
Graphic Design Studio 1

Original title in Czech: bez specializaceFaVUAbbreviation: ---Acad. year: 2024/2025

Programme: Design

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1OBAT1Studio 1cs8Compulsoryyes
1RanPAOrientation FaVUcs1Compulsoryyes
1PeDe1Perspectives in Design 1cs4Compulsoryyes
1-D-VPSP1Semester Project Presentation 1cs4Compulsoryyes
POGR2D-ZDTP and Graphics 2D - wintercs2Compulsory-optional1yes
KV1Book Binding 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
13DPZ3D Models Making for Beginners (winter)cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
ST2-ZContemporary technologies of spatial creation 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
VK1-ZLife Drawing 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
ZADIVI-ZBasics of Digital Videocs3Compulsory-optional1yes
ZAFOTBasics of Photography 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ZGT1Foundations of Printmaking 1 – Relief Printmakingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
ZKTBasics of Ceramicscs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1-2DO-12D Machining 1 – Laser and CNC technologycs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ODI-Z3D Optical digitalization 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1APINV-ZEnglish Pre- Intermediate Higher 1 (winter)en2Electiveyes
1AINBA-ZEnglish Intermediate BA 1 - zimníen3Electiveyes
1UPPV-ZEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 3 - BA - Winteren3Electiveyes
1SU-1Introduction to sociological thinkingcs2Electiveyes
1ZSKBasics of Study Drawing 1cs2Electiveyes
1ZAJ-B1-2English language exam – B1, B2en1Electiveyes
1. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1OBAT2Studio 2cs8Compulsoryyes
1PeDe2Perspectives in Design 2cs4Compulsoryyes
1-D-VPSP2Semester Project Presentation 2cs4Compulsoryyes
DEGD1Graphic Design History 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
POGR2D-LDTP and Graphics 2D - summercs2Compulsory-optional1yes
KV2Book Binding 2cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
13DPZ3D Models Making for Beginners (summer)cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
ST2-LContemporary technologies of spatial creation 2cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
VK1-LLife Drawing 2cs3Compulsory-optional1yes
1ZAFOT2Basics of Photography 2cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ZGT2Foundations of Printmaking 2 – Intaglio Printmakingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1-2DO-22D Machining 2 – 3D Object Processingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ODI-L3D Optical digitalization 2cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1AINBA-LEnglish Intermediate BA 2 - Summeren3Electiveyes
1APINV-LEnglish Pre-Intermediate higher 2 (summer]en3Electiveyes
1UPPV-LEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 4 - BA - Summeren3Electiveyes
1SU-2Sociology and Artcs2Electiveyes
1ZSK2Basics of Study Drawing 2cs2Electiveyes
2. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1DTD1Design History and Theory 1cs4Compulsoryyes
1MDP1Methodology of design process 1cs3Compulsoryyes
1OBAT3Studio 3cs8Compulsoryyes
1-D-VPSP3Semester Project Presentation 3cs4Compulsoryyes
ATGDGraphic design topics of todaycs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1AHS-LApplied game studies – research and designcs3Compulsory-optional1yes
1HERDES-ZSGame Design – Board Gamescs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1HS-ZGame Studiescs3Compulsory-optional1yes
1RH-1Rhinoceros 1 – 3D Modelling for Artists and Designerscs2Compulsory-optional1yes
RIS1RISO Labcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1SPAD1Software prototyping of audiovisual work 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
TEAUDI-ZAudio Technologiescs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1TTaP1Typography and Type Design 1cs3Compulsory-optional1yes
VK1-ZLife Drawing 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
VK2-ZLife Drawing 3cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
VKO-ZVisual Composition in Time 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
VSDH1Visual Digital Game Styles 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ZGT3Foundations of Printmaking 3 – Etchingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ZGT5Foundations and Printmaking – Screenprintingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ZHERVIntroduction to Game Developmentcs4Compulsory-optional1yes
OBRPO-LBasics of Motion Designcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1DS-Z3D Printing and Digital Fabrication for Creative Industries 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1AINBA-ZEnglish Intermediate BA 1 - zimníen3Electiveyes
1UPPV-ZEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 3 - BA - Winteren3Electiveyes
CVKCzechoslovakian Visual Culture 1945–1970cs3Electiveno
DKFI-ZThe History and Context of Photography 1cs3Electiveyes
DAFHistory of Animationcs3Electiveyes
KLHU1Club Music 1cs2Electiveyes
KV1Book Binding 1cs2Electiveyes
KOHISO-ZComics – History and Presentcs3Electiveyes
KREAP1Creative Programming 1cs2Electiveyes
1TVuP1Creative Writing 1cs2Electiveyes
1TZGT1Theoretical foundations of printmaking 1cs3Electiveyes
1TETVTextile workshop 1cs2Electiveyes
ZPS1Basics of Psychology 1cs3Electiveyes
1ZAJ-B1-2English language exam – B1, B2en1Electiveyes
2. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1DTD2Design History and Theory 2cs4Compulsoryyes
1MDP2Methodology of design process 2cs3Compulsoryyes
1OBAT4Studio 4cs8Compulsoryyes
1-D-VPSP4Semester Project Presentation 4cs4Compulsoryyes
1ZT-LAudio Workshopcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1AutIlOriginal illustrationscs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1CNCOCNC Machining – Robots in Artistic Practicecs2Compulsory-optional1yes
DEGD2Graphic Design History 2cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1HERDESGame Design – Digital Gamescs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1MODPAdvanced Motion Designcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1RH-2Rhinoceros 2 – Generative design in Grasshoppercs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1SPAD2Software prototyping of audiovisual work 2cs3Compulsory-optional1yes
1TTaP2Typography and Type Design 2cs3Compulsory-optional1yes
VK1-LLife Drawing 2cs3Compulsory-optional1yes
VK2-LLife Drawing 4cs3Compulsory-optional1yes
VKO-LVisual Composition in Time 2cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
VSDH2Visual Digital Game Styles 2cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ZGT4Foundations of Printmaking 3 – Litographycs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1DS-23D Printing and Digital Fabrication for Creative Industries 2cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1AINBA-LEnglish Intermediate BA 2 - Summeren3Electiveyes
1UPPV-LEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 4 - BA - Summeren3Electiveyes
DKFII-LThe History and Context of Photography 2cs3Electiveyes
KLAGRAFClassical Printmaking: Technology - History - Practicecs2Electiveno
KLHU2Club Music 2cs2Electiveyes
KV2Book Binding 2cs2Electiveyes
KREAP2Creative Programming 2cs2Electiveyes
1TVuP2Creative Writing 2cs2Electiveyes
1PAPTIntroduction to Academic Skillscs2Electiveyes
1TZGT2Theoretical Foundations of Printmaking 2cs3Electiveyes
1TETV2Textile Workshop 2cs2Electiveyes
TAPArtist’s Portfolio Designcs2Electiveyes
1ZMPIntroduction to Paintingcs2Electiveyes
ZPS2Basics of Psychology 2cs3Electiveyes
3. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1-D-OdPProfessional Internshipcs26Compulsoryyes
1-D-VPPPProfessional Internship Reportcs4Compulsoryyes
3. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1DTD3Design History and Theory 3cs4Compulsoryyes
1OBAT5Studio 5cs8Compulsoryyes
STDESContemporary Theory of Designcs2Compulsoryyes
1-D-VPSP5Semester Project Presentation 5cs4Compulsoryyes
1ZT-LAudio Workshopcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1AutIlOriginal illustrationscs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1CNCOCNC Machining – Robots in Artistic Practicecs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1DGP-ZDigital games prototypingcs3Compulsory-optional1yes
1GTPP3Advanced Printmaking – Etchingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1GTPP4Advanced Printmaking – Lithographycs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1GTPP5Advanced Printmaking – Screenprintingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1KADH-LDigital Games Critical Analysescs3Compulsory-optional1yes
1MODPAdvanced Motion Designcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
PR1-LVideogram 2en2Compulsory-optional1yes
1AINBA-LEnglish Intermediate BA 2 - Summeren3Electiveyes
1UPPV-LEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 4 - BA - Summeren3Electiveyes
AIS-LArtists and Issuesen4Electiveyes
DEGD1Graphic Design History 1cs2Electiveyes
DEGD2Graphic Design History 2cs2Electiveyes
KREAP3Creative coding 3cs2Electiveyes
1PAPTIntroduction to Academic Skillscs2Electiveyes
1PDU-1919th Century Art History Overviewcs3Electiveyes
1PDU20-220th Century History of Art Overview 2cs3Electiveyes
1TZGT2Theoretical Foundations of Printmaking 2cs3Electiveyes
1TETV2Textile Workshop 2cs2Electiveyes
TAPArtist’s Portfolio Designcs2Electiveyes
1ZMPIntroduction to Paintingcs2Electiveyes
4. year of study, winter semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1-D-BAKS-1BA in Design Seminar 1cs5Compulsoryno
1DTD4Design History and Theory 4cs4Compulsoryno
1OBAT6Studio 6cs8Compulsoryno
1-D-VPSP6Semester Project Presentation 6cs4Compulsoryno
1AHS-LApplied game studies – research and designcs3Compulsory-optional1yes
1GTPP1Advanced Printmaking – Relief Printmakingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1GTPP2Advanced Printmaking – Intaglio Printmakingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1HS-ZGame Studiescs3Compulsory-optional1yes
RIS1RISO Labcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
PR1-ZVideogram 1en2Compulsory-optional1yes
VKO-ZVisual Composition in Time 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
VSDH1Visual Digital Game Styles 1cs2Compulsory-optional1yes
1ZGT3Foundations of Printmaking 3 – Etchingcs2Compulsory-optional1yes
ATGDGraphic design topics of todaycs2Electiveyes
1AINBA-ZEnglish Intermediate BA 1 - zimníen3Electiveyes
1UPPV-ZEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 3 - BA - Winteren3Electiveyes
CVKCzechoslovakian Visual Culture 1945–1970cs3Electiveno
DAFHistory of Animationcs3Electiveyes
1HERDES-ZSGame Design – Board Gamescs2Electiveyes
1DU20-120th Century Art History overview 1cs3Electiveno
1FPMUSelf-management in the artscs2Electiveyes
UDKSAIntroduction to Cultural and Social Anthropology cs3Electiveyes
VK3-ZLife Drawing 5cs2Electiveyes
1ZAJ-B1-2English language exam – B1, B2en1Electiveyes
4. year of study, summer semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
1-D-BAKS-2BA in Design Seminar 2cs5Compulsoryno
1OBAT7Studio 7cs8Compulsoryno
1-D-PRZPMid-term Thesis Presentationcs10Compulsoryno
1AINBA-LEnglish Intermediate BA 2 - Summeren3Electiveyes
1UPPV-LEnglish Upper Intermediate Higher 4 - BA - Summeren3Electiveyes
All the groups of optional courses
Gr. Number of ECTS credits Courses
1 8 cr - 13 cr DEGD1 (2 cr), POGR2D-L (2 cr), KV2 (2 cr), 13DPZ (2 cr), ST2-L (2 cr), VK1-L (3 cr), 1ZAFOT2 (2 cr), 1ZGT2 (2 cr), 1-2DO-2 (2 cr), 1ODI-L (2 cr)
1 10 cr - 13 cr POGR2D-Z (2 cr), KV1 (2 cr), 13DPZ (2 cr), ST2-Z (2 cr), VK1-Z (2 cr), ZADIVI-Z (3 cr), ZAFOT (2 cr), 1ZGT1 (2 cr), ZKT (2 cr), 1-2DO-1 (2 cr), 1ODI-Z (2 cr)
1 6 cr - 19 cr 1ZT-L (2 cr), 1AutIl (2 cr), 1CNCO (2 cr), DEGD2 (2 cr), 1HERDES (2 cr), 1MODP (2 cr), 1RH-2 (2 cr), 1SPAD2 (3 cr), 1TTaP2 (3 cr), VK1-L (3 cr), VK2-L (3 cr), VKO-L (2 cr), VSDH2 (2 cr), 1ZGT4 (2 cr), 1DS-2 (2 cr)
1 6 cr - 19 cr ATGD (2 cr), 1AHS-L (3 cr), 1HERDES-ZS (2 cr), 1HS-Z (3 cr), 1RH-1 (2 cr), RIS1 (2 cr), 1SPAD1 (2 cr), TEAUDI-Z (2 cr), 1TTaP1 (3 cr), VK1-Z (2 cr), VK2-Z (2 cr), VKO-Z (2 cr), VSDH1 (2 cr), 1ZGT3 (2 cr), 1ZGT5 (2 cr), 1ZHERV (4 cr), OBRPO-L (2 cr), 1DS-Z (2 cr)
1 6 cr - 10 cr 1ZT-L (2 cr), 1AutIl (2 cr), AUP-L (1 cr), 1CNCO (2 cr), 1DGP-Z (3 cr), 1GTPP3 (2 cr), 1GTPP4 (2 cr), 1GTPP5 (2 cr), 1KADH-L (3 cr), 1MODP (2 cr), PR1-L (2 cr)
1 4 cr - 6 cr 1AHS-L (3 cr), 1GTPP1 (2 cr), 1GTPP2 (2 cr), 1HS-Z (3 cr), RIS1 (2 cr), PR1-Z (2 cr), VKO-Z (2 cr), VSDH1 (2 cr), 1ZGT3 (2 cr)