRA, M.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; HOLCMAN, V. Fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing using polypyrrole-based QCM and its adsorption- desorption kinetics. In Proceedings MIDEM 2012. Ljubljana: MIDEM, 2012.
s. 399-404. ISBN: 978-961-92933-2- 4.
DetailCICHOSZ, J.; HASSE, L.; SZEWCZYK, A.; SEDLÁK, P.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J. Non-linear electro-ultrasonic spectroscopy of high- voltage varistors. In XI Krajowa Konferencja Elektroniki. Warszawa: Sigma- Not, 2012.
s. 115-120. ISBN: 978-83-934712-0- 1.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; CHVÁTAL, M.; PAVELKA, J.; TACANO, M.; TOITA, M. Noise in Submicron Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors: Lateral Electron Density Distribution and Active Trap Position. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, roč. 2012 (51), č. 1,
s. 024105- 1 (024105-5 s.) ISSN: 0021- 4922.
s. 343-348. ISBN: 978-80-214-4539- 0.
s. 251-256. ISBN: 978-80-214-4539- 0.
DetailKOPECKÝ, M.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HOLCMAN, V.; PETTERSSON, H. Analysis of transport mechanisms for the Ta2O5 layers for low temperature range 80 K to 300 K. In MIDEM Society for Microelectronic, Electronic Components and Materials - Conference 2012 Proceedings. Slovinsko: MIDEM, 2012.
s. 145-150. ISBN: 978-961-92933-2- 4.
DetailVONDRA, M.; SEDLÁK, P.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; HOLCMAN, V. Equivalent circuit of polypyrrole-based QCM. In MIDEM Society for Microelectronic, Electronic Components and Materials - Conference 2012 Proceedings. Lubljana Slovenia: 2012.
s. 405-409. ISBN: 978-961-92933-2-4.
DetailSEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Model of Adsorpce- Desorption Noise in QCM Gas Sensors. In Proceedings of the conference New Trends in Physics. Brno: Ústav fyziky, FEKT, Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2012.
s. 187-190. ISBN: 978-80-214-4594- 9.
SEDLÁK, P.; TOFEL, P.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; HASSE, L. Ultrasonics spectroscopy of silicon single crystal. METROL MEAS SYST, 2011, roč. 18, č. 4,
s. 621-630. ISSN: 0860- 8229.
DetailKOPECKÝ, M.; CHVÁTAL, M.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Electron Transport in Ta Nanolayers: Application to Tantalum Capacitors. In Polymer Electronics and Nanotechnologies: towards System Integration. first. Koszykowa 75, 00 662 , Warsaw, Poland: Piotr Firek, Ryszard Kisiel, 2011.
s. 137-139. ISBN: 978-83-7207-874- 2.
TOFEL, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; TRČKA, T. Electro Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Magnesium Composites. Jemná mechanika a optika, 2010, roč. 55, č. 5/ 2010,
s. 142-144. ISSN: 0447- 6441.
DetailKOPECKÝ, M.; CHVÁTAL, M.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Charge Carrier Transport in Ta2O5 Oxide Nanolayers. ElectroScope - http://www.electroscope.zcu. cz, 2010, roč. 2010, č. 3,
s. 1-4. ISSN: 1802- 4564.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Non- destructive testing of passive electronic components. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, 2010.
s. 1-117.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V. NON- DESTRUCTIVE TESTING OF PASSIVE ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS. Vědecké spisy vysokého učení technického v Brně, 2010.
s. 1-38.
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Závěrečná zpráva k řešení grantového projektu č. 102/07/ P482. 2009.
DetailCHVÁTAL, M.; ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; KNÁPEK, A. Measurements and Theoretical Approximations of VA Characteristics MOSFETs. Jemná mechanika a optika, 2009, roč. 54, č. 10,
s. 278-279. ISSN: 0447- 6441.
DetailŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; CHVÁTAL, M.; PAVELKA, J.; TACANO, M.; TOITA, M. RTS in Submicron MOSFETs: Lateral Field Effect and Active Trap Position. AIP conference proceedings, 2009, roč. 1129, č. 1,
s. 205-208. ISSN: 0094- 243X.
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; TOFEL, P.; MAJZNER, J. Electro-ultrasonic spectroscopy of polymer- based thick film layers. Microelectronics Reliability, 2008, roč. 48, č. 6,
s. 886-889. ISSN: 0026- 2714.
DetailŠIKULA, J.; HÁJEK, K.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; TOFEL, P.; MAJZNER, J. Improved Signal to Noise Ratio of Electro- ultrasonic Spectroscopy. ElectroScope - http://www.electroscope.zcu. cz, 2008, roč. 2008, č. 6,
s. 1-4. ISSN: 1802- 4564.
DetailTOFEL, P.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J. Thick Film Resistor Testing by Electro - Ultrasonic Spectroscopy with DC Electric Signal. In Reliability and Life- time Prediction ISSE2008. 1. Hungary: 2008.
s. 56-57. ISBN: 978-963-06-4915- 5.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Dílčí zpráva k řešení grantového projektu č.102/07/ P482. 2008.
MAJZNER, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; TOFEL, P.; SEDLÁK, P. NOISE IN ULTRASONIC TRANSDUCER. In New Trends in Physics. Brno: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, 2007.
s. 94-97. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078- 3.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; MAJZNER, J.; ŠIKULA, J. Noise and Electro- Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Polymer Based Conducting Layers. In Noise and Fluctuations. USA: American Institute of Physics, 2007.
s. 277-280. ISBN: 978-0-7354-0432- 8.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J. Thick Film Resistors Testing by Electro- Ultrasonic Spectroscopy. In Proceedings of CARTS USA 2007. USA: Electronic Components, Assemblies& Materials Association, 2007.
s. 321-328. ISBN: 0-7908-0114- 0.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; NAVAROVÁ, H.; PAVELKA, J.; HLÁVKA, J.; SITA, Z. Leakage Current, Noise and Reliability of NbO and Ta Capacitors. In Proceedings EMPC 2007. Finsko: IMAPS Nordic, 2007.
s. 436-441.
DetailŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; NAVAROVÁ, H.; HLÁVKA, J.; TACANO, M.; SITA, Z. Niobium Oxide and Tantalum Capacitors: Leakage Current and M-I- S Model Parameters. In Proceedings of CARTS USA 2007. USA: Electronic Components, Assemblies& Materials Association, 2007.
s. 337-345. ISBN: 0-7908-0114- 0.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Electro- ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Polymer Based and Cermet Thick Film Resistors. In Proceedings EMPC 2007. Finsko: IMAPS Nordic, 2007.
s. 450-455.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; MAJZNER, J. Electro-Ultrasonic Spectroscopy - New Method for Ppolymer Based Conducting Layers Characterisation. In Proceedings of the conference New Trends in Physics. Brno, ČR: Ústav fyziky FEKT VUT v Brně, 2007.
s. 130-133. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078- 3.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J. Thick Film Resistors Testing by Electro- Ultrasonic Spectroscopy. 2007, roč. 2007, č. Nov/ Dec,
s. 16-20.
DetailŠIKULA, J.; PAVELKA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HLÁVKA, J.; TACANO, M.; TOITA, M. RTS Noise and quantum transitions in submicron MOSFETs. In New Trends in Physics. Brno: VUT, 2007.
s. 138-141. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078- 3.
ŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HLÁVKA, J.; SITA, Z.; HÖSCHEL, P.; TACANO, M. Niobium Oxide and Tantalum Capacitors: Quantum Effects in Charge Carrier Transport. In Proceedings CARTS USA 2006 - The 26th Symposium for Passive Components. Orlando, Florida: Electronic Components, Assemblies and Materials Association, 2006.
s. 421 ( s.) ISBN: 0-7908-0108- 6.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., ŠIKULA, J. Charge carrier transport and noise in polymer based thick films. In 4th European Microelectronics and Packaging Symposium with Table-Top Exhibition - Proceedings. Slovinsko: MIDEM, 2006.
s. 15 ( s.) ISBN: 961-91023-4- 7.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; SEDLÁK, P.; ŠIKULA, J.; HÁJEK, K. Application of Electro- Ultrasonic Spectroscopy for NDT of Electronic Components. In Defektoskopie 2006 Proceeding. Brno: Czech Society for Nondestructive Testing, 2006.
s. 225 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-3290- X.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; SPIRALSKI, L. Polymer Based Thick Films - Material Quality and Interface Resistance Evaluation. In XXX International Conference of IMAPS Poland Chapter Proceedings. Krakow, Poland: Institute of Electron Technology - Cracow Division, 2006.
s. 95 ( s.) ISBN: 83-917701-3- 3.
s. Fr.1.5. 2 ( s.)
DetailŠIKULA, J., HEFNER, Š., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., HÁJEK, K. Electro- Ultrasonic Spectroscopy of Conducting Solids. In DGZfP Proceedings BB 103- CD. Berlin: DGZfP, 2006.
s. 150 ( s.) ISBN: 3- 931381.
DetailP. Sedlak, J. Majzner, J. Sikula and V. Sedlakova. Finite element model of noise in piezoceramic sensor. In Proceedings / EMPS 2006 - 4th European Microelectronics and Packaging Symposium with Table- Top Exhibition. Ljubljana, Slovenia: MIDEM, 2006.
s. 325 ( s.) ISBN: 961-91023-4- 7.
s. Fr.1.5. 2 ( s.) ISBN: 3- 931381.
DetailŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HLÁVKA, J.; SITA, Z. Charge Carrier Transport in NbO and Ta Capacitors in Temperature Range 100 to 300 K. In Proceeding of CARTS Europe 2006 - 20th annual passive components symposium. Bad Homburg, Německo: Electronic Components, Assemblies and Materials Association, 2006.
s. 189 ( s.) ISBN: 0-7908-0110- 8.
DetailŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; SITA, Z. Charge Carriers Transport and Noise in Niobium Oxide and Tantalum Capacitors. In EDS ' 06 IMAPS CS International Conference Proceedings. Brno, ČR: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný CSc., 2006.
s. 154 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-3246- 2.
ŠIKULA, J.; HLÁVKA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HÖSCHEL, P.; GRILL, R.; SITA, Z.; ZEDNÍČEK, T.; TACANO, M. Niobium Oxide and Tantalum Capacitors: M-I- S Model Parameters Comparison. In 25th Capacitor and Resistor Technology Symposium. Capacitor and Resistor Technology. 2005.
s. 244 ( s.) ISSN: 0887- 7491.
DetailP. Dobis, J. Brüstlová, V. Sedláková. Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 29G: Learning and Tutorial Supports for Bachelor Physics at Brno University of Technology. Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 29G. 4th International Conference on Physics Teaching in Engineering Education - PTEE 2005. Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 29G. Brno: European Physical Society, 2005.
s. 7- 2 ( s.) ISBN: 2-914771-28- 2.
DetailP. Dobis, J. Brüstlová, V. Sedláková. Learning and Tutorial Supports for Bachelor Physics at Brno University of Technology. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physics Teaching in Engineering Education - PTEE 2005. Brno: European Physical Society and European Society for Engineering Education, 2005.
s. 72 ( s.) ISBN: 80-903063-6- 5.
DetailPAVELKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., ŠIKULA, J., HAVRÁNEK, J., TACANO, M., HASHIGUCHI, S., TOITA, M. RTS in Submicron MOSFETs: High Field Effects. In Noise and Fluctuations, 18th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations - ICNF 2005, AIP Conference Proceedings 780. Salamanka, Španělsko: University of Salamanca, 2005.
s. 339 ( s.) ISBN: 0-7354-0267- 1.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., ŠIKULA, J. Charge Carrier Transport in Polymer- Based Thick Resistive Films. In 24th Capacitor and Resistor Technology Symposium. Capacitor and Resistor Technology. 2005.
s. 93 ( s.) ISSN: 0887- 7491.
DetailGRILL, R. Tantalum and Niobium Capacitors: Technology and Characteristic Parameters Comparison. In 15th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference Proceedings. Bruggy, Belgie: IMAPS Benelux, 2005.
s. 540 ( s.)
DetailTACANO, M., ŠIKULA, J., HLÁVKA, J., PAVELKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. RTS Noise in Submicron MOSFETs: Low and High Field Effects. In Proceedings of EDS'05 Electronic Devices and Systems IMAPS CS Int. Conf. Brno: VUT, 2005.
s. XV ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-2990- 9.
DetailŠIKULA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HLÁVKA, J.; HÖSCHEL, P.; SITA, Z.; ZEDNÍČEK, T.; TACANO, M.; HASHIGUCHI, S. Transport and Noise Characteristics of Niobium Oxide and Tantalum Capacitors. In 25th Capacitor and Resistor Technology Symposium. Capacitor and Resistor Technology. 2005.
s. 210 ( s.) ISSN: 0887- 7491.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ŠIKULA, J.; GRMELA, L.; HÖSCHEL, P.; SITA, Z.; HASHIGUCHI, S.; TACANO, M. Noise and Carge Storage in Nb2O5 Thin Films. In Noise and Fluctuations. United States of America: American Institute of Physics, 2005.
s. 135 ( s.) ISBN: 0-7354-0267- 1.
ŠIKULA, J.; HLÁVKA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; HÖSCHEL, P.; ZEDNÍČEK, T.; SITA, Z. Charge Carrier Transport and Storage in NbO Capacitors. In Proceedings of 18th European Passive Components Conference. United Kingdom: ECA - Electronic Components, Assemblies & Materials Association, 2004.
s. 178 ( s.)
DetailŠIKULA, J., HLÁVKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., GRMELA, L. Conductivity mechanisms and breakdown of NbO capacitors. In 24th Capacitor and Resistor Technology Symposium. Capacitor and Resistor Technology. U.S.A.: ECA, 2004.
s. 141 ( s.) ISSN: 0887- 7491.
DetailŠIKULA, J., PAVELKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., TACANO, M., HASHIGUCHI, S., TOITA, M. RTS in submicron MOSFETs and quantum dots. In Proceedings of SPIE - Noise and Information in Nanoelectronics, Sensors, and Standards II. United States of America: The Society of Photo- Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 2004.
s. 64 ( s.) ISBN: 0-8194-5394- 3.
DetailŠIKULA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., DOBIS, P. Noise and Non- Linearity as Reliability Indicators of Electronic Devices. Informacije MIDEM, 2004, roč. 2003, č. 4,
s. 213-221. ISSN: 0352- 9045.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., MELKES, F., DOBIS, P., ŠIKULA, J., TACANO, M., HASHIGUCHI, S. Non- lineartiy changes induced by current stress in thick film resistors. In 24th Capacitor and Resistor Technology Symposium. Capacitor and Resistor Technology. U.S.A.: ECA, 2004.
s. 154 ( s.) ISSN: 0887- 7491.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., ŠIKULA, J. Thick film resistor characterisation by non- linearity and resistance change after high voltage stress. In New Trends in Physics - Proceedings of the Conference. Brno: Department of Physics FEEC, Brno University of Technology, 2004.
s. 88 ( s.) ISBN: 80-7355-024- 5.
DetailHÁJEK, K., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., MAJZNER, J., HEFNER, Š., ŠIKULA, J. Non-linearity and noise characterisation of thick- film resistors after high voltage stress. In Proceedings of the 3rd European Microelectronics and Packaging Symposium with Table Top Exhibition. Lanskroun: IMAPS CZ& SK Chapter, 2004.
s. 421 ( s.) ISBN: 80-239-2835- X.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., SEDLÁK, P., ŠIKULA, J., ROČAK, D., HROVAT, M., SANTO-ZARNIK, M., BELAVIC, D. Analysis of silver diffusion into thick film resistor layers. In Proceedings of 3rd European Microelectronics and Packaging Symposium with Table- Top Exhibition. Lanskroun: IMAPS CZ& SK Chapter, 2004.
s. 660 ( s.) ISBN: 80-239-2835- X.
BELAVIC, D., ROCAK, D., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., HROVAT, M., ŠIKULA, J., PAVELKA, J. An Investigation of Noise, Nonlinearity, and Long-Term Stability of Thick- Film Resistors. In Noise and Non- linearity Testing of Modern Electronic Components. Brno: CNRL, 2003.
s. 40 ( s.) ISBN: 80-238-9094- 8.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., BRÜSTLOVÁ, J., ŠIKULA, J., HLÁVKA, J., COCKER, J., ADAMS, K., GREENHILL, D. Noise of carbon/ graphite thick conducting films. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference Noise and Fluctuations. Czech Republic: CNRL s.r.o., 2003.
s. 201 ( s.) ISBN: 80-239-1005- 1.
DetailŠIKULA, J., DOBIS, P., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Noise and non- linearity as reliability indicators of electronic devices. In MIDEM 2003 Conference Proceedings. Slovenia: MIDEM Slovenia, 2003.
s. 3 ( s.) ISBN: 961-91023-1- 2.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., MELKES, F., ŠIKULA, J., DOBIS, P., ROČAK, D., BELAVIČ, D., TACANO, M., HASHIGUCHI, S. Current density distribution, noise and non- linearity of thick film resistors. In Proceedings of 14th European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference. Německo: IMAPS Germany, 2003.
s. 127 ( s.)
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., DOBIS, P., ŠIKULA, J., HOSCHL, P., SITA, Z., ZEDNÍČEK, T. Low Frequency Noise of Nb2O5 Thin Insulating Films. In Proceedings of the 17th International Nonference Noise and Fluctuations ICNF 2003. Czech Republic: CNRL s.r.o., 2003.
s. 141 ( s.) ISBN: 80-239-1005- 1.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., BRÜSTLOVÁ, J., ŠIKULA, J., HLÁVKA, J., COCKER, J., ADAMS, K., GREENHILL, D. Noise of carbon/ graphite thick conducting films. In Noise and Fluctuations. Brno: CNRL, 2003.
s. 201 ( s.) ISBN: 80-239-1005- 1.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., MELKES, F., GRMELA, L., DOBIS, P., ŠIKULA, J., TACANO, M., ROČAK, D., BELAVIČ, D. The effect of silver diffusion from contact electrode into thick film resistors. In CARTS - EUROPE 2003 Proceedings. United Kingdom: Electronic Components Institute Internationale Ltd., 2003.
s. 201 ( s.) ISBN: 0887- 7491.
DetailŠIKULA, J., HLÁVKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., GRMELA, L., HOSCHL, P., ZEDNÍČEK, T. Conductivity mechanisms, breakdown and noise characteristics of niobium oxide capacitors. In CARTS - EUROPE 2003 Proceedings. United Kingdom: Electronic Components Institute Internationale Ltd., 2003.
s. 281 ( s.) ISBN: 0887- 7491.
DetailŠIKULA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., GRMELA, L., VRBA, R., MELKES, F., ROCAK, D., BELAVIC, D., TACANO, M., HASHIGUCHI, S. Current density distribution, noise and non- linearity of thick film resistors. In 23rd Capacitor and Resistor Technology Symposium. Capacitor and Resistor Technology. U.S.A.: 2003.
s. 112 ( s.) ISSN: 0887- 7491.
ŠIKULA, J., KOKTAVÝ, P., KOŘENSKÁ, M., PAVELKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., LOKAJÍČEK, T. Kinetika vzniku trhlin v žule při rostoucím zatěžování. NDT Welding Bulletin, 2002, roč. 2002, č. 2,
s. 17 ( s.) ISSN: 1213- 3825.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., PAVELKA, J., GRMELA, L., ŠIKULA, J., ROČAK, D., HROVAT, M., BELAVIČ, D. NOISE AND NON-LINEARITY OF THICK- FILM RESISTORS. In Proceedings of European Microelectronics packaging & interconection Symposium. Krakow, Poland: IMAPS - Poland Chapter, 2002.
s. 320 ( s.) ISBN: 83-904462-8- 6.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V. NDT of thick film resistors by noise spectroscopy. In Proceedings of 8th Conference STUDENT EEICT 2002. Brno: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc., 2002.
s. 244 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-2115- 0.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., KOKTAVÝ, P., PAVELKA, J. Partial Discharges and Acoustic Emission in M-I- M Structures. In Noise and Non- linearity Testing of Modern Electronic Components. Brno: Ing. Zdeněk Novotný, CSc., 2002.
s. 140 ( s.) ISBN: 80-238-9094- 8.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., MELKES, F., ŠIKULA, J., DOBIS, P., ROČAK, D., BELAVIČ, D. Influence od Contact Electrode on Thick Film Resistors Noice and Nonlinerity. In Proc. of 38th International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials. Lipica, Slonenia: 2002.
s. 245 ( s.) ISBN: 961-91023-0- 4.
DetailŠIKULA, J., KOKTAVÝ, P., KOŘENSKÁ, M., PAVELKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., LOKAJÍČEK, T. Kinetics of the Cracks Creation in Granite Under Ramp Loading. NDT Welding Bulletin, 2002, roč. 2002, č. 2,
s. 17 ( s.) ISSN: 1213- 3825.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V., MELKES, F., ŠIKULA, J., ROČAK, D., BELAVIČ, D., TACANO, M. Effect of Contact Electrode on Noise and Nonlinearity of Thick-Film Resistor. In Proc. of 16th Symp. CARTS Europe 2002. Nice, France: 2002.
s. 171 ( s.) ISBN: 0887- 7491.
DetailPAVELKA, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; VAŠINA, P.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; TACANO, M.; HASHIGUCHI, S. Noise and transport characterisation of tantalum capacitors. Microelectronics Reliability, 2002, roč. 42, č. 6,
s. 841 ( s.) ISSN: 0026- 2714.
DetailŠIKULA, J.; HLÁVKA, J.; PAVELKA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; GRMELA, L.; TACANO, M.; HASHIGUCHI, S. Low Frequency Noise of Tantalum Capacitors. Active and Passive Electronic ComponentsISSN, 2002, roč. 25, č. 2,
s. 161 ( s.) ISSN: 0882- 7516.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V. NDT of thick film resistors by noise spectroscopy. In Proceedings of 8th ECNDT. Leganes, Madrid: Spanish Society for NDT AEND, 2002.
s. 215 ( s.) ISBN: 84-699-8573- 6.
DetailROČAK, D.; BELAVIČ, D.; HROVAT, M.; ŠIKULA, J.; KOKTAVÝ, P.; PAVELKA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Low-Frequency Noise of Thick- Film Resistors as Quality and Reliability Indicator. Microelectronics Reliability, 2002, roč. 41, č. 4,
s. 531-542. ISSN: 0026- 2714.
DetailŠIKULA, J., KOKTAVÝ, P., KOŘENSKÁ, M., PAVELKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., LOKAJÍČEK, T. Kinetics of the Cracks Creation in Granite Under Ramp loading. NDT Welding Bulletin, 2002, roč. 2002, č. 12,
s. 4 ( s.) ISSN: 1213- 3825.
SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., KOKTAVÝ, P., PAVELKA, J. Acoustic emission and partial discharges in M-I- M capacitors. In Proceedings of NDT in Progress. Třešť: DGZfP a ČNDT, 2001.
s. 291 ( s.) ISBN: 80-238-7263- X.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Noise Spectroscopy of Thick Film Resistors. In Sborník příspěvků konference Nové trendy ve fyzice. Brno: ÚFYZ FEI VUT Brno, 2001.
s. 117 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-1992- X.
DetailPAVELKA, J., KOKTAVÝ, P., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V. Acoustic Emission Generated by Partial Discharges in Insulating Materials. In Proceedings of 31st International Conference Defektoskopie 2001. Praha: Česká společnost pro nedestruktivní testování, 2001.
s. 215 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-2002- 2.
DetailŠIKULA, J., HLÁVKA, J., PAVELKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., GRMELA, L., TACANO, M., HASHIGUCHI, S. Low Frequency Noise of Tantalum Capacitors. In Proceedings of CARTS- Euro 2001. Kodaň, Dánsko: Electronic Components Institute Internationale Ltd., 2001.
s. 81 ( s.)
DetailŠIKULA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., KOKTAVÝ, P., PAVELKA, J., MAJZNER, J. Electromagnetic and acoustic emission in solids. In Sborník příspěvků konference Nové trendy ve fyzice. Brno: ÚFYZ FEI VUT Brno, 2001.
s. 123 ( s.) ISBN: 80-214-1992- X.
DetailSEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; PAVELKA, J.; ŠIKULA, J.; ROČAK, D.; HROVAT, M.; BELAVIČ, D. Low Frequency Noise and Third Harmonic Testing of Thick Film Resistors as Reliability Indicators. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Noise in Physical Systems and 1/ f Fluctuations ICNF 2001. Gainesville, Florida, USA: World Scientific, 2001.
s. 747 ( s.) ISBN: 981-02-4677- 3.
DetailŠIKULA, J., PAVELKA, J., HLÁVKA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., GRMELA, L., TACANO, M., HASHIGUCHI, S. The Tantalum Capacitor as a MIS Structure in Reverse Mode. In Proceedings of 21st Capacitor and Resistor technology Symposium CARTS US 2001. Huntsville, Alabama, USA: Components Technology Institute, Inc., 2001.
s. 289 ( s.) ISBN: 0887- 7491.
DetailPAVELKA, J., ŠIKULA, J., SEDLÁKOVÁ, V., GRMELA, L., TACANO, M., HASHIGUCHI, S. Low Frequency Noise of Thin Ta2O5 Amorphous Films. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference Noise in Physical Systems and 1/ f Fluctuations ICNF 2001. Gainesville, Florida, USA: World Scientific, 2001.
s. 91 ( s.) ISBN: 981-02-4677- 3.
ŠIKULA, J.; KOKTAVÝ, B.; PAVELKA, J.; KOKTAVÝ, P.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; LOKAJÍČEK, T.; TACANO, M.; HASHIGUCHI, S. Cracks Detection by Electromagnetic and Acoustic Emission. In Proc. of the 15th World Conf. on Non-Destructive Testing WCNDT, October 15-21, Rome, Italy, (2000). 2000.
s. 397-400.
ŠIKULA, J.; KOKTAVÝ, B.; PAVELKA, J.; SEDLÁKOVÁ, V.; ROČAK, D.; BELAVIČ, D.; TACANO, M. Charge transport and noise sources in thick conducting films. In Proceedings of 13th European Passive Components Symposium CARTS-Europe ' 99. UK: Electronic Components Institute Internationale Ltd., 1999.
s. 163 ( s.)
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